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Last active May 12, 2016 04:11
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Save sleekweasel/139e3eb45b5c215b001e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TeamCity - reboot dependency

To use:

  1. Create a 'reboot' project with the reboot script in it. You'll need to encode the root password in the script so it can run shutdown, or otherwise arrange access to 'shutdown'.
  2. Create a 'await reboot' project with the await script in it. Add the 'reboot' project as a snapshot dependency, that will mark the build as failed if it fails.
  3. Add the plist to your /Library/LaunchAgent/ directory, or add the equivalent 'sed' script into your /etc/rc.local script for proper Unixes.
  4. Add the 'await reboot' project as a dependency to your real build.
echo This task runs after the reboot task, as a buffer between the reboot script and the real reboot.
echo That is, THIS task will get all the INTERRUPTED errors, not the real scripts.
# Note: This script depends on the host machine's reboot process removing the 'rebooting=true' line from the
# See the plist in this gist, or add it to your rc.local.
echo Uptime:
echo Infinite loop until machine reboot, unless reboot is already complete:
while grep rebooting=yes $HOME/buildAgent/conf/; do
echo $(date) Awaiting reboot to interrupt task and clear rebooting=yes from file.
sleep 15
echo "Adding system.rebooting=yes and rebooting=yes in properties, which now has..."
echo rebooting=yes >> $HOME/buildAgent/conf/
echo system.rebooting=yes >> $HOME/buildAgent/conf/
grep rebooting=yes $HOME/buildAgent/conf/
TC_SERVER=$(grep '^teamcity.serverUrl' $CONFIG_PROPERTIES | cut -d= -f2)
BUILD_ID=$(grep '^' $CONFIG_PROPERTIES | cut -d= -f2)
STATUS=$( echo "${TC_SERVER}/guestAuth/app/rest/builds/id:${BUILD_ID}" | tr -d \\ )
echo Polling $STATUS in background until parent task cannot be confirmed still running. Reboot will follow.
while true; do
sleep 5
if curl -s $STATUS | xmllint --xpath "//build/@running" - | grep true ; then
/bin/echo "PASSWORD" | /usr/bin/sudo -p "" -S /sbin/shutdown -r now
) 2>/dev/null >/dev/null &)&
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
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