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package nettimeout
import (
// Listener wraps a net.Listener, and gives a place to store the timeout
// parameters. On Accept, it will wrap the net.Conn with our own Conn for us.
type Listener struct {
package main
import (
type SingleHost struct {
handler http.Handler
allowedHost string
// Warning, code untested
type Thinger interface {
SomeMethod( arg bool ) bool
type RealThing struct {
state bool

Generate the list yourself:

$ cd /Applications/*.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/Headers


# @desc Auto-increment the build number every time the project is run.
# @usage
# 1. Select: your Target in Xcode
# 2. Select: Build Phases Tab
# 3. Select: Add Build Phase -> Add Run Script
# 4. Paste code below in to new "Run Script" section
# 5. Drag the "Run Script" below "Link Binaries With Libraries"
# 6. Insure that your starting build number is set to a whole integer and not a float (e.g. 1, not 1.0)

Ubuntu 12.04, Ruby, Rails, Nginx, Unicorn and git-deploy

In the seemlingly endless search for the actual correct and easy way to deploy a Rails app, we have tried several ways. We tried out using Apache2 and running a cluster of Thin servers. With the built in threading of Puma we decided to use it with Nginx.

Server Setup

  • Create new server
  • Login to new server
    • ssh root@IPaddress (you can also use the domain name if you have the DNS setup already)
    • accept the RSA key
if [ "$MY_GROUP" = "" ] ; then
echo '!!! undefined variable MY_GROUP.'
echo '!!!'
echo '!!! ex.) MY_GROUP=staff'
echo '!!!'
exit 1
cd /usr/local
ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
require 'rails/test_help'
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'minitest/pride'
require 'capybara/rails'
class MiniTest::Spec
include ActiveSupport::Testing::SetupAndTeardown
set -e # exit on error
# * built for Ubuntu (Lucid Lynx)
# * uses GIT via SSH because of !@#$% proxy at work
# * installs your desired ruby version (1.9.2-p290 per default) using rbenv
# ** including openssl (needed by bundler)
# ** including sqlite (probably needed for rails apps)
# Before you start:
# Guide
# Configure the essential configurations below and do the following:
# Repository Creation:
# cap deploy:repository:create
# git add .
# git commit -am "initial commit"
# git push origin master
# Initial Deployment: