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Martijn Smit smitmartijn

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"data_filter": {
"snmp": true,
"smtp": true,
"data_sources": true,
"events": true,
"syslog": true,
"ldap": true,
"vidm": true,
"user_data": true,
smitmartijn / nsx-get-edge-routes.ps1
Created June 14, 2018 10:49
Get all routes on all NSX Edges via PowerNSX
# This snippet gets all the IP routes
# Import-Module PowerNSX and run
# Connect-NsxServer before running this.
$edges = Get-NsxEdge
foreach($edge in $edges)
Write-Host "Getting routes for Edge $($ ($($"
"name": "AsBuiltReport.VMware.NSX-T Development Container",
"dockerFile": "Dockerfile",
"postCreateCommand": "pwsh",
"extensions": [
# Edit this
$NSXT_Manager = "your-nsxt-manager-hostname-or-ip"
$NSXT_Username = "admin"
$NSXT_Password = 'mypassword'
# Stop editing
function Invoke-NSXTRestMethod
param (
[Parameter (Mandatory=$true)]
# this script randomly scales 1 deployment per namespace per cluster (for demo purposes)
# 2019 Martijn Smit <>
cluster_list=("k8s-cluster-1" "k8s-cluster-2")
for cluster in "${cluster_list[@]}"
# This script goes through all backup jobs configured on your Veeam
# Backup & Replication Management server and calculates the amount of
# data (the size of the data in the VMs) and the backup sizes (the size
# of the data on the backup disk).
# There is more information in the backup job object for you to use, but this
# script was intended for billing purposes based on GB of backup storage.
# Martijn Smit <>
import init_api_client
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
# Initialize SDK and parse the args for connection details
args = init_api_client.parse_arguments()
api_client = init_api_client.get_api_client(args)
# Create search API client object
search_api = swagger_client.SearchApi()
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
api_client = swagger_client.ApiClient(host="https://{}/api/ni".format("my-vrni-platform-fdqn-or-ip"))
user_creds = swagger_client.UserCredential(username="admin@local", password="VMware1!", domain=dict(domain_type="LOCAL"))
auth_api = swagger_client.AuthenticationApi(api_client=api_client)
auth_token = auth_api.create(user_creds)
// IMPORTANT: This needs to be your vRA host. In my case it happened to the third server configured.
// there is probably a better way to handle this.
var vraHost = Server.findAllForType("vCACCAFE:VCACHost")[3];
// save the catalogRequestId from the payload given by vRA
var requestId = payload.get("catalogRequestId");
// create a REST client on the selected vRA host, which we can use to do API calls against
var client = vraHost.createCatalogClient();
// get the resources (read: VMs) that are a part of the catalogRequestId
function New-NsxMulticastRange
Adds a new multicast IP address range for use in the VXLAN network
Specifying a multicast address range helps in spreading traffic across your
network to avoid overloading a single multicast address.A virtualized
network‐ready host is assigned an IP address from this range.