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Created February 13, 2024 20:51
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(ns jepsen.ydb.serializable
(:require [elle.core :as elle]
[elle.list-append :as a]
[jepsen.history :as h]
[jepsen.checker :as checker]
[jepsen.tests.cycle.append :as append]
[bifurcan-clj [core :as b]]
[elle.graph :as g]
[elle.rels :as rels :refer [ww wr rw process realtime]]
[dom-top.core :refer [loopr]])
(:import (io.lacuna.bifurcan ISet
(jepsen.history Op)
(elle.core RealtimeExplainer)))
(defn mop-key
[[f k v :as mop]]
(case f
:r k
:append k))
(defn op-keys
(apply hash-set (map mop-key (:value op))))
(defn link-per-key-oks
[^IMap alloks g op op']
; Iterate for each affected key k in op
; When a given key has oks set we link them to completion op'
(fn [g k]
(let [oks (.get alloks k nil)]
(if (nil? oks)
(g/link-all-to g oks op' realtime))))
g (op-keys op)))
(defn ^ISet oks-without-implied
[^ISet oks g op]
(if (nil? oks)
; Create a new empty set
(.linear (Set.))
; Find and remove implied operations
(let [implied (g/in g op)]
(if implied
(.difference oks implied)
(defn add-per-key-oks
[^IMap alloks g op]
; Iterate for each affected key k in op
; Adds op to oks buffer for each key, removing implied ops
(fn [alloks k]
(let [oks (.get alloks k nil)
oks (oks-without-implied oks g op)
oks (.add oks op)]
(.put alloks k oks)))
alloks (op-keys op)))
(defn ydb-realtime-graph
"A modification of realtime-graph from elle, where only per-key realtime
edges are added. This corresponds to per-key linearizability."
(loopr [^IMap alloks (.linear (Map.)) ; Our buffer of completed ops for each key
g (b/linear (g/op-digraph))] ; Our order graph
[op history :via :reduce]
(case (:type op)
; A new operation begins! Link every completed op to this one's
; completion. Note that we generate edges here regardless of whether
; this op will fail or crash--we might not actually NEED edges to
; failures, but I don't think they'll hurt. We *do* need edges to
; crashed ops, because they may complete later on.
:invoke ; NB: we might get a partial history without completions
(if-let [op' (h/completion history op)]
(recur alloks (link-per-key-oks alloks g op op'))
(recur alloks g))
; An operation has completed. Add it to the oks buffer, and remove
; oks that this ok implies must have completed.
(let [alloks (add-per-key-oks alloks g op)]
(recur alloks g))
; An operation that failed doesn't affect anything--we don't generate
; dependencies on failed transactions because they didn't happen. I
; mean we COULD, but it doesn't seem useful.
:fail (recur alloks g)
; Crashed operations, likewise: nothing can follow a crashed op, so
; we don't need to add them to the ok set.
:info (recur alloks g))
; All done!
{:graph (b/forked g)
:explainer (RealtimeExplainer. history)}))
(defn ydb-check-opts
"Modified check opts for YDB consistency model."
(let [requested-models (:consistency-models opts)
; YDB is not strict serializable, but we use modified realtime graph
; to relax some realtime requirements and then check as if it was
; strict serializable.
checked-models (cons :strict-serializable requested-models)]
(assoc opts :consistency-models checked-models)))
(defn append-check
"Checks history using YDB consistency model."
(append-check {} history))
([opts history]
(with-redefs [elle/realtime-graph ydb-realtime-graph]
(a/check (ydb-check-opts opts) history))))
(defn ydb-checker
"Wraps an existing jepsen checker with a modified YDB realtime graph."
(reify checker/Checker
(check [this test history checker-opts]
(with-redefs [elle/realtime-graph ydb-realtime-graph]
(checker/check wrapped test history checker-opts)))))
(defn append-test
"A partial test for YDB consistency model."
(let [opts (ydb-check-opts opts)
test (append/test opts)]
(assoc test :checker (ydb-checker (:checker test)))))
(ns jepsen.ydb-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[jepsen.ydb :refer :all]
[jepsen.history :as h]
[jepsen.ydb.serializable :as serializable]))
(deftest per-key-realtime-reorder-detected
(testing "Per key realtime reorder detected"
(let [h (h/history
[{:process 0, :time 1000, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:append 1 1] [:append 3 1]]}
{:process 1, :time 1010, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:r 2 nil] [:append 3 2]]}
{:process 1, :time 1020, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:r 2 nil] [:append 3 2]]}
{:process 2, :time 1030, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:r 1 nil] [:r 2 nil]]}
{:process 2, :time 1040, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:r 1 nil] [:r 2 nil]]}
{:process 1, :time 1050, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:r 2 nil] [:append 3 3]]}
{:process 1, :time 1060, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:r 2 nil] [:append 3 3]]}
{:process 0, :time 1070, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:append 1 1] [:append 3 1]]}
{:process 0, :time 1080, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:r 3 nil]]}
{:process 0, :time 1090, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:r 3 [1 2 3]]]}])
r (serializable/append-check h)]
(is (not (:valid? r))))))
(deftest per-key-realtime-no-reorder
(testing "Per key realtime no reorder"
(let [h (h/history
[{:process 0, :time 1000, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:append 1 1] [:append 3 1]]}
{:process 1, :time 1010, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:r 2 nil] [:append 3 2]]}
{:process 1, :time 1020, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:r 2 nil] [:append 3 2]]}
{:process 2, :time 1030, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:r 1 nil] [:r 2 nil]]}
{:process 2, :time 1040, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:r 1 [1]] [:r 2 nil]]}
{:process 1, :time 1050, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:r 2 nil] [:append 3 3]]}
{:process 1, :time 1060, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:r 2 nil] [:append 3 3]]}
{:process 0, :time 1070, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:append 1 1] [:append 3 1]]}
{:process 0, :time 1080, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:r 3 nil]]}
{:process 0, :time 1090, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:r 3 [1 2 3]]]}])
r (serializable/append-check h)]
(is (:valid? r)))))
(deftest unrelated-appear-reorder
(testing "Unrelated appends may be reordered"
(let [h (h/history
[{:process 0, :time 1000, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:r 1 nil] [:r 2 nil]]}
{:process 1, :time 1010, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:append 1 1]]}
{:process 1, :time 1020, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:append 1 1]]}
{:process 1, :time 1030, :type :invoke, :f :txn, :value [[:append 2 1]]}
{:process 1, :time 1040, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:append 2 1]]}
{:process 0, :time 1050, :type :ok, :f :txn, :value [[:r 1 nil] [:r 2 [1]]]}])
r (serializable/append-check h)]
(is (:valid? r) r))))
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