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Created May 11, 2014 04:20
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Working on drape PostGIS SQL (temporary fork from stamen/isometric-maps while keeping that code clean...
-- Modifies all
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION drape_sampled(line geometry) RETURNS geometry AS $$
DECLARE line3d geometry;
RAISE NOTICE 'draping';
WITH linemeasure AS
-- Add a measure dimension to extract steps
(SELECT ST_AddMeasure(line, 0, ST_Length(line)) as linem,
generate_series(0, ST_Length(line)::int, 500) as i),
points2d AS
-- TODO does this
(SELECT ST_GeometryN(ST_LocateAlong(linem, i), 1) AS geom FROM linemeasure),
cells AS
-- Get DEM elevation for each
(SELECT p.geom AS geom, ST_Value(ned.rast, 1, p.geom) AS val
FROM ned, points2d p
WHERE ST_Intersects(ned.rast, p.geom)),
-- Instantiate 3D points
points3d AS
(SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(ST_X(geom), ST_Y(geom), val), ST_SRID(line)) AS geom FROM cells)
SELECT ST_MakeLine(geom) INTO line3d FROM points3d;
RETURN line3d;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- native version which only modifies existing nodes
-- without adding nodes to conform with landform
-- in the transportation case, applicable for e.g. bridges
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION drape(line geometry, sampled boolean) RETURNS geometry AS $$
DECLARE line3d geometry;
RAISE NOTICE 'draping';
WITH points2d AS
-- Extract its points
(SELECT (ST_DumpPoints(line)).geom AS geom),
cells AS
-- Get DEM elevation for each
(SELECT p.geom AS geom, ST_Value(ned.rast, 1, p.geom) AS val
FROM ned, points2d p
WHERE ST_Intersects(ned.rast, p.geom)),
-- Instantiate 3D points
points3d AS
(SELECT ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(ST_X(line), ST_Y(line), val), ST_SRID(line)) AS geom FROM cells)
SELECT ST_MakeLine(geom) INTO line3d FROM points3d;
RETURN line3d;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
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