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Last active August 29, 2021 18:58
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#! /usr/bin/env janet
# jsrc - display source associated with some janet symbol
# thanks to bakpakin and yumaikas
## requirements ##
# janet
# git
# git clone of janet source code, preferably the latest
# web browser
## tweakables ##
# program to open urls -- but may need to modify `os/execute` call below
(var browser-opener nil)
# non-windows
(set browser-opener "xdg-open")
#(set browser-opener "chromium")
#(set browser-opener "firefox")
#(set browser-opener "brave")
# windows
(when (= :windows (os/which))
(set browser-opener "explorer"))
# locally reachable path of janet source code -- latest for best results
(var janet-source-path nil)
# non-windows
(set janet-source-path "/tmp/janet")
# windows
(when (= :windows (os/which))
(set janet-source-path (string (os/getenv "TMP") `\janet`)))
(def start-dir (os/cwd))
(unless (os/stat janet-source-path)
(eprin "failed to find local janet source code, fetch? [y/N] ")
(def response (string/ascii-lower (string/trimr (getline))))
(when (not= response "y")
(eprintf "please git clone janet's source to: %s" janet-source-path)
(os/exit 1))
(def janet-src-parent # remove trailing dir separator + janet
(string/reverse (string/slice (string/reverse janet-source-path) 5)))
# `os/cs` returns `nil` for success...
(def success (not (os/cd janet-src-parent)))
(unless success
(eprintf "failed to change directory to: %s" janet-src-parent)
(os/exit 1))
(os/execute ["git"
(eprintf "failed to clone janet source: %p" err)
(os/exit 1))))
(unless (os/stat janet-source-path)
(eprintf "please git clone janet's source to: %s" janet-source-path)
(os/exit 1))
(def arg (get (dyn :args) 1))
(var doc-arg nil)
(var sym-arg nil)
(if arg
(if ((curenv) (symbol arg))
(set sym-arg arg)
(set doc-arg (string `"` arg `"`)))
(let [all (all-bindings)
idx (math/rng-int (math/rng (os/cryptorand 3))
(length all))]
(set sym-arg (get all idx))))
(when doc-arg
(def code-string (string "(doc " doc-arg ")"))
(eval-string code-string)
(eprinf "failed to find symbol: %s" doc-arg)
(eprintf " -- see above for possible alternatives")
(os/exit 1))
# XXX: should not happen
(unless sym-arg
(eprintf "failed to find symbol or alternatives for: %s" arg)
(os/exit 1))
# find source file info
(def code-string (string "(dyn '" sym-arg ")"))
(def entry (eval-string code-string))
(unless entry
(eprintf "failed to determine entry for: %p" sym-arg)
(os/exit 1))
(var [path line] (entry :source-map))
(unless (and path line)
(eprintf "failed to find source path and/or line for: %p" sym-arg)
(os/exit 1))
# XXX: paths without a slash should be this only boot.janet?
(unless (string/find "/" path)
(set path (string "src/boot/" path)))
# `os/cd` returns `nil` on success...kind of weird
(def success (not (os/cd janet-source-path)))
(unless success
(eprintf "failed to set working directory to janet source at: %p"
(os/exit 1))
(def build-type
(peg/match ~(some :h) janet/build)
# XXX: will be inaccurate -- how to figure out which commit was built with?
(= "local" janet/build)
(unless build-type
(eprintf "unexpected janet/build value: %p" janet/build)
(os/exit 1))
(var sha nil)
(if (= build-type :local)
(let [proc (os/spawn ["git"
"show-ref" "--tags"
(string "v" janet/version)]
{:out :pipe})
output (string/trimr (ev/read (proc :out) :all))]
(unless output
(error "failed to read output from git"))
(set sha (first (peg/match ~(capture (some :h)) output))))
(eprintf "failed to determine full sha for janet/version: %s"
(error err)))
(let [proc (os/spawn ["git"
"rev-list" "--max-count=1"
{:out :pipe})
output (string/trimr (ev/read (proc :out) :all))]
(if output
(set sha output)
(error "failed to read output from git")))
(eprintf "failed to determine full sha for: %p" janet/build)
(error err))))
(def url (string ""
(print url)
# XXX: on windows always an error?
(os/execute [browser-opener url]
(unless (= :windows (os/which))
(eprintf "problem trying to open url with: %p" browser-opener))))
# XXX: only restores starting dir when no errors...
(os/cd start-dir)
## future possibilities ##
# * option to open source via editor
# * update existing cloned janet source?
# * option to just print url without opening a browser
# * search within sources associated with pkgs (leverage short name)?
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