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Created November 29, 2018 22:03
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Save sogaiu/a3c5ea15d25ac68368de926274c3ae1c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. with java-bits removed, take 2 -- trace-ns seems to work too
;; trace.clj -- simple call-tracing macros for Clojure
;; by Stuart Sierra,
;; December 3, 2008
;; Copyright (c) Stuart Sierra, 2008. All rights reserved. The use
;; and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse
;; Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
;; distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
;; agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not
;; remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
;; This file defines simple "tracing" macros to help you see what your
;; code is doing.
;; Aug 23thd, 2013: Luc Préfontaine
;; * Fixed crash of throwable tracing when no string based constructor exists
;; December 1st, 2012: Luc Préfontaine
;; * Fixed README and comments in source file
;; * fixed changelog and readme
;; * added traced? and traceable/ fns
;; * removed reflection warnings
;; March 4, 2012: Luc Préfontaine
;; * added macro wrappers around fns allowing dynamic tracing.
;; Feb. 20, 2012: Luc Préfontaine
;; * added contribution from Michał Marczyk and Don jackson to allow dynamic tracing of fns in a namespace.
;; Sept 18, 2011: Luc Préfontaine
;; * moved it to new contrib modular struct
;; * made it 1.2/1.3 compliant
;; * supported doc strings
;; * added a trace-form macro, from Jonathan Fischer
;; December 3, 2008:
;; * replaced *trace-out* with tracer
;; * made trace a function instead of a macro
;; (suggestion from Stuart Halloway)
;; * added trace-fn-call
;; June 9, 2008: first version
(ns ^{:author "Stuart Sierra, Michel Salim, Luc Préfontaine, Jonathan Fischer Friberg, Michał Marczyk, Don Jackson"
:doc "This file defines simple tracing macros to help you see what your code is doing."}
(:use [clojure.pprint]))
(def ^{:doc "Current stack depth of traced function calls." :private true :dynamic true}
*trace-depth* 0)
(def ^{:doc "Forms to ignore when tracing forms." :private true}
ignored-form? '#{def quote var try monitor-enter monitor-exit assert})
(defn ^{:private true} tracer
"This function is called by trace. Prints to standard output, but
may be rebound to do anything you like. 'name' is optional."
[name value]
(println (str "TRACE" (when name (str " " name)) ": " value)))
(defn trace
"Sends name (optional) and value to the tracer function, then
returns value. May be wrapped around any expression without
affecting the result."
([value] (trace nil value))
([name value]
(tracer name (pr-str value))
(defn ^{:private true} trace-indent
"Returns an indentation string based on *trace-depth*"
(apply str (take *trace-depth* (repeat "| "))))
(defn ^{:skip-wiki true} trace-fn-call
"Traces a single call to a function f with args. 'name' is the
symbol name of the function."
[name f args]
(let [id (gensym "t")]
(tracer id (str (trace-indent) (pr-str (cons name args))))
(let [value (binding [*trace-depth* (inc *trace-depth*)]
(apply f args))]
(tracer id (str (trace-indent) "=> " (pr-str value)))
(defmacro deftrace
"Use in place of defn; traces each call/return of this fn, including
arguments. Nested calls to deftrace'd functions will print a
tree-like structure.
The first argument of the form definition can be a doc string"
[name & definition]
(let [doc-string (if (string? (first definition)) (first definition) "")
fn-form (if (string? (first definition)) (rest definition) definition)]
(declare ~name)
(let [f# (fn ~@fn-form)]
(defn ~name ~doc-string [& args#]
(trace-fn-call '~name f# args#))))))
(defmacro dotrace
"Given a sequence of function identifiers, evaluate the body
expressions in an environment in which the identifiers are bound to
the traced functions. Does not work on inlined functions,
such as clojure.core/+"
[fnames & exprs]
`(binding [~@(interleave fnames
(for [fname fnames]
`(let [f# @(var ~fname)]
(fn [& args#]
(trace-fn-call '~fname f# args#)))))]
(defn ^{:skip-wiki true} trace-var*
"If the specified Var holds an IFn and is not marked as a macro, its
contents is replaced with a version wrapped in a tracing call;
otherwise nothing happens. Can be undone with untrace-var.
In the unary case, v should be a Var object or a symbol to be
resolved in the current namespace.
In the binary case, ns should be a namespace object or a symbol
naming a namespace and s a symbol to be resolved in that namespace."
([ns s]
(trace-var* (ns-resolve ns s)))
(let [^clojure.lang.Var v (if (var? v) v (resolve v))
ns (.ns v)
s (.sym v)]
(if (and (ifn? @v) (-> v meta :macro not) (-> v meta ::traced not))
(let [f @v
vname (symbol (str ns "/" s))]
(doto v
(alter-var-root #(fn tracing-wrapper [& args]
(trace-fn-call vname % args)))
(alter-meta! assoc ::traced f)))))))
(defn ^{:skip-wiki true} untrace-var*
"Reverses the effect of trace-var / trace-vars / trace-ns for the
given Var, replacing the traced function with the original, untraced
version. No-op for non-traced Vars.
Argument types are the same as those for trace-var."
([ns s]
(untrace-var* (ns-resolve ns s)))
(let [^clojure.lang.Var v (if (var? v) v (resolve v))
ns (.ns v)
s (.sym v)
f ((meta v) ::traced)]
(when f
(doto v
(alter-var-root (constantly ((meta v) ::traced)))
(alter-meta! dissoc ::traced))))))
(defmacro trace-vars
"Trace each of the specified Vars.
The arguments may be Var objects or symbols to be resolved in the current
[& vs]
`(do ~@(for [x vs]
`(if (var? ~x)
(trace-var* ~x)
(trace-var* (quote ~x))))))
(defmacro untrace-vars
"Untrace each of the specified Vars.
Reverses the effect of trace-var / trace-vars / trace-ns for each
of the arguments, replacing the traced functions with the original,
untraced versions."
[& vs]
`(do ~@(for [x vs]
`(if (var? ~x)
(untrace-var* ~x)
(untrace-var* (quote ~x))))))
(defn ^{:skip-wiki true} trace-ns*
"Replaces each function from the given namespace with a version wrapped
in a tracing call. Can be undone with untrace-ns. ns should be a namespace
object or a symbol.
No-op for clojure.core and"
(let [ns (the-ns ns)]
;; jvm has .name while clr has .Name...they both have .getName though
;;(when-not ('#{clojure.core} (.name ns))
(when-not ('#{clojure.core} (.getName ns))
(let [ns-fns (->> ns ns-interns vals (filter (comp fn? var-get)))]
(doseq [f ns-fns]
(trace-var* f))))))
(defn ^{:private true} resolves-as-var?
"Try to resolve the symbol in several ways to find out if it's a var or not."
(coll? n) nil
(try (find-ns n) (catch Exception _)) nil
(if-let [v (try (ns-resolve *ns* n) (catch Exception _))] (var? v))))
(defmacro trace-ns
"Trace all fns in the given name space. The given name space can be quoted, unquoted or stored in a var.
We must try to resolve the expression passed to us partially to find out if it needs to be quoted or not
when passed to trace-ns*"
(let [quote? (not (or (resolves-as-var? n) (and (coll? n) (= (first n) (quote quote)))))
n (if quote? (list 'quote n) n)]
`(trace-ns* ~n)))
(defn ^{:skip-wiki true} untrace-ns*
"Reverses the effect of trace-var / trace-vars / trace-ns for the
Vars in the given namespace, replacing each traced function from the
given namespace with the original, untraced version."
(let [ns-fns (->> ns the-ns ns-interns vals)]
(doseq [f ns-fns]
(untrace-var* f))))
(defmacro untrace-ns
"Untrace all fns in the given name space. The given name space can be quoted, unquoted or stored in a var.
We must try to resolve the expression passed to us partially to find out if it needs to be quoted or not
when passed to untrace-ns*"
(let [quote? (not (or (resolves-as-var? n) (and (coll? n) (= (first n) (quote quote)))))
n (if quote? (list 'quote n) n)]
`(untrace-ns* ~n)))
(defn traced?
"Returns true if the given var is currently traced, false otherwise"
(let [^clojure.lang.Var v (if (var? v) v (resolve v))]
(-> v meta ::traced nil? not)))
(defn traceable?
"Returns true if the given var can be traced, false otherwise"
(let [^clojure.lang.Var v (if (var? v) v (resolve v))]
(and (ifn? @v) (-> v meta :macro not))))
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