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Created July 28, 2015 18:55
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Make a matrix indicating which samples are replicates.
#' Make a matrix suitable for use with RUVSeq methods such as RUVs().
#' Each row in the returned matrix corresponds to a set of replicate samples.
#' The number of columns is the size of the largest set of replicates; rows for
#' smaller sets are padded with -1 values.
#' @param xs A vector indicating membership in a group.
#' @seealso RUVSeq::RUVs
#' @example
#' makeGroups(c("A","B","B","C","C","D","D","D","A"))
#' [,1] [,2] [,3]
#' [1,] 1 9 -1
#' [2,] 2 3 -1
#' [3,] 4 5 -1
#' [4,] 6 7 8
makeGroups <- function(xs) {
xs <- factor(xs)
groups <- matrix(-1, nrow = length(levels(xs)), ncol = max(table(xs)))
for (i in 1:length(levels(xs))) {
idxs <- which(xs == levels(xs)[i])
groups[i,1:length(idxs)] <- idxs
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