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Created February 22, 2016 21:15
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  • Save smolinari/8fbe329f1cd347dd8795 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save smolinari/8fbe329f1cd347dd8795 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ PACKER_LOG=1 packer build -debug builder.json
2016/02/22 21:27:33 [INFO] Packer version: 0.9.0 a643faae672ec8b8424352476d2b91b7a7f7b06e
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Built with Go Version: go1.6
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for file
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for null
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for openstack
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for qemu
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for file
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for shell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for ansible
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for powershell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for artifice
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for atlas
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for compress
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\s.molinari\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2016/02/22 21:27:33 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\s.molinari\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[openstack:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack virtualbox-iso:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso amazon-instance:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance googlecompute:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute null:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null digitalocean:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean parallels-iso:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso qemu:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu docker:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker amazon-chroot:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot file:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file vmware-iso:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso amazon-ebs:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs parallels-pvm:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm vmware-vmx:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx virtualbox-ovf:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf] PostProcessors:map[vagrant:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant vsphere:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere docker-import:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import docker-push:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push docker-tag:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag shell-local:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local compress:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress amazon-import:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import artifice:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice atlas:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-atlas docker-save:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save vagrant-cloud:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud] Provisioners:map[windows-restart:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart chef-solo:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo salt-masterless:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless file:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file puppet-masterless:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless puppet-server:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server ansible-local:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local chef-client:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client shell:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell windows-shell:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell ansible:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible shell-local:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local powershell:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell]}
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Setting cache directory: D:\webdev\VM Dev Boxes\Packer Test\packer_cache
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Loading builder: openstack
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Current exe path: C:\packer\packer.exe
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Creating plugin client for path: C:\packer\packer.exe
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Starting plugin: C:\packer\packer.exe []string{"C:\\packer\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-builder-openstack"}
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Waiting for RPC address for: C:\packer\packer.exe
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 [INFO] Packer version: 0.9.0 a643faae672ec8b8424352476d2b91b7a7f7b06e
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Built with Go Version: go1.6
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for file
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for null
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for qemu
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for openstack
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for powershell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for file
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for shell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for ansible
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for compress
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for artifice
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for atlas
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\s.molinari\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\s.molinari\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[virtualbox-iso:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso parallels-pvm:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm vmware-iso:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso amazon-instance:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance vmware-vmx:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx qemu:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu digitalocean:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean null:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null docker:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker amazon-chroot:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot amazon-ebs:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs file:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file openstack:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack virtualbox-ovf:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf googlecompute:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute parallels-iso:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso] PostProcessors:map[vagrant:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant artifice:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice atlas:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-atlas amazon-import:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import compress:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress docker-push:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push docker-save:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save docker-tag:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag vagrant-cloud:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud vsphere:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere shell-local:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local docker-import:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import] Provisioners:map[shell:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell windows-shell:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell ansible:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible salt-masterless:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless shell-local:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local ansible-local:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local file:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file puppet-masterless:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless chef-client:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client powershell:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell puppet-server:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server windows-restart:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart chef-solo:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo]}
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Setting cache directory: D:\webdev\VM Dev Boxes\Packer Test\packer_cache
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 args: []string{"packer-builder-openstack"}
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Plugin address: tcp
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Waiting for connection...
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Serving a plugin connection...
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Loading provisioner: shell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Current exe path: C:\packer\packer.exe
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Creating plugin client for path: C:\packer\packer.exe
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Starting plugin: C:\packer\packer.exe []string{"C:\\packer\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-provisioner-shell"}
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Waiting for RPC address for: C:\packer\packer.exe
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 [INFO] Packer version: 0.9.0 a643faae672ec8b8424352476d2b91b7a7f7b06e
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Built with Go Version: go1.6
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for openstack
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for file
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for null
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for qemu
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for ansible
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for file
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for powershell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for shell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for artifice
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for atlas
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for compress
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\s.molinari\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\s.molinari\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[virtualbox-ovf:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf amazon-ebs:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs docker:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker openstack:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack qemu:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu digitalocean:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean null:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null virtualbox-iso:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso googlecompute:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute parallels-iso:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso amazon-instance:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance parallels-pvm:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm vmware-iso:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso amazon-chroot:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot file:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file vmware-vmx:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx] PostProcessors:map[vsphere:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere docker-import:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import docker-tag:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag shell-local:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local vagrant:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant artifice:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice atlas:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-atlas compress:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress docker-save:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save amazon-import:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import docker-push:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push vagrant-cloud:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud] Provisioners:map[file:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file puppet-masterless:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless salt-masterless:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless chef-solo:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo puppet-server:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server shell-local:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local ansible:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible chef-client:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client powershell:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell shell:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell windows-restart:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart windows-shell:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell ansible-local:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local]}
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Setting cache directory: D:\webdev\VM Dev Boxes\Packer Test\packer_cache
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 args: []string{"packer-provisioner-shell"}
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Plugin address: tcp
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Waiting for connection...
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Serving a plugin connection...
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Loading post-processor: vagrant
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Plugin could not be found. Checking same directory as executable.
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Current exe path: C:\packer\packer.exe
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Creating plugin client for path: C:\packer\packer.exe
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Starting plugin: C:\packer\packer.exe []string{"C:\\packer\\packer.exe", "plugin", "packer-post-processor-vagrant"}
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Waiting for RPC address for: C:\packer\packer.exe
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 [INFO] Packer version: 0.9.0 a643faae672ec8b8424352476d2b91b7a7f7b06e
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Packer Target OS/Arch: windows amd64
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Built with Go Version: go1.6
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for file
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for googlecompute
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-ovf
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vmware-iso
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for digitalocean
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for virtualbox-iso
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-ebs
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for parallels-pvm
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for null
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for openstack
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for qemu
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-instance
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for salt-masterless
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for shell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for file
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for puppet-masterless
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for chef-client
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for chef-solo
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for powershell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for puppet-server
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for windows-restart
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for ansible
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for ansible-local
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for windows-shell
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-tag
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vsphere
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for compress
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-import
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-push
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for docker-save
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for shell-local
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vagrant
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for vagrant-cloud
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for amazon-import
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for artifice
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Using internal plugin for atlas
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Attempting to open config file: C:\Users\s.molinari\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 [WARN] Config file doesn't exist: C:\Users\s.molinari\AppData\Roaming\packer.config
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Packer config: &{DisableCheckpoint:false DisableCheckpointSignature:false PluginMinPort:10000 PluginMaxPort:25000 Builders:map[virtualbox-iso:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-iso amazon-ebs:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-ebs file:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-file docker:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-docker parallels-iso:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-iso vmware-iso:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-iso vmware-vmx:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-vmware-vmx null:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-null amazon-chroot:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-chroot amazon-instance:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-amazon-instance googlecompute:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-googlecompute virtualbox-ovf:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-virtualbox-ovf digitalocean:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-digitalocean parallels-pvm:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-parallels-pvm openstack:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-openstack qemu:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-builder-qemu] PostProcessors:map[vagrant-cloud:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant-cloud artifice:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-artifice docker-tag:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-tag vsphere:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vsphere compress:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-compress docker-import:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-import docker-push:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-push vagrant:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-vagrant docker-save:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-docker-save shell-local:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-shell-local amazon-import:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-amazon-import atlas:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-post-processor-atlas] Provisioners:map[ansible:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible ansible-local:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-ansible-local salt-masterless:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-salt-masterless shell:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell puppet-masterless:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-masterless chef-solo:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-solo puppet-server:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-puppet-server windows-shell:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-shell file:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-file chef-client:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-chef-client powershell:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-powershell shell-local:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-shell-local windows-restart:C:\packer\packer.exe-PACKERSPACE-plugin-PACKERSPACE-packer-provisioner-windows-restart]}
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Setting cache directory: D:\webdev\VM Dev Boxes\Packer Test\packer_cache
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 args: []string{"packer-post-processor-vagrant"}
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Plugin minimum port: 10000
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Plugin maximum port: 25000
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Plugin address: tcp
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Waiting for connection...
