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Created January 1, 2024 00:44
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using spork's getline to get a nicer janet repl experience at the command line
#! /usr/bin/env janet
(import spork/getline)
# XXX: overriding getline
(def getline (getline/make-getline))
# XXX: copy-modify of stuff in boot.janet to override built-in getline
# conditional compilation for reduced os
(def- getenv-alias (if-let [entry (in root-env 'os/getenv)] (entry :value) (fn [&])))
(defn- run-main
[env subargs arg]
(when-let [entry (in env 'main)
main (or (get entry :value) (in (get entry :ref) 0))]
(def guard (if (get env :debug) :ydt :y))
(defn wrap-main [&]
(main ;subargs))
(def f (fiber/new wrap-main guard env))
(var res nil)
(while (fiber/can-resume? f)
(set res (resume f res))
(when (not= :dead (fiber/status f))
((debugger-on-status env) f res)))))
(defn cli-main-2
Slightly tweaked version of cli-main.
(setdyn *args* args)
# (var should-repl false)
(var should-repl (empty? args))
(var no-file true)
(var quiet false)
(var raw-stdin false)
(var handleopts true)
(var exit-on-error true)
(var colorize true)
(var debug-flag false)
(var compile-only false)
(var warn-level nil)
(var error-level nil)
(var expect-image false)
(if-let [jp (getenv-alias "JANET_PATH")] (setdyn *syspath* jp))
(if-let [jprofile (getenv-alias "JANET_PROFILE")] (setdyn *profilepath* jprofile))
(set colorize (and
(not (getenv-alias "NO_COLOR"))
(os/isatty stdout)))
(defn- get-lint-level
(def x (in args (+ i 1)))
(or (scan-number x) (keyword x)))
# Flag handlers
(def handlers
{"h" (fn [&]
(print "usage: " (dyn *executable* "janet") " [options] script args...")
Options are:
-h : Show this help
-v : Print the version string
-s : Use raw stdin instead of getline like functionality
-e code : Execute a string of janet
-E code arguments... : Evaluate an expression as a short-fn with arguments
-d : Set the debug flag in the REPL
-r : Enter the REPL after running all scripts
-R : Disables loading profile.janet when JANET_PROFILE is present
-p : Keep on executing if there is a top-level error (persistent)
-q : Hide logo (quiet)
-k : Compile scripts but do not execute (flycheck)
-m syspath : Set system path for loading global modules
-c source output : Compile janet source code into an image
-i : Load the script argument as an image file instead of source code
-n : Disable ANSI color output in the REPL
-N : Enable ANSI color output in the REPL
-l lib : Use a module before processing more arguments
-w level : Set the lint warning level - default is "normal"
-x level : Set the lint error level - default is "none"
-- : Stop handling options
(os/exit 0)
"v" (fn [&] (print janet/version "-" janet/build) (os/exit 0) 1)
"s" (fn [&] (set raw-stdin true) (set should-repl true) 1)
"r" (fn [&] (set should-repl true) 1)
"p" (fn [&] (set exit-on-error false) 1)
"q" (fn [&] (set quiet true) 1)
"i" (fn [&] (set expect-image true) 1)
"k" (fn [&] (set compile-only true) (set exit-on-error false) 1)
"n" (fn [&] (set colorize false) 1)
"N" (fn [&] (set colorize true) 1)
"m" (fn [i &] (setdyn *syspath* (in args (+ i 1))) 2)
"c" (fn c-switch [i &]
(def path (in args (+ i 1)))
(def e (dofile path))
(spit (in args (+ i 2)) (make-image e))
(set no-file false)
"-" (fn [&] (set handleopts false) 1)
"l" (fn l-switch [i &]
(import* (in args (+ i 1))
:prefix "" :exit exit-on-error)
"e" (fn e-switch [i &]
(set no-file false)
(eval-string (in args (+ i 1)))
"E" (fn E-switch [i &]
(set no-file false)
(def subargs (array/slice args (+ i 2)))
(def src ~(short-fn ,(parse (in args (+ i 1))) E-expression))
(def thunk (compile src))
(if (function? thunk)
((thunk) ;subargs)
(error (get thunk :error)))
"d" (fn [&] (set debug-flag true) 1)
"w" (fn [i &] (set warn-level (get-lint-level i)) 2)
"x" (fn [i &] (set error-level (get-lint-level i)) 2)
"R" (fn [&] (setdyn *profilepath* nil) 1)})
(defn- dohandler [n i &]
(def h (in handlers n))
(if h (h i) (do (print "unknown flag -" n) ((in handlers "h")))))
# Process arguments
(var i 0)
(def lenargs (length args))
(while (< i lenargs)
(def arg (in args i))
(if (and handleopts (= "-" (string/slice arg 0 1)))
(+= i (dohandler (string/slice arg 1) i))
(def subargs (array/slice args i))
(set no-file false)
(if expect-image
(def env (load-image (slurp arg)))
(put env *args* subargs)
(put env *lint-error* error-level)
(put env *lint-warn* warn-level)
(when debug-flag
(put env *debug* true)
(put env *redef* true))
(run-main env subargs arg))
(def env (make-env))
(put env *args* subargs)
(put env *lint-error* error-level)
(put env *lint-warn* warn-level)
(when debug-flag
(put env *debug* true)
(put env *redef* true))
(if compile-only
(flycheck arg :exit exit-on-error :env env)
(dofile arg :exit exit-on-error :env env)
(run-main env subargs arg)))))
(set i lenargs))))
(if (or should-repl no-file)
compile-only (flycheck stdin :source :stdin :exit exit-on-error)
(if-not quiet
(print "Janet " janet/version "-" janet/build " " (os/which) "/" (os/arch) "/" (os/compiler) " - '(doc)' for help"))
(defn getprompt [p]
(def [line] (parser/where p))
(string "repl:" line ":" (parser/state p :delimiters) "> "))
(defn getstdin [prompt buf _]
(file/write stdout prompt)
(file/flush stdout)
(file/read stdin :line buf))
(def env (make-env))
(when-let [profile.janet (dyn *profilepath*)]
(def new-env (dofile profile.janet :exit true))
(merge-module env new-env "" false))
(when debug-flag
(put env *debug* true)
(put env *redef* true))
(def getter (if raw-stdin getstdin getline))
(defn getchunk [buf p]
(getter (getprompt p) buf env))
(setdyn *pretty-format* (if colorize "%.20Q" "%.20q"))
(setdyn *err-color* (if colorize true))
(setdyn *doc-color* (if colorize true))
(setdyn *lint-error* error-level)
(setdyn *lint-warn* error-level)
(repl getchunk nil env)))))
# XXX: using setdyn in what seemed like a straight-forward way didn't do
# what was desired (i.e. modify appropriate dynamic variables)
# remove leading item of args which is the name of this script to
# better emulate the standard janet binary behavior
(put root-env
:args (array/remove (dyn :args) 0))
(put root-env
:pretty-format "%.20Q")
(cli-main-2 (dyn :args))
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