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Last active April 30, 2021 19:08
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firefox , java, flash in a container

Flash, Java and Firefox in a functional container

Revisit the days of yesteryear by running unsupported and abandoned and security-vulnerability infested software. This will build a container with old enough versions of firefox, flash and java to all work together.

My purpose was to access a non-updated Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC). Older versions used flash-only but required java plugin for KVM access.

It should be obvious to the reader that running out of date software might not be a good idea.

How to build

build the container

$ cname=build1
$ lxc launch ubuntu-minimal-daily:bionic $cname
$ lxc exec $cname -- cloud-init status --wait
$ lxc file push container/setup $cname/tmp/setup
$ lxc exec $cname -- /tmp/setup
$ lxc exec $cname -- rm /tmp/setup
$ lxc stop $cname

If you wanted to publish the image, that would look like this:

# publish the container as an image locally
$ lxc publish $cname --alias=my-$cname
Container published with fingerprint: 613f4b07fb6844f92aaf496de3e77a96687c4126780e70eec1678dec55b16262

# get its hash and export
$ hash=613f4b07fb6844f92aaf496de3e77a96687c4126780e70eec1678dec55b16262
$ lxc image export my-$cname

# publish it elsewhere (with image import)
lxc image import --alias=flash-java-firefox "$hash.tar.gz" lxc-remote-name:


This container has:

  • out of date firefox (firefox 50) - newer versions of firefox disabled
  • out of date flash player (32_0r0_371)
  • out of date icedtea 1.6.2-3.1ubuntu3 (from ubuntu archive)

Downloads of firefox and flash player are left in:


They were downloaded from the interwebs:

% md5sum *
08982adb570fd139ed404468a5ba3909  firefox-50.0.tar.bz2
a20bb3725ea35e0611386d27ceb19305  flashplayer32_0r0_371_linux.x86_64.tar.gz

% sha256sum *
781a92e663f0abf84eee6f8577d30f11900f4b67a7ac12eea92df0fd9de0e50a  firefox-50.0.tar.bz2
62c1a22af9d3e8cf3f3a219100482d8e274343641bf575cfb312ba1ee50389fd  flashplayer32_0r0_371_linux.x86_64.tar.gz
error() { echo "$@" 1>&2; }
fail() { local r=$?; [ $r -eq 0 ] && r=1; failrc "$r" "$@"; }
failrc() { local r=$1; shift; [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit $r; }
Usage() {
cat <<EOF
Usage: ${0##*/} [ options ]
set up a system to be firefox/flash/java functional.
--user USER USER non-root user name
bad_Usage() { Usage 1>&2; [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; return 1; }
cleanup() {
[ -z "${TEMP_D}" -o ! -d "${TEMP_D}" ] || rm -Rf "${TEMP_D}"
debug() {
local level=${1}; shift;
[ "${level}" -gt "${VERBOSITY}" ] && return
error "${@}"
cat_readme() {
cat <<EOF
Old versions of cimc firmware have only a flash interface and use
java to launch the remote kvm.
The goal of this container is to run flash and java plugins for in firefox.
Details about how that was accomplished below.
To just get going, you can either:
* run vnc4server and then connect with a vnc client.
* 'ssh -X' into the system as 'ubuntu' (put your keys in
Firefox should be set up and ready to go for the ubuntu user.
If you run as another user, some key things to remember:
* launch firefox
* go to 'about:addons' and 'plugins' set IcedTea (java) and
Shockwave Flash to 'always activate'. You may not be able to chose
'always' for shockwave.
* You may have to hit the shockwave flash icon to the left of the url bar
if flash doesn't automatically start.
Also, for java: Keep saying 'yes'. You trust them, you really trust them....
== Details ==
This container has:
* out of date firefox (firefox 50) -
* out of date flash player (32_0r0_371)
* out of date icedtea 1.6.2-3.1ubuntu3 (from ubuntu archive)
Downloads of firefox and flash player are in:
They were downloaded from the interwebs:
root@minb1:/opt/dl# md5sum *
08982adb570fd139ed404468a5ba3909 firefox-50.0.tar.bz2
a20bb3725ea35e0611386d27ceb19305 flashplayer32_0r0_371_linux.x86_64.tar.gz
root@minb1:/opt/dl# sha256sum *
781a92e663f0abf84eee6f8577d30f11900f4b67a7ac12eea92df0fd9de0e50a firefox-50.0.tar.bz2
62c1a22af9d3e8cf3f3a219100482d8e274343641bf575cfb312ba1ee50389fd flashplayer32_0r0_371_linux.x86_64.tar.gz
user_setup() {
local user="$1"
local home="/home/$user"
local bindir="$home/bin" pubd="$home/pub"
mkdir -p "$bindir" "$pubd" || fail "failed creating dirs in $home"
cd "$home" || fail "failed to cd $home as $user"
[ -d .ssh ] || mkdir .ssh || fail "failed mkdir .ssh"
chmod 700 .ssh
touch .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
ln -s /README.txt .
rm -Rf "$home/.local" "$home/.cache"
main() {
local short_opts="hv"
local long_opts="help,user:,verbose"
local getopt_out=""
getopt_out=$(getopt --name "${0##*/}" \
--options "${short_opts}" --long "${long_opts}" -- "$@") &&
eval set -- "${getopt_out}" ||
{ bad_Usage; return; }
local cur="" next="" user="ubuntu"
while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
cur="$1"; next="$2";
case "$cur" in
-h|--help) Usage ; exit 0;;
--user) user=$next; shift;;
-v|--verbose) VERBOSITY=$((${VERBOSITY}+1));;
--) shift; break;;
# [ $# -ne 0 ] || { bad_Usage "must provide arguments"; return; }
TEMP_D=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/${0##*/}.XXXXXX") ||
fail "failed to make tempdir"
trap cleanup EXIT
# program starts here
[ "$(id -u)" = "0" ] || fail "Expect to be root. sorry.";
[ -d "/home/$user" ] ||
fail "/home/$user does not exist"
debug 1 "massaging apt for faster performance"
## Generally make apt go faster, less stuff.
# remove i386 if present
if dpkg --print-foreign-architectures | grep -q i386; then
dpkg --remove-architecture i386
debug 1 "removed foreign arch i386"
local f=""
if [ ! -f "$f" ]; then
echo 'Acquire::Languages "none";' > "$f" &&
rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/*Translation* ||
fail "failed to remove translations."
debug 1 "removed translations config for apt"
if [ -f "$f" ]; then
rm -f "$f" || fail "Failed to remove appstream apt config"
debug 1 "removed appstream config for apt."
if [ -f "$f" ]; then
rm -f "$f" || fail "failed removing command-not-found config"
debug 1 "removed command not found apt config"
local easl="/etc/apt/sources.list" f=""
if [ -d "${f%/*}" ]; then
echo 'apt_preserve_sources_list: true' > "$f" ||
fail "failed writing $f"
local rel="" mirror=""
rel=$(lsb_release -sc) || fail "failed to get release"
cat >"$easl" <<EOF
deb $mirror $rel main restricted universe
deb $mirror $rel-updates main restricted universe
debug 1 "disabling auto-upgrades"
sed -i 's/1/0/' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades ||
fail "failed to disable auto-upgrades"
cat_readme > /README.txt &&
ln -s /README.txt /root/README.txt ||
fail "failed to write /README.txt"
mkdir -p /opt/dl && cd /opt/dl ||
fail "failed mkdir /opt/dl"
local flashtball="${FLASH_URL##*/}" ffoxtball="${FIREFOX_URL##*/}"
debug 1 "Getting flash to $PWD/${flashtball}"
wget "${FLASH_URL}" -O "${flashtball}" ||
fail "download failed: $FLASH_URL"
debug 1 "getting firefox to $PWD/$ffoxtball"
wget "${FIREFOX_URL}" -O "${ffoxtball}" ||
fail "download failed: $FIREFOX_URL"
md5sum "${flashtball}" "${ffoxtball}" || fail "failed md5sum"
tar -C /opt -xf "$ffoxtball" ||
fail "failed to extract firefox tarball"
local pdir="/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins"
mkdir -p "$pdir" || fail "failed create"
tar -C "$pdir" -xf "$flashtball" ||
fail "failed extracting."
[ -f "$pdir/" ] ||
fail "extraction did not produce"
ln -s ../../opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox ||
fail "failed to link firefox into /usr/bin"
local ffdir="/opt/firefox"
cat > "$ffdir/defaults/pref/local-settings.js" <<"EOF"
pref("general.config.filename", "mozilla.cfg");
pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0); // use this to disable the byte-shift
cat > "$ffdir/mozilla.cfg" <<"EOF"
// lockPref("app.update.enabled", false);
// defaultPref("app.update.enabled", false);
pref("app.update.enabled", false);
pref("", false)
# iced tea version is from bionic GA
# vnc4server needs xfonts-base.
local pkgs="" itver="1.6.2-3.1ubuntu3"
blackbox xterm
vnc4server xfonts-base
apt-get update -qy || fail "failed apt-get update"
apt-get install --no-install-recommends --quiet --assume-yes \
"${pkgs[@]}" || fail "failed installing packages."
sudo -Hu "$user" -- "$0" user-setup "$user" || fail "failed user-setup"
apt-get --quiet --assume-yes autoremove || fail "failed autoremove"
apt-get clean || fail "failed apt clean"
if command -v cloud-init; then
cloud-init clean --logs || fail "failed cloud-init clean"
rm -Rf /var/lib/apt/lists ||
fail "failed to remove /var/lib/apt/lists"
echo "all done!"
if [ "$1" = "user-setup" ]; then
user_setup "$@"
main "$@"
# vi: ts=4 expandtab
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