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TimBav sleekweasel

  • Badoo
  • Luton/London UK
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sleekweasel / command
Created July 20, 2017 13:34
rvm doesn't like jruby
[14:31:30]~/git/bma-calabash (CAL-2855_Try_JRuby)$ cd ..
[14:32:00]~/git$ cd bma-calabash
ruby-2.3.3,:engine=>jruby,:engine_version=> is not installed.
To install do: 'rvm install ruby-2.3.3,:engine=>jruby,:engine_version=>'
[14:32:03]~/git/bma-calabash (CAL-2855_Try_JRuby)$ rvm install 'ruby-2.3.3,:engine=>jruby,:engine_version=>'
Unknown ruby interpreter version (do not know how to handle): :engine=>jruby.
Unknown ruby interpreter version (do not know how to handle): :engine_version=>
Already installed ruby-2.3.3.
To reinstall use:
sleekweasel / README
Last active July 17, 2017 14:57
Patches to allow remote access to adbd on a Linux host
See also
Two patches in one:
1. Filter devices by USB VID:PID and USB bus device on Linux, in case you need to segregate devices onto different
ADB dameons running on different server ports (like we needed several groups of Samsung phones, and they re-use
their VID:PID for ALL devives):
ADB_DEV_BUS_USB=/dev/bus/usb/bus01 \
ADB_VID_PID_FILTER=1234:8794,1344:2334 \
ANDROID_ADB_SERVER_PORT=9123 adb devices
sleekweasel / session
Last active February 1, 2017 17:02
SLES/Docker locale issue caused by missing mkdir /usr/lib/locale and needing to re-start bash
9f2a7296bd3e:/ # zypper in glibc-i18ndata
9f2a7296bd3e:/ # localedef -v -c -i en_GB -f UTF-8 en_GB.UTF-8
/usr/share/i18n/locales/en_GB:23: non-symbolic character value should not be used
/usr/share/i18n/locales/en_GB:24: non-symbolic character value should not be used
/usr/share/i18n/locales/en_GB:25: non-symbolic character value should not be used
/usr/share/i18n/locales/en_GB:26: non-symbolic character value should not be used
/usr/share/i18n/locales/en_GB:27: non-symbolic character value should not be used
/usr/share/i18n/locales/en_GB:30: non-symbolic character value should not be used
/usr/share/i18n/locales/en_GB:31: non-symbolic character value should not be used
/usr/share/i18n/locales/en_GB:32: non-symbolic character value should not be used
sleekweasel / patch
Created January 30, 2017 10:05
~/git/calabash-android (master)$ git show 0acc0d1d98e485336c3a37b599a8b052063e85a4 > patch
commit 0acc0d1d98e485336c3a37b599a8b052063e85a4
Author: Tim Baverstock <>
Date: Fri May 29 18:18:36 2015 +0100
Retrieve Jacoco coverage
diff --git a/ruby-gem/lib/calabash-android/helpers.rb b/ruby-gem/lib/calabash-android/helpers.rb
index c94c768..485aa31 100755
--- a/ruby-gem/lib/calabash-android/helpers.rb
+++ b/ruby-gem/lib/calabash-android/helpers.rb
sleekweasel /
Last active January 5, 2017 15:11
Videocapture applescript needs clickdrag.m to do its mouse clicking.

CLI video capture for iOS: the applescript uses the clickdrag tool to select the given window.

  • To start recording Simulator: osascript videocapture.scpt start Simulator 1 /Users/username/bin/clickdrag
  • To stop recording and save movie: osascript videoccapture.scpt stop /Users/username/Movies/somename
  • To stop recording without saving movie: osascript videocapture.scpt stop

Used by for automatic recording of test execution in cucumber.

Probably, if I renamed 'videocapture.scpt' to 'videocapture.applescript' and put a #!env osascript line at the start, it would be better.

require 'socket'
# Crappy REDIS for the Linux agents, to avoid having to install redis everywhere.
# Would have been better had I realised the manual mode wasn't the standard.
# NB:
# env.LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8
class SkankyRedis
def initialize
# Logs to stdout, maintaining an xmessage based status.
# Messages starting with space are appended.
# Magic { & } 2>/dev/null stuff is to suppress job control noise.
xlog() {
[ -n "$XM_PID" ] && { kill $XM_PID && wait $XM_PID ; } 2>/dev/null
echo === ${XM_STATE} "$*"
case "$*" in (' '*) XM_MESSAGE+="
2016-07-19 12:52:19:487 - info: [Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.5.3 (REV 62d39fdb5ec180e37b10f5dd95b647001b9b02f7)
2016-07-19 12:52:19:488 - info: [Appium] Non-default server args:
2016-07-19 12:52:19:489 - info: [Appium] port: 1235
2016-07-19 12:52:19:490 - info: [Appium] sessionOverride: true
2016-07-19 12:52:19:490 - info: [Appium] log: '/tmp/appiumj.log'
2016-07-19 12:52:19:490 - info: [Appium] loglevel: 'error:debug'
2016-07-19 12:52:19:490 - info: [Appium] logNoColors: true
2016-07-19 12:52:19:537 - info: [Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on
2016-07-19 12:52:30:335 - info: [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session {"desiredCapabilities":{"platformName":"ios","platformVersion":"9.3","deviceName":"iPhone 6","app":"/tmp/","autoAcceptAlerts":false,"bundleId":"com.moxco.bumble","newCommandTimeout":305,"showIOSLog":false,"fullReset":true}}
2016-07-19 12:52:30:336 - info: [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.createSession() with args: [{"platformName":"ios","pla...
sleekweasel / Dependent await reboot complete task
Last active May 12, 2016 04:11
TeamCity - reboot dependency
echo This task runs after the reboot task, as a buffer between the reboot script and the real reboot.
echo That is, THIS task will get all the INTERRUPTED errors, not the real scripts.
# Note: This script depends on the host machine's reboot process removing the 'rebooting=true' line from the
# See the plist in this gist, or add it to your rc.local.
echo Uptime:
echo Infinite loop until machine reboot, unless reboot is already complete: