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Shin Aoyama smihica

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smihica / CommonLisp
Created December 15, 2011 06:10
lambda短縮マクロ ref:
;; #[+ 1 2]
;; => #'(lambda () (+ 1 2))
;; #[+ _ 1]
;; => #'(lambda (_) (+ _ 1))
;; #[if (< _0 10) (+ _1 2) (+ (- 100 _0) _2)]
;; => #'(lambda (_0 _1 _2) (if (< _0 10) (+ _1 2) (+ (- 100 _0) _2)))
> (funcall #[+ 10 100])
smihica / fizzbuzz.js
Created January 25, 2012 02:20
for(var i=1,f=1,b=1,fizz=3,buzz=5;i<101; i++) {
var r = ''; var fp=(f*fizz==i); var bp=(b*buzz==i);
if(fp||bp) {
if (fp) { r+="Fizz"; f++;}
if (bp) { r+="Buzz"; b++;}
} else r+=i;
smihica / 3imp_pdf-HeapBasedModel.scm
Created May 24, 2012 14:39
Meta scheme compiler and VM and interpreter.
;; Working in mzscheme 372 (NOT working in GaucheScheme 0.9.2)
;; Refered to 3imp.pdf ( Chapter 2 Heap Based Model.
;; I added two new assembly-operators 'beg' and 'appen' to support syntaxes 'begin' and 'define'.
(require (lib ""))
;; utils
(define-macro (record vars val . exps)
`(apply (lambda ,vars ,@exps) ,val))
smihica /
Created May 26, 2012 06:59
Xml to JSON parser-converter in Python.
#!/usr/bin/env python -S
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import re
import xml.sax
import io # for 2.6
import StringIO # for 3.0
# ** If your python is 2.x and xml-cording is utf-8 set follows.
(def get-pos ((y . x)) (and (<= 0 y) (< y h) (<= 0 x) (< x w) ((maze y) x)))
(def dig-pos ((y . x)) (sref (maze y) nil x) (cons y x))
(def get-dir-pos ((y . x) d n)
(case d
a (cons (- y n) x) b (cons (+ y n) x)
l (cons y (- x n)) r (cons y (+ x n))))
(def can-dig? (pos d) (get-pos (get-dir-pos pos d 2)))
(def dig (pos d) (dig-pos (get-dir-pos pos d 1)) (dig-pos (get-dir-pos pos d 2)))
smihica / reversi.arc
Created July 26, 2012 04:57
(= poss (map (fn (x) (map (fn (y) (cons x y)) (range 0 7))) (range 0 7)))
(def setxy ((x . y) b c)
(if (and (<= 0 x) (< x 8) (<= 0 y) (< y 8))
(+ (firstn y b)
(let cd (nthcdr y b)
(+ (let l (copy (car cd)) (= (l x) c) (list l)) (cdr cd))))
(def getxy ((x . y) b) (if (and (<= 0 x) (< x 8) (<= 0 y) (< y 8)) ((b y) x)))
smihica / realtime_doukaku4.arc
Created October 17, 2012 13:27
オフラインリアルタイムどう書く第四回の参考問題 解答(Arc) ref:
(= x 5 n (- (* x x) 1))
(def get-tbl bans
(let o (map [rem nil `(,(if (< (mod _ x) (- x 1)) (+ _ 1)) ;right
,(if (< (/ _ x) (- x 1)) (+ _ x)) ; bottom
,(if (> (mod _ x) 0) (- _ 1)) ;left
,(if (>= (/ _ x) 1) (- _ x)))] ; about
(range 0 n))
(aif (car bans)
(each x it (= (o (x 0)) (rem (x 1) (o (x 0)))
smihica / realtime_doukaku5.arc
Created November 7, 2012 18:30
オフラインリアルタイムどう書く第5回の参考問題をArcで解く ref:
(= opposite '(2 3 0 1))
(= pattern '((2 3 0 1) (1 0 3 2) (3 2 1 0)))
(= adjacent (list [if (< -1 (- _ 3)) (- _ 3)] ; up
[if (< (mod _ 3) 2) (++ _)] ; right
[if (< (+ _ 3) 9) (+ _ 3)] ; down
[if (< 0 (mod _ 3)) (-- _)])) ; left
(def run (lis idx side)
(let next ((pattern (lis idx)) side)
(cons idx
smihica / ord5dahimi.arc
Created November 10, 2012 06:44
第五回オフラインリアルタイムどう書くの回答例(Arc) ref:
(def filter (f lis) (mappend [if (f _) (list _)] lis))
(def cardify (str) (map string (pair (coerce str 'cons))))
(def level (c) (pos (c 1) "3456789TJQKA2"))
(def levcomp (f a b)
(and (no (is a "Jo")) (or (is b "Jo") (f (level a) (level b)))))
(def find-same-levels (lev-cord mine n)
(let result '()
((afn (lev-cord mine n acc)
(if (is n 0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
class MultipleDimensionsTable(object):
def __init__(self):
self.src = []
def _convert(self, i, j, vs):
v = vs[i][j]