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Last active February 2, 2022 17:52
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Six graphs on four vertices and their musical chords
import LinearAlgebra as LinAlg
import SparseArrays
import Graphs
import GraphRecipes: graphplot
import Plots: savefig
import WAV
function normalized_laplacian_matrix(g::Graphs.SimpleGraph)
A = Graphs.CombinatorialAdjacency(Graphs.adjacency_matrix(g).+ 0.0)
 = Graphs.NormalizedAdjacency(A)
L̂ = Graphs.NormalizedLaplacian(Â)
return SparseArrays.sparse(L̂)
function normalized_laplacian_spectrum(g::Graphs.SimpleGraph)
return LinAlg.eigvals(LinAlg.Matrix(normalized_laplacian_matrix(g)))
function spectrum_to_frequencies(eigenvalues::Vector{Float64}; zero_freq::Float64=440.0)
# Compute the frequency for each eigenvalue
# 0 gets mapped to `zero_freq`,
# 1 gets mapped to zero_freq + 1 octave (2 * zero_freq),
# 2 gets mapped to zero_freq + 2 otaves (4 * zero_freq),
# etc.
frequency(x) = 2^x * zero_freq
return frequency.(eigenvalues)
function sine_wave(frequency::Float64; duration::Float64=1.0, Fs::Float64=8e3)
# Create a range with length `duration` divided into `Fs` samples
t = 0.0:1/Fs:prevfloat(duration)
# Calculate the values of a sine wave with frequency `frequency`
# over each sample in `t`
return sin.(2π * frequency * t) * 0.1
function frequencies_to_tones(frequencies::Vector{Float64}; duration::Float64=1.0, Fs::Float64=8e3)
return sine_wave.(frequencies, duration=duration, Fs=Fs)
function make_tones(g::Graphs.SimpleGraph; duration::Float64=1.0, Fs::Float64=8e3)
# NOTE: Repeated eigenvalues in the spectrum result in repeated tones
spectrum = normalized_laplacian_spectrum(g)
frequencies = spectrum_to_frequencies(spectrum)
return frequencies_to_tones(frequencies, duration=duration, Fs=Fs)
function write_chord(tones::Vector{Vector{Float64}}, filename::String)
chord = sum.(zip(tones...))
WAV.wavwrite(chord, filename)
# Generate six random graphs on four vertices with increasing numbers of edges
for i in 1:6
path = "out/$i/"
# Create a random graph on 4 vertices
G = Graphs.SimpleGraph(4, i)
# Generate the graph's chord
tones = make_tones(G)
write_chord(tones, "$path/chord$i.wav")
# Plot the graph and save the plot to a file
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