2016/02/22 21:27:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:33 Serving a plugin connection...
2016/02/22 21:27:33 ui: Debug mode enabled. Builds will not be parallelized.
2016/02/22 21:27:33 ui: openstack output will be in this color.
2016/02/22 21:27:33 ui:
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Build debug mode: true
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Force build: false
2016/02/22 21:27:33 Preparing build: openstack
Debug mode enabled. Builds will not be parallelized.
openstack output will be in this color.
2016/02/22 21:27:35 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:35 Config: {PackerConfig:{PackerBuildName:openstack PackerBuilderType:openstack PackerDebug:true PackerForce:false PackerUserVars:map[]} AccessConfig:{Username:smolinari UserID: Password:<Filtered> APIKey: IdentityEndpoint: TenantID: TenantName: DomainID: DomainName: Insecure:false Region:IAD EndpointType: osClient:0xc082264630} ImageConfig:{ImageName:Test Packer Image ImageMetadata:map[image_type:image]} RunConfig:{Comm:{Type:ssh SSHHost: SSHPort:22 SSHUsername:root SSHPassword: SSHPrivateKey: SSHPty:false SSHTimeout:5m0s SSHDisableAgent:false SSHHandshakeAttempts:10 SSHBastionHost: SSHBastionPort:0 SSHBastionUsername: SSHBastionPassword: SSHBastionPrivateKey: SSHFileTransferMethod:scp WinRMUser: WinRMPassword: WinRMHost: WinRMPort:0 WinRMTimeout:0 WinRMUseSSL:false WinRMInsecure:false} SSHKeyPairName: SSHInterface: SSHIPVersion: SourceImage:1c84a15e-fce7-48b4-b23d-49a477588b29 SourceImageName: Flavor:2 AvailabilityZone: RackconnectWait:false FloatingIpPool: FloatingIp: SecurityGroups:[] Networks:[] UserData: UserDataFile: ConfigDrive:false OpenstackProvider: UseFloatingIp:false} ctx:{Data:<nil> Funcs:map[] UserVariables:map[] EnableEnv:false BuildName:openstack BuildType:openstack TemplatePath:D:\webdev\VM Dev Boxes\Packer Test\builder.json}}
2016/02/22 21:27:35 Debug enabled, so waiting for build to finish: openstack
2016/02/22 21:27:35 Starting build run: openstack
2016/02/22 21:27:35 Running builder: openstack
2016/02/22 21:27:35 ui: ==> openstack: Discovering enabled extensions...
==> openstack: Discovering enabled extensions...
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: OS-DCF
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: OS-EXT-IMG-SIZE
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: OS-EXT-STS
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: OS-FLV-EXT-DATA
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: OS-FLV-WITH-EXT-SPECS
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: OS-SCH-HNT
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: RAX-PUBLIC-IP-ZONE-ID
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: ip_associations
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-admin-actions
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-block-device-mapping-v2-boot
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-config-drive
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-consoles
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-extended-rescue-with-image
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-flavor-extra-specs
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-flavor-rxtx
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-flavor-swap
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-instance-actions
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-keypairs
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-networksv2
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-quota-sets
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-rescue
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-used-limits
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-user-data
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-virtual-interfacesv2
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: os-volumes
2016/02/22 21:27:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:36 [DEBUG] Discovered extension: rax-si-image-schedule
2016/02/22 21:27:36 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepLoadExtensions'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepLoadExtensions'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:27:40 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:27:40 ui: ==> openstack: Loading flavor: 2
==> openstack: Loading flavor: 2
2016/02/22 21:27:40 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:40 [INFO] Loading flavor by ID: 2
2016/02/22 21:27:40 ui: openstack: Verified flavor. ID: 2
openstack: Verified flavor. ID: 2
2016/02/22 21:27:40 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepLoadFlavor'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepLoadFlavor'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:27:43 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:27:43 ui: ==> openstack: Creating temporary keypair: packer 56cb6f3f-cc5f-84b5-8c8b-6ccbdb4f6373 ...
==> openstack: Creating temporary keypair: packer 56cb6f3f-cc5f-84b5-8c8b-6ccbdb4f6373 ...
2016/02/22 21:27:45 ui: ==> openstack: Created temporary keypair: packer 56cb6f3f-cc5f-84b5-8c8b-6ccbdb4f6373
==> openstack: Created temporary keypair: packer 56cb6f3f-cc5f-84b5-8c8b-6ccbdb4f6373
2016/02/22 21:27:45 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:45 Couldn't parse SSH key, trying work around for [GH-2526].
2016/02/22 21:27:45 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:45 Executing: D:\Programme\Git\mingw64\bin\openssl.exe [rsa -in C:\Users\S4383~1.MOL\AppData\Local\Temp\packer-ber-privatekey-705289123 -out C:\Users\S4383~1.MOL\AppData\Local\Temp\packer-der-privatekey-584580262]
2016/02/22 21:27:45 ui: ==> openstack: Successfully converted BER encoded SSH key to DER encoding.
==> openstack: Successfully converted BER encoded SSH key to DER encoding.
2016/02/22 21:27:45 ui: openstack: Saving key for debug purposes: os_openstack.pem
openstack: Saving key for debug purposes: os_openstack.pem
2016/02/22 21:27:45 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepKeyPair'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepKeyPair'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:27:50 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:27:50 ui: ==> openstack: Launching server...
==> openstack: Launching server...
openstack: Server ID: dc09493a-8f75-48fd-947c-23a736a6485b
2016/02/22 21:27:51 ui: openstack: Server ID: dc09493a-8f75-48fd-947c-23a736a6485b
2016/02/22 21:27:51 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:51 server id: dc09493a-8f75-48fd-947c-23a736a6485b
2016/02/22 21:27:51 ui: ==> openstack: Waiting for server to become ready...
==> openstack: Waiting for server to become ready...
2016/02/22 21:27:51 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:51 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE]
2016/02/22 21:27:51 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:51 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (0%)
2016/02/22 21:27:54 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:54 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:27:56 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:56 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:27:58 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:27:58 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:00 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:00 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:03 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:03 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:05 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:05 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:07 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:07 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:09 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:09 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:12 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:12 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:15 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:15 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:18 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:18 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:20 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:20 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:22 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:24 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:24 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:27 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:27 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:29 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:29 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:32 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:32 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:34 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:34 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:36 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:38 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:38 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:40 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:40 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:43 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:43 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:45 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:45 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:47 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:47 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:50 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:50 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:52 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:52 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:54 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:54 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:56 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:56 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:28:59 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:28:59 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:01 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:01 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:03 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:03 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:05 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:05 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:08 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:08 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:11 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:11 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:13 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:13 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:15 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:15 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:18 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:18 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:20 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:20 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:22 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:24 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:24 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:27 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:27 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:29 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:29 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:31 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:31 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:34 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:34 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:36 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:39 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:39 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:41 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:41 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:43 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:43 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:46 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:49 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:49 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:51 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:51 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:53 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:53 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:56 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:56 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:29:58 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:29:58 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:30:00 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:00 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:30:02 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:02 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:30:04 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:04 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:30:07 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:07 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:30:09 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:09 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:30:12 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:12 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:30:14 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:14 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:30:16 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:16 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (10%)
2016/02/22 21:30:18 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:18 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (40%)
2016/02/22 21:30:20 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:20 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (40%)
2016/02/22 21:30:23 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:23 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (40%)
2016/02/22 21:30:25 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:25 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (40%)
2016/02/22 21:30:27 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:27 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (40%)
2016/02/22 21:30:30 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:30 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (40%)
2016/02/22 21:30:32 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:32 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (40%)
2016/02/22 21:30:34 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:34 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (40%)
2016/02/22 21:30:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:36 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (40%)
2016/02/22 21:30:39 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:39 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (50%)
2016/02/22 21:30:42 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:42 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:30:44 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:44 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:30:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:46 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:30:48 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:48 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:30:51 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:51 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:30:53 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:53 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:30:55 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:55 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:30:58 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:30:58 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:31:00 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:00 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:31:03 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:03 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:31:05 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:05 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:31:07 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:07 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:31:10 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:10 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:31:12 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:12 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:31:14 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:14 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:31:17 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:17 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:31:19 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:19 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:31:21 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:21 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:31:23 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:23 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (70%)
2016/02/22 21:31:26 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:26 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:28 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:28 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:30 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:30 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:33 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:35 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:35 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:37 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:37 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:39 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:39 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:42 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:42 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:44 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:44 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:46 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:48 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:48 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:51 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:51 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:53 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:53 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:55 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:55 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:31:58 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:31:58 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:32:00 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:32:00 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:32:02 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:32:02 Waiting for state to become: [ACTIVE] currently BUILD (80%)
2016/02/22 21:32:04 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepRunSourceServer'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepRunSourceServer'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:33:46 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:33:46 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepWaitForRackConnect'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepWaitForRackConnect'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:34:03 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:34:03 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepAllocateIp'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepAllocateIp'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:34:22 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:34:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:22 [INFO] Waiting for SSH, up to timeout: 5m0s
2016/02/22 21:34:22 ui: ==> openstack: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> openstack: Waiting for SSH to become available...
2016/02/22 21:34:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:22 [DEBUG] Using AccessIPv4 to connect
2016/02/22 21:34:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:22 [INFO] Attempting SSH connection...
2016/02/22 21:34:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:22 reconnecting to TCP connection for SSH
2016/02/22 21:34:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:22 handshaking with SSH
2016/02/22 21:34:23 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:23 handshake complete!
2016/02/22 21:34:23 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:23 [ERROR] could not connect to local agent socket: C:/Users/S4383~1.MOL/AppData/Local/Temp/ssh-ZbSWjl3bLsdo/agent.9904
2016/02/22 21:34:23 ui: ==> openstack: Connected to SSH!
==> openstack: Connected to SSH!
2016/02/22 21:34:23 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepConnect'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepConnect'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:34:46 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 Running the provision hook
2016/02/22 21:34:46 ui: ==> openstack: Provisioning with shell script: C:\Users\S4383~1.MOL\AppData\Local\Temp\packer-shell221928187
==> openstack: Provisioning with shell script: C:\Users\S4383~1.MOL\AppData\Local\Temp\packer-shell221928187
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 Opening C:\Users\S4383~1.MOL\AppData\Local\Temp\packer-shell221928187 for reading
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 [INFO] 332 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 opening new ssh session
2016/02/22 21:34:46 [INFO] 332 bytes written for 'uploadData'
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 Starting remote scp process: scp -vt /tmp
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 Started SCP session, beginning transfers...
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 Copying input data into temporary file so we can read the length
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 [DEBUG] scp: Uploading perms=C0644 size=332
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 SCP session complete, closing stdin pipe.
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 Waiting for SSH session to complete.
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 scp stderr (length 31): Sink: C0644 332
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 opening new ssh session
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 starting remote command: chmod 0755 /tmp/
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 remote command exited with '0': chmod 0755 /tmp/
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 0
2016/02/22 21:34:46 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 0
2016/02/22 21:34:46 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 0
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 0
2016/02/22 21:34:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:46 opening new ssh session
2016/02/22 21:34:47 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:34:47 starting remote command: chmod +x /tmp/; PACKER_BUILD_NAME='openstack' PACKER_BUILDER_TYPE='openstack' /tmp/
2016/02/22 21:34:47 ui: openstack: --2016-02-22 20:34:48--
openstack: --2016-02-22 20:34:48--
2016/02/22 21:34:48 ui: openstack: Resolving ( 2001:bc8:21eb:100::1,
openstack: Resolving ( 2001:bc8:21eb:100::1,
2016/02/22 21:34:48 ui: openstack: Connecting to (|2001:bc8:21eb:100::1|:443... connected.
openstack: Connecting to (|2001:bc8:21eb:100::1|:443... connected.
2016/02/22 21:34:48 ui: openstack: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
openstack: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
2016/02/22 21:34:48 ui: openstack: Length: 5299 (5.2K) [application/octet-stream]
openstack: Length: 5299 (5.2K) [application/octet-stream]
2016/02/22 21:34:48 ui: openstack: Saving to: ‘dotdeb.gpg’
openstack: Saving to: ‘dotdeb.gpg’
2016/02/22 21:34:48 ui: openstack:
2016/02/22 21:34:48 ui: openstack: 0K ..... 100% 77.9M=0s
openstack: 0K ..... 100% 77.9M=0s
2016/02/22 21:34:48 ui: openstack:
2016/02/22 21:34:48 ui: openstack: 2016-02-22 20:34:48 (77.9 MB/s) - ‘dotdeb.gpg’ saved [5299/5299]
openstack: 2016-02-22 20:34:48 (77.9 MB/s) - ‘dotdeb.gpg’ saved [5299/5299]
2016/02/22 21:34:48 ui: openstack:
2016/02/22 21:34:49 ui: openstack: OK
openstack: OK
2016/02/22 21:34:49 ui: openstack: Ign jessie InRelease
openstack: Ign jessie InRelease
2016/02/22 21:34:49 ui: openstack: Get:1 jessie/updates InRelease [63.1 kB]
openstack: Get:1 jessie/updates InRelease [63.1 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:49 ui: openstack: Hit jessie Release.gpg
openstack: Hit jessie Release.gpg
2016/02/22 21:34:49 ui: openstack: Hit jessie Release
openstack: Hit jessie Release
2016/02/22 21:34:49 ui: openstack: Hit cloudmonitoring InRelease
openstack: Hit cloudmonitoring InRelease
2016/02/22 21:34:49 ui: openstack: Get:2 stable InRelease [3,993 B]
openstack: Get:2 stable InRelease [3,993 B]
2016/02/22 21:34:49 ui: openstack: Get:3 jessie/updates/main Sources [114 kB]
openstack: Get:3 jessie/updates/main Sources [114 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:49 ui: openstack: Get:4 jessie/updates/main amd64 Packages [208 kB]
openstack: Get:4 jessie/updates/main amd64 Packages [208 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:49 ui: openstack: Get:5 jessie/updates/main Translation-en [114 kB]
openstack: Get:5 jessie/updates/main Translation-en [114 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:50 ui: openstack: Hit jessie/main Sources
openstack: Hit jessie/main Sources
2016/02/22 21:34:50 ui: openstack: Hit jessie/main amd64 Packages
openstack: Hit jessie/main amd64 Packages
2016/02/22 21:34:50 ui: openstack: Hit jessie/main Translation-en
openstack: Hit jessie/main Translation-en
2016/02/22 21:34:50 ui: openstack: Hit cloudmonitoring/main amd64 Packages
openstack: Hit cloudmonitoring/main amd64 Packages
2016/02/22 21:34:50 ui: openstack: Get:6 stable/all Sources [11.3 kB]
openstack: Get:6 stable/all Sources [11.3 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:50 ui: openstack: Get:7 stable/all amd64 Packages [38.0 kB]
openstack: Get:7 stable/all amd64 Packages [38.0 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:50 ui: openstack: Ign cloudmonitoring/main Translation-en_US
openstack: Ign cloudmonitoring/main Translation-en_US
2016/02/22 21:34:50 ui: openstack: Ign cloudmonitoring/main Translation-en
openstack: Ign cloudmonitoring/main Translation-en
2016/02/22 21:34:51 ui: openstack: Ign stable/all Translation-en_US
openstack: Ign stable/all Translation-en_US
2016/02/22 21:34:51 ui: openstack: Ign stable/all Translation-en
openstack: Ign stable/all Translation-en
2016/02/22 21:34:53 ui: openstack: Fetched 553 kB in 3s (161 kB/s)
openstack: Fetched 553 kB in 3s (161 kB/s)
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Reading package lists...
openstack: Reading package lists...
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: W: Conflicting distribution: stable InRelease (expected stable but got jessie)
openstack: W: Conflicting distribution: stable InRelease (expected stable but got jessie)
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Reading package lists...
openstack: Reading package lists...
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Building dependency tree...
openstack: Building dependency tree...
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Reading state information...
openstack: Reading state information...
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: The following extra packages will be installed:
openstack: The following extra packages will be installed:
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core geoip-database libfontconfig1 libgd3
openstack: fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core geoip-database libfontconfig1 libgd3
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: libgeoip1 libjbig0 libjpeg62-turbo libossp-uuid16 libtiff5 libvpx1 libxpm4
openstack: libgeoip1 libjbig0 libjpeg62-turbo libossp-uuid16 libtiff5 libvpx1 libxpm4
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: nginx-common nginx-full
openstack: nginx-common nginx-full
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Suggested packages:
openstack: Suggested packages:
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: libgd-tools geoip-bin uuid fcgiwrap nginx-doc ssl-cert
openstack: libgd-tools geoip-bin uuid fcgiwrap nginx-doc ssl-cert
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: The following NEW packages will be installed:
openstack: The following NEW packages will be installed:
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core geoip-database libfontconfig1 libgd3
openstack: fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core geoip-database libfontconfig1 libgd3
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: libgeoip1 libjbig0 libjpeg62-turbo libossp-uuid16 libtiff5 libvpx1 libxpm4
openstack: libgeoip1 libjbig0 libjpeg62-turbo libossp-uuid16 libtiff5 libvpx1 libxpm4
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: nginx nginx-common nginx-full
openstack: nginx nginx-common nginx-full
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: 0 upgraded, 15 newly installed, 0 to remove and 60 not upgraded.
openstack: 0 upgraded, 15 newly installed, 0 to remove and 60 not upgraded.
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Need to get 5,102 kB of archives.
openstack: Need to get 5,102 kB of archives.
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: After this operation, 14.6 MB of additional disk space will be used.
openstack: After this operation, 14.6 MB of additional disk space will be used.
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Get:1 jessie/main fonts-dejavu-core all 2.34-1 [1,047 kB]
openstack: Get:1 jessie/main fonts-dejavu-core all 2.34-1 [1,047 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Get:2 jessie/main fontconfig-config all 2.11.0-6.3 [273 kB]
openstack: Get:2 jessie/main fontconfig-config all 2.11.0-6.3 [273 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Get:3 jessie/main libfontconfig1 amd64 2.11.0-6.3 [329 kB]
openstack: Get:3 jessie/main libfontconfig1 amd64 2.11.0-6.3 [329 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Get:4 stable/all nginx-common all 1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1 [102 kB]
openstack: Get:4 stable/all nginx-common all 1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1 [102 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Get:5 jessie/main libjpeg62-turbo amd64 1:1.3.1-12 [116 kB]
openstack: Get:5 jessie/main libjpeg62-turbo amd64 1:1.3.1-12 [116 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Get:6 jessie/main libjbig0 amd64 2.1-3.1 [30.7 kB]
openstack: Get:6 jessie/main libjbig0 amd64 2.1-3.1 [30.7 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Get:7 jessie/updates/main libtiff5 amd64 4.0.3-12.3+deb8u1 [213 kB]
openstack: Get:7 jessie/updates/main libtiff5 amd64 4.0.3-12.3+deb8u1 [213 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Get:8 jessie/main libvpx1 amd64 1.3.0-3 [599 kB]
openstack: Get:8 jessie/main libvpx1 amd64 1.3.0-3 [599 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Get:9 jessie/main libxpm4 amd64 1:3.5.11-1+b1 [48.1 kB]
openstack: Get:9 jessie/main libxpm4 amd64 1:3.5.11-1+b1 [48.1 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Get:10 jessie/main libgd3 amd64 2.1.0-5 [147 kB]
openstack: Get:10 jessie/main libgd3 amd64 2.1.0-5 [147 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:55 ui: openstack: Get:11 jessie/main libgeoip1 amd64 1.6.2-4 [90.8 kB]
openstack: Get:11 jessie/main libgeoip1 amd64 1.6.2-4 [90.8 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:56 ui: openstack: Get:12 jessie/main libossp-uuid16 amd64 1.6.2-1.5+b1 [38.0 kB]
openstack: Get:12 jessie/main libossp-uuid16 amd64 1.6.2-1.5+b1 [38.0 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:56 ui: openstack: Get:13 jessie/main geoip-database all 20150317-1 [1,517 kB]
openstack: Get:13 jessie/main geoip-database all 20150317-1 [1,517 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:56 ui: openstack: Get:14 stable/all nginx-full amd64 1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1 [477 kB]
openstack: Get:14 stable/all nginx-full amd64 1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1 [477 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:56 ui: openstack: Get:15 stable/all nginx all 1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1 [74.3 kB]
openstack: Get:15 stable/all nginx all 1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1 [74.3 kB]
2016/02/22 21:34:57 ui: openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
2016/02/22 21:34:57 ui: openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
2016/02/22 21:34:57 ui: openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
2016/02/22 21:34:57 ui: openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Readline
openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Readline
2016/02/22 21:34:57 ui: openstack: debconf: (This frontend requires a controlling tty.)
openstack: debconf: (This frontend requires a controlling tty.)
2016/02/22 21:34:57 ui: openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Teletype
openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Teletype
2016/02/22 21:34:57 ui: openstack: dpkg-preconfigure: unable to re-open stdin:
openstack: dpkg-preconfigure: unable to re-open stdin:
2016/02/22 21:34:57 ui: openstack: Fetched 5,102 kB in 0s (5,587 kB/s)
openstack: Fetched 5,102 kB in 0s (5,587 kB/s)
2016/02/22 21:34:57 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package fonts-dejavu-core.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package fonts-dejavu-core.
openstack: (Reading database ... 27102 files and directories currently installed.)
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: (Reading database ... 27102 files and directories currently installed.)
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../fonts-dejavu-core_2.34-1_all.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../fonts-dejavu-core_2.34-1_all.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Unpacking fonts-dejavu-core (2.34-1) ...
openstack: Unpacking fonts-dejavu-core (2.34-1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package fontconfig-config.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package fontconfig-config.
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../fontconfig-config_2.11.0-6.3_all.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../fontconfig-config_2.11.0-6.3_all.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Unpacking fontconfig-config (2.11.0-6.3) ...
openstack: Unpacking fontconfig-config (2.11.0-6.3) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libfontconfig1:amd64.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libfontconfig1:amd64.
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libfontconfig1_2.11.0-6.3_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libfontconfig1_2.11.0-6.3_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Unpacking libfontconfig1:amd64 (2.11.0-6.3) ...
openstack: Unpacking libfontconfig1:amd64 (2.11.0-6.3) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg62-turbo:amd64.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libjpeg62-turbo:amd64.
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libjpeg62-turbo_1%3a1.3.1-12_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libjpeg62-turbo_1%3a1.3.1-12_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Unpacking libjpeg62-turbo:amd64 (1:1.3.1-12) ...
openstack: Unpacking libjpeg62-turbo:amd64 (1:1.3.1-12) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libjbig0:amd64.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libjbig0:amd64.
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libjbig0_2.1-3.1_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libjbig0_2.1-3.1_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Unpacking libjbig0:amd64 (2.1-3.1) ...
openstack: Unpacking libjbig0:amd64 (2.1-3.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libtiff5:amd64.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libtiff5:amd64.
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libtiff5_4.0.3-12.3+deb8u1_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libtiff5_4.0.3-12.3+deb8u1_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Unpacking libtiff5:amd64 (4.0.3-12.3+deb8u1) ...
openstack: Unpacking libtiff5:amd64 (4.0.3-12.3+deb8u1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libvpx1:amd64.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libvpx1:amd64.
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libvpx1_1.3.0-3_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libvpx1_1.3.0-3_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Unpacking libvpx1:amd64 (1.3.0-3) ...
openstack: Unpacking libvpx1:amd64 (1.3.0-3) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libxpm4:amd64.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libxpm4:amd64.
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libxpm4_1%3a3.5.11-1+b1_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libxpm4_1%3a3.5.11-1+b1_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Unpacking libxpm4:amd64 (1:3.5.11-1+b1) ...
openstack: Unpacking libxpm4:amd64 (1:3.5.11-1+b1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libgd3:amd64.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libgd3:amd64.
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libgd3_2.1.0-5_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libgd3_2.1.0-5_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Unpacking libgd3:amd64 (2.1.0-5) ...
openstack: Unpacking libgd3:amd64 (2.1.0-5) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libgeoip1:amd64.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libgeoip1:amd64.
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libgeoip1_1.6.2-4_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libgeoip1_1.6.2-4_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Unpacking libgeoip1:amd64 (1.6.2-4) ...
openstack: Unpacking libgeoip1:amd64 (1.6.2-4) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libossp-uuid16:amd64.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libossp-uuid16:amd64.
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libossp-uuid16_1.6.2-1.5+b1_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libossp-uuid16_1.6.2-1.5+b1_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:00 ui: openstack: Unpacking libossp-uuid16:amd64 (1.6.2-1.5+b1) ...
openstack: Unpacking libossp-uuid16:amd64 (1.6.2-1.5+b1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package geoip-database.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package geoip-database.
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../geoip-database_20150317-1_all.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../geoip-database_20150317-1_all.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Unpacking geoip-database (20150317-1) ...
openstack: Unpacking geoip-database (20150317-1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package nginx-common.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package nginx-common.
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../nginx-common_1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1_all.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../nginx-common_1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1_all.deb ...
openstack: Unpacking nginx-common (1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Unpacking nginx-common (1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package nginx-full.
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package nginx-full.
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../nginx-full_1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../nginx-full_1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Unpacking nginx-full (1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Unpacking nginx-full (1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package nginx.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package nginx.
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../nginx_1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1_all.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../nginx_1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1_all.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Unpacking nginx (1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Unpacking nginx (1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:01 ui: openstack: Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
openstack: Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Processing triggers for systemd (215-17+deb8u2) ...
openstack: Processing triggers for systemd (215-17+deb8u2) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up fonts-dejavu-core (2.34-1) ...
openstack: Setting up fonts-dejavu-core (2.34-1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up fontconfig-config (2.11.0-6.3) ...
openstack: Setting up fontconfig-config (2.11.0-6.3) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up libfontconfig1:amd64 (2.11.0-6.3) ...
openstack: Setting up libfontconfig1:amd64 (2.11.0-6.3) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up libjpeg62-turbo:amd64 (1:1.3.1-12) ...
openstack: Setting up libjpeg62-turbo:amd64 (1:1.3.1-12) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up libjbig0:amd64 (2.1-3.1) ...
openstack: Setting up libjbig0:amd64 (2.1-3.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up libtiff5:amd64 (4.0.3-12.3+deb8u1) ...
openstack: Setting up libtiff5:amd64 (4.0.3-12.3+deb8u1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up libvpx1:amd64 (1.3.0-3) ...
openstack: Setting up libvpx1:amd64 (1.3.0-3) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up libxpm4:amd64 (1:3.5.11-1+b1) ...
openstack: Setting up libxpm4:amd64 (1:3.5.11-1+b1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up libgd3:amd64 (2.1.0-5) ...
openstack: Setting up libgd3:amd64 (2.1.0-5) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up libgeoip1:amd64 (1.6.2-4) ...
openstack: Setting up libgeoip1:amd64 (1.6.2-4) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up libossp-uuid16:amd64 (1.6.2-1.5+b1) ...
openstack: Setting up libossp-uuid16:amd64 (1.6.2-1.5+b1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up geoip-database (20150317-1) ...
openstack: Setting up geoip-database (20150317-1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:10 ui: openstack: Setting up nginx-common (1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Setting up nginx-common (1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:11 ui: openstack: Setting up nginx-full (1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Setting up nginx-full (1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:12 ui: openstack: Setting up nginx (1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Setting up nginx (1.8.1-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:12 ui: openstack: Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-18+deb8u1) ...
openstack: Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-18+deb8u1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:12 ui: openstack: Processing triggers for systemd (215-17+deb8u2) ...
openstack: Processing triggers for systemd (215-17+deb8u2) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:12 ui: openstack: Reading package lists...
openstack: Reading package lists...
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: Building dependency tree...
openstack: Building dependency tree...
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: Reading state information...
openstack: Reading state information...
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: The following extra packages will be installed:
openstack: The following extra packages will be installed:
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: libapparmor1 libqdbm14 php-common php-readline php7.0-cli php7.0-common
openstack: libapparmor1 libqdbm14 php-common php-readline php7.0-cli php7.0-common
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: php7.0-json php7.0-opcache php7.0-readline psmisc
openstack: php7.0-json php7.0-opcache php7.0-readline psmisc
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: Suggested packages:
openstack: Suggested packages:
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: php-pear php-user-cache
openstack: php-pear php-user-cache
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: The following NEW packages will be installed:
openstack: The following NEW packages will be installed:
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: libapparmor1 libqdbm14 php-common php-readline php7.0-cli php7.0-common
openstack: libapparmor1 libqdbm14 php-common php-readline php7.0-cli php7.0-common
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: php7.0-fpm php7.0-json php7.0-opcache php7.0-readline psmisc
openstack: php7.0-fpm php7.0-json php7.0-opcache php7.0-readline psmisc
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: 0 upgraded, 11 newly installed, 0 to remove and 60 not upgraded.
openstack: 0 upgraded, 11 newly installed, 0 to remove and 60 not upgraded.
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: Need to get 5,326 kB of archives.
openstack: Need to get 5,326 kB of archives.
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: After this operation, 23.5 MB of additional disk space will be used.
openstack: After this operation, 23.5 MB of additional disk space will be used.
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: Get:1 jessie/main libqdbm14 amd64 1.8.78-5+b1 [118 kB]
openstack: Get:1 jessie/main libqdbm14 amd64 1.8.78-5+b1 [118 kB]
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: Get:2 jessie/main psmisc amd64 22.21-2 [119 kB]
openstack: Get:2 jessie/main psmisc amd64 22.21-2 [119 kB]
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: Get:3 jessie/main libapparmor1 amd64 2.9.0-3 [60.3 kB]
openstack: Get:3 jessie/main libapparmor1 amd64 2.9.0-3 [60.3 kB]
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: Get:4 stable/all php-common all 21-1~dotdeb+8.1 [10.4 kB]
openstack: Get:4 stable/all php-common all 21-1~dotdeb+8.1 [10.4 kB]
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: Get:5 stable/all php7.0-common all 7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1 [76.0 kB]
openstack: Get:5 stable/all php7.0-common all 7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1 [76.0 kB]
2016/02/22 21:35:13 ui: openstack: Get:6 stable/all php7.0-readline amd64 7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1 [12.1 kB]
openstack: Get:6 stable/all php7.0-readline amd64 7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1 [12.1 kB]
2016/02/22 21:35:14 ui: openstack: Get:7 stable/all php-readline all 21-1~dotdeb+8.1 [2,844 B]
openstack: Get:7 stable/all php-readline all 21-1~dotdeb+8.1 [2,844 B]
2016/02/22 21:35:14 ui: openstack: Get:8 stable/all php7.0-json amd64 7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1 [16.9 kB]
openstack: Get:8 stable/all php7.0-json amd64 7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1 [16.9 kB]
2016/02/22 21:35:14 ui: openstack: Get:9 stable/all php7.0-opcache amd64 7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1 [76.0 kB]
openstack: Get:9 stable/all php7.0-opcache amd64 7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1 [76.0 kB]
2016/02/22 21:35:14 ui: openstack: Get:10 stable/all php7.0-cli amd64 7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1 [2,412 kB]
openstack: Get:10 stable/all php7.0-cli amd64 7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1 [2,412 kB]
2016/02/22 21:35:15 ui: openstack: Get:11 stable/all php7.0-fpm amd64 7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1 [2,422 kB]
openstack: Get:11 stable/all php7.0-fpm amd64 7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1 [2,422 kB]
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Readline
openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Readline
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: debconf: (This frontend requires a controlling tty.)
openstack: debconf: (This frontend requires a controlling tty.)
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Teletype
openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Teletype
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: dpkg-preconfigure: unable to re-open stdin:
openstack: dpkg-preconfigure: unable to re-open stdin:
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Fetched 5,326 kB in 3s (1,706 kB/s)
openstack: Fetched 5,326 kB in 3s (1,706 kB/s)
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libqdbm14.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libqdbm14.
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: (Reading database ... 27347 files and directories currently installed.)
openstack: (Reading database ... 27347 files and directories currently installed.)
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libqdbm14_1.8.78-5+b1_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libqdbm14_1.8.78-5+b1_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Unpacking libqdbm14 (1.8.78-5+b1) ...
openstack: Unpacking libqdbm14 (1.8.78-5+b1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package psmisc.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package psmisc.
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../psmisc_22.21-2_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../psmisc_22.21-2_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Unpacking psmisc (22.21-2) ...
openstack: Unpacking psmisc (22.21-2) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php-common.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php-common.
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php-common_21-1~dotdeb+8.1_all.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php-common_21-1~dotdeb+8.1_all.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Unpacking php-common (21-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Unpacking php-common (21-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php7.0-common.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php7.0-common.
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php7.0-common_7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1_all.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php7.0-common_7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1_all.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Unpacking php7.0-common (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Unpacking php7.0-common (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php7.0-readline.
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php7.0-readline.
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php7.0-readline_7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php7.0-readline_7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Unpacking php7.0-readline (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Unpacking php7.0-readline (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php-readline.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php-readline.
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php-readline_21-1~dotdeb+8.1_all.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php-readline_21-1~dotdeb+8.1_all.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:16 ui: openstack: Unpacking php-readline (21-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Unpacking php-readline (21-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php7.0-json.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php7.0-json.
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php7.0-json_7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php7.0-json_7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Unpacking php7.0-json (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Unpacking php7.0-json (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php7.0-opcache.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php7.0-opcache.
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php7.0-opcache_7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php7.0-opcache_7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Unpacking php7.0-opcache (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Unpacking php7.0-opcache (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php7.0-cli.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php7.0-cli.
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php7.0-cli_7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php7.0-cli_7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Unpacking php7.0-cli (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Unpacking php7.0-cli (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libapparmor1:amd64.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package libapparmor1:amd64.
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libapparmor1_2.9.0-3_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../libapparmor1_2.9.0-3_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Unpacking libapparmor1:amd64 (2.9.0-3) ...
openstack: Unpacking libapparmor1:amd64 (2.9.0-3) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php7.0-fpm.
openstack: Selecting previously unselected package php7.0-fpm.
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php7.0-fpm_7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1_amd64.deb ...
openstack: Preparing to unpack .../php7.0-fpm_7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1_amd64.deb ...
2016/02/22 21:35:17 ui: openstack: Unpacking php7.0-fpm (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Unpacking php7.0-fpm (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:18 ui: openstack: Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
openstack: Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
2016/02/22 21:35:18 ui: openstack: Processing triggers for systemd (215-17+deb8u2) ...
openstack: Processing triggers for systemd (215-17+deb8u2) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:18 ui: openstack: Setting up libqdbm14 (1.8.78-5+b1) ...
openstack: Setting up libqdbm14 (1.8.78-5+b1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:18 ui: openstack: Setting up psmisc (22.21-2) ...
openstack: Setting up psmisc (22.21-2) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:18 ui: openstack: Setting up php-common (21-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Setting up php-common (21-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:18 ui: openstack: Setting up php7.0-common (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Setting up php7.0-common (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:18 ui: openstack: Setting up php7.0-readline (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Setting up php7.0-readline (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:18 ui: openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
2016/02/22 21:35:18 ui: openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
2016/02/22 21:35:18 ui: openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
2016/02/22 21:35:18 ui: openstack:
2016/02/22 21:35:18 ui: openstack: Creating config file /etc/php/mods-available/readline.ini with new version
openstack: Creating config file /etc/php/mods-available/readline.ini with new version
2016/02/22 21:35:19 ui: openstack: Setting up php-readline (21-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Setting up php-readline (21-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:19 ui: openstack: Setting up php7.0-json (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Setting up php7.0-json (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:19 ui: openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
2016/02/22 21:35:19 ui: openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
2016/02/22 21:35:19 ui: openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
2016/02/22 21:35:19 ui: openstack:
2016/02/22 21:35:19 ui: openstack: Creating config file /etc/php/mods-available/json.ini with new version
openstack: Creating config file /etc/php/mods-available/json.ini with new version
2016/02/22 21:35:19 ui: openstack: Setting up php7.0-opcache (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Setting up php7.0-opcache (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:20 ui: openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
2016/02/22 21:35:20 ui: openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
2016/02/22 21:35:20 ui: openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
2016/02/22 21:35:20 ui: openstack:
2016/02/22 21:35:20 ui: openstack: Creating config file /etc/php/mods-available/opcache.ini with new version
openstack: Creating config file /etc/php/mods-available/opcache.ini with new version
2016/02/22 21:35:20 ui: openstack: Setting up php7.0-cli (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Setting up php7.0-cli (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:20 ui: openstack: update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/php7.0 to provide /usr/bin/php (php) in auto mode
openstack: update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/php7.0 to provide /usr/bin/php (php) in auto mode
2016/02/22 21:35:20 ui: openstack: update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/phar7.0 to provide /usr/bin/phar (phar) in auto mode
openstack: update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/phar7.0 to provide /usr/bin/phar (phar) in auto mode
2016/02/22 21:35:20 ui: openstack: update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/phar.phar7.0 to provide /usr/bin/phar.phar (phar.phar) in auto mode
openstack: update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/phar.phar7.0 to provide /usr/bin/phar.phar (phar.phar) in auto mode
2016/02/22 21:35:21 ui: openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
2016/02/22 21:35:21 ui: openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
2016/02/22 21:35:21 ui: openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
2016/02/22 21:35:21 ui: openstack:
2016/02/22 21:35:21 ui: openstack: Creating config file /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini with new version
openstack: Creating config file /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini with new version
2016/02/22 21:35:21 ui: openstack: Setting up libapparmor1:amd64 (2.9.0-3) ...
openstack: Setting up libapparmor1:amd64 (2.9.0-3) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:21 ui: openstack: Setting up php7.0-fpm (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
openstack: Setting up php7.0-fpm (7.0.3-1~dotdeb+8.1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:21 ui: openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
openstack: debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
2016/02/22 21:35:21 ui: openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
openstack: debconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)
2016/02/22 21:35:21 ui: openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
openstack: debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
2016/02/22 21:35:21 ui: openstack:
2016/02/22 21:35:21 ui: openstack: Creating config file /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini with new version
openstack: Creating config file /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini with new version
2016/02/22 21:35:22 ui: openstack: Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-18+deb8u1) ...
openstack: Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-18+deb8u1) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:22 ui: openstack: Processing triggers for systemd (215-17+deb8u2) ...
openstack: Processing triggers for systemd (215-17+deb8u2) ...
2016/02/22 21:35:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:35:22 remote command exited with '0': chmod +x /tmp/; PACKER_BUILD_NAME='openstack' PACKER_BUILDER_TYPE='openstack' /tmp/
2016/02/22 21:35:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:35:22 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 0
2016/02/22 21:35:22 [INFO] 1401 bytes written for 'stderr'
2016/02/22 21:35:22 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 0
2016/02/22 21:35:22 [INFO] 14321 bytes written for 'stdout'
2016/02/22 21:35:22 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 0
2016/02/22 21:35:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:35:22 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 0
2016/02/22 21:35:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:35:22 [INFO] 1401 bytes written for 'stderr'
2016/02/22 21:35:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:35:22 [INFO] 14321 bytes written for 'stdout'
2016/02/22 21:35:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:35:22 opening new ssh session
2016/02/22 21:35:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:35:22 starting remote command: rm -f /tmp/
2016/02/22 21:35:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:35:22 remote command exited with '0': rm -f /tmp/
2016/02/22 21:35:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:35:22 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 0
2016/02/22 21:35:22 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 0
2016/02/22 21:35:22 [INFO] RPC endpoint: Communicator ended with: 0
2016/02/22 21:35:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:35:22 [INFO] RPC client: Communicator ended with: 0
2016/02/22 21:35:22 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepProvision'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepProvision'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:35:40 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
==> openstack: OpenStack cluster doesn't support stop, skipping...
2016/02/22 21:35:40 ui: ==> openstack: OpenStack cluster doesn't support stop, skipping...
2016/02/22 21:35:40 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepStopServer'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'StepStopServer'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:35:56 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:35:56 ui: ==> openstack: Creating the image: Test Packer Image
==> openstack: Creating the image: Test Packer Image
2016/02/22 21:35:59 ui: openstack: Image: 9b54edb5-fb4f-49f1-b607-4712ac98483c
openstack: Image: 9b54edb5-fb4f-49f1-b607-4712ac98483c
2016/02/22 21:35:59 ui: ==> openstack: Waiting for image Test Packer Image (image id: 9b54edb5-fb4f-49f1-b607-4712ac98483c) to become ready...
