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Created June 30, 2016 19:17
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rubygem_new=# select,, d.count as first, d2.count as second from rubygems r inner join rubygems r2 on lower( lower( and < inner join gem_downloads d on = d.rubygem_id and d.version_id=0 inner join gem_downloads d2 on = d2.rubygem_id and d2.version_id = 0 order by d.count;
name | name | first | second
support | SUPPORT | 540 | 4602
auto | Auto | 904 | 14569
Pickaxe | pickaxe | 1239 | 34516
SampleGem | samplegem | 1267 | 1362
simpleMailer | simplemailer | 1270 | 8388
Robin | robin | 1331 | 1380
SVY21 | svy21 | 1343 | 1311
tyler | TYLER | 1367 | 3542
RTALib | rtalib | 1405 | 1120
test | Test | 1432 | 29757
testgem | TestGem | 1477 | 2200
StormRETS | stormrets | 1494 | 5465
hellogem | HelloGem | 1588 | 2243
MissionHub | Missionhub | 1597 | 11181
SkypeR | skyper | 1606 | 14046
Shunt | shunt | 1705 | 3773
Rug | rug | 1711 | 1936
Rubernate | rubernate | 1714 | 14004
gitgo | GitGo | 1718 | 2373
UDJrb | udjrb | 1812 | 3300
generator | Generator | 1886 | 3849
SgfParser | sgfparser | 1918 | 8627
domainr | Domainr | 1945 | 4349
googleplus | GooglePlus | 1983 | 2011
DepGraph | depgraph | 2044 | 7691
macaddr | MACAddr | 2082 | 4967049
reposh | Reposh | 2086 | 8909
basil | Basil | 2133 | 13596
nilsimsa | Nilsimsa | 2173 | 4910
memoize | Memoize | 2257 | 35427
SysVIPC | sysvipc | 2334 | 38290
roxml | ROXML | 2353 | 398557
bashy | Bashy | 2415 | 10670
freeswitcher | FreeSWITCHeR | 2498 | 105027
selenium-client | Selenium-Client | 2562 | 534866
Harry | harry | 2587 | 32088
moby | Moby | 2596 | 13341
Walt | walt | 2602 | 2906
CRUDtree | crudtree | 2639 | 4919
todo | Todo | 2706 | 5574
currency_converter_CIS | currency_converter_cis | 2720 | 3343
SurgicalStrike | surgicalstrike | 2892 | 1613
writeexcel | WriteExcel | 2949 | 251543
Gitspotter | gitspotter | 2957 | 1685
ModelMaker | modelmaker | 2963 | 56163
Sandrbox | sandrbox | 3005 | 1683
midna | Midna | 3031 | 25028
Impatient | impatient | 3037 | 34113
buildr | Buildr | 3044 | 635208
sms | SMS | 3098 | 4367
Polar | polar | 3439 | 50540
jazz | Jazz | 3465 | 2294
usage | Usage | 3693 | 4100
Piggy | piggy | 3732 | 12921
RoadRunner | roadrunner | 3789 | 5653
medea | Medea | 3837 | 93571
RSokoban | rsokoban | 3909 | 7967
PBYF | pbyf | 3948 | 1542
Tracker | tracker | 3969 | 5613
operator | Operator | 4128 | 2105
pushit | PushIt | 4171 | 1795
Nabaztag | nabaztag | 4186 | 4241
jazzez | Jazzez | 4249 | 2359
CacheBar | cachebar | 4303 | 6670
Informer | informer | 4381 | 2345
Sac | sac | 4392 | 49398
Realiaser | realiaser | 4423 | 50980
magic | Magic | 4436 | 62710
gooby | Gooby | 4615 | 15114
markaby | Markaby | 4659 | 136040
CSI | csi | 4712 | 1695
box2d | Box2d | 4734 | 5963
BigCat | bigcat | 4746 | 42823
dtr | DTR | 4795 | 10423
Redir | redir | 4834 | 53179
Splice | splice | 4991 | 2089
base62 | Base62 | 5348 | 103760
xray | XRay | 5534 | 79218
websocket | WEBSocket | 5547 | 11054217
RTFMd | rtfmd | 5722 | 74766
SQS | sqs | 5880 | 103035
pablo | Pablo | 5892 | 2301
X12 | x12 | 6488 | 40561
SiriProxy-SamsungRemote | siriproxy-samsungremote | 6496 | 46807
Legit-the-Git | legit-the-git | 6595 | 5690
etl | ETL | 6777 | 707
shorty | Shorty | 6861 | 4104
stompmq | StompMq | 7003 | 2020
Onion | onion | 7015 | 3971
Platform | platform | 