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Created October 6, 2010 23:55
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Git config file
# global gitignore
excludesfile = /path/to/global/.gitignore
# this is the default, but make sure anyway :)
editor = /usr/bin/vim
# make pager use tabstops of 4 spaces instead of 8 (also don't wrap lines)
pager = /usr/bin/less -S -x4
# information about you that will appear in commit history
name = <Your Display Name>
email = <Your Email>
# if git doesn't recognize a command, wait three seconds then execute the closest match
autocorrect = 30
# yay, color for everything
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
# ignore trailing whitespace
whitespace = nowarn
# setup newly created tracking branches to rebase (on pull) by default
autosetupmerge = true
autosetuprebase = remote
# use new 1.7.4 autosquash goodness (commit messages beginning with 'fixup!' or 'squash!)
autosquash = true
# pushes current (tracking) branch to it's upstream branch without having to specify
default = upstream
ai = add --interactive
ap = add --patch
d = diff
dc = diff --cached
b = branch
ba = branch -a
ci = commit
cia = commit --amend
ciaa = commit --amend -a
cif = !sh -c 'git commit -m \"fixup! $(git log -1 --format='\\''%s'\\'' $@)\"' -
cim = commit -m
cima = commit -a -m
co = checkout
cp = cherry-pick
ri = rebase --interactive
rc = rebase --continue
ra = rebase --abort
rp = remote prune origin
sh = show HEAD
sl = stash list
sp = stash pop
ss = stash save
st = status
l = log -n 15 --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %Cred%an %Cgreen%ar%n %Creset%s%n'
wc = whatchanged -n 1
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