==> openstack: Waiting for image Test Packer Image (image id: 9b54edb5-fb4f-49f1-b607-4712ac98483c) to become ready...
2016/02/22 21:35:59 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:35:59 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:02 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:02 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:05 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:05 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:07 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:07 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:09 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:09 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:12 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:12 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:14 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:14 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:17 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:17 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:19 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:19 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:21 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:21 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:24 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:24 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:26 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:26 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:29 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:29 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:31 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:31 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:33 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:36 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:36 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:38 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:38 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:41 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:41 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:43 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:43 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:45 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:45 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:48 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:48 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:50 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:50 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:53 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:53 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:56 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:56 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:36:58 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:36:58 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:02 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:02 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:04 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:04 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:07 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:07 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:09 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:09 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:12 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:12 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:14 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:14 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:16 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:16 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:19 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:19 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:21 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:21 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:23 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:23 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:26 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:26 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:28 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:28 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:31 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:31 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:33 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:35 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:35 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:38 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:38 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:40 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:40 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:42 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:42 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:44 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:44 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:48 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:48 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:50 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:50 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:52 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:52 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:55 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:55 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:57 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:57 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:37:59 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:37:59 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:38:02 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:02 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:38:04 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:04 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:38:07 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:07 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:38:10 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:10 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:38:13 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:13 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (25%)
2016/02/22 21:38:15 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:15 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:18 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:18 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:21 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:21 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:23 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:23 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:25 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:25 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:28 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:28 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:30 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:30 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:33 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:35 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:35 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:37 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:37 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:40 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:40 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:42 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:42 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:44 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:44 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:47 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:47 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:49 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:49 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:51 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:51 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:54 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:54 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:57 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:57 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:38:59 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:38:59 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:01 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:01 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:03 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:03 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:06 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:06 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:08 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:08 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:10 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:10 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:13 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:13 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:15 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:15 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:18 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:18 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:20 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:20 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:23 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:23 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:25 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:25 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:27 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:27 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:31 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:31 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:33 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:35 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:35 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:37 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:37 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:40 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:40 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:42 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:42 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:44 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:44 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:47 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:47 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:49 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:49 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:52 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:52 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:55 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:55 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:39:57 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:39:57 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:00 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:00 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:03 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:03 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:06 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:06 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:08 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:08 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:10 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:10 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:12 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:12 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:15 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:15 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:18 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:18 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:20 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:20 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:22 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:24 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:24 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:28 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:28 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:30 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:30 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:33 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:35 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:35 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:37 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:37 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:39 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:39 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:42 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:42 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:44 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:44 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:47 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:47 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:49 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:49 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:51 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:51 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:54 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:54 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:56 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:40:56 Waiting for image creation status: SAVING (50%)
2016/02/22 21:40:59 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'stepCreateImage'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing after run of step 'stepCreateImage'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:42:27 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:42:27 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'stepCreateImage'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'stepCreateImage'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:42:41 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:42:41 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepStopServer'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepStopServer'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:42:49 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:42:49 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepProvision'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepProvision'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:42:57 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:42:57 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepConnect'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepConnect'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:43:03 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:43:03 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepAllocateIp'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepAllocateIp'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:43:09 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:43:09 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepWaitForRackConnect'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepWaitForRackConnect'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:43:14 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:43:14 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepRunSourceServer'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepRunSourceServer'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:43:18 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:43:18 ui: ==> openstack: Terminating the source server: dc09493a-8f75-48fd-947c-23a736a6485b ...
==> openstack: Terminating the source server: dc09493a-8f75-48fd-947c-23a736a6485b ...
2016/02/22 21:43:19 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:19 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED]
2016/02/22 21:43:20 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:20 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:22 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:22 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:24 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:24 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:26 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:26 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:29 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:29 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:31 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:31 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:33 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:33 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:35 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:35 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:37 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:37 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:40 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:40 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:42 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:42 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:44 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:44 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:46 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:46 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:49 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:49 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:51 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:51 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:54 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:54 Waiting for state to become: [DELETED] currently ACTIVE (0%)
2016/02/22 21:43:56 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:43:56 [INFO] 404 on ServerStateRefresh, returning DELETED
2016/02/22 21:43:56 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepKeyPair'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepKeyPair'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:44:15 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:44:15 ui: ==> openstack: Deleting temporary keypair: packer 56cb6f3f-cc5f-84b5-8c8b-6ccbdb4f6373 ...
==> openstack: Deleting temporary keypair: packer 56cb6f3f-cc5f-84b5-8c8b-6ccbdb4f6373 ...
2016/02/22 21:44:15 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepLoadFlavor'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepLoadFlavor'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:44:23 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:44:23 ui: ask: ==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepLoadExtensions'. Press enter to continue.
==> openstack: Pausing before cleanup of step 'StepLoadExtensions'. Press enter to continue.
2016/02/22 21:44:31 ui: scan err: unexpected newline
2016/02/22 21:44:31 ui: ==> openstack: Running post-processor: vagrant
==> openstack: Running post-processor: vagrant
2016/02/22 21:44:31 Deleting original artifact for build 'openstack'
2016/02/22 21:44:31 packer.exe: 2016/02/22 21:44:31 Destroying image: 9b54edb5-fb4f-49f1-b607-4712ac98483c
2016/02/22 21:44:31 ui error: Build 'openstack' errored: 1 error(s) occurred:
* Post-processor failed: Unknown artifact type, can't build box: mitchellh.openstack
2016/02/22 21:44:31 Waiting on builds to complete...
2016/02/22 21:44:31 Builds completed. Waiting on interrupt barrier...
2016/02/22 21:44:31 machine readable: error-count []string{"1"}
2016/02/22 21:44:31 ui error:
==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
2016/02/22 21:44:31 machine readable: openstack,error []string{"1 error(s) occurred:\n\n* Post-processor failed: Unknown artifact type, can't build box: mitchellh.openstack"}
2016/02/22 21:44:31 ui error: --> openstack: 1 error(s) occurred:
* Post-processor failed: Unknown artifact type, can't build box: mitchellh.openstack
2016/02/22 21:44:31 ui:
==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
2016/02/22 21:44:31 waiting for all plugin processes to complete...
Build 'openstack' errored: 1 error(s) occurred:
* Post-processor failed: Unknown artifact type, can't build box: mitchellh.openstack
==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
--> openstack: 1 error(s) occurred:
* Post-processor failed: Unknown artifact type, can't build box: mitchellh.openstack
==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
2016/02/22 21:44:31 [ERR] yamux: Failed to read header: read tcp> wsarecv: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen.
2016/02/22 21:44:31 [ERR] yamux: Failed to read header: read tcp> wsarecv: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen.
2016/02/22 21:44:31 [ERR] yamux: Failed to read header: read tcp> wsarecv: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen.
2016/02/22 21:44:31 C:\packer\packer.exe: plugin process exited
2016/02/22 21:44:31 C:\packer\packer.exe: plugin process exited
2016/02/22 21:44:31 C:\packer\packer.exe: plugin process exited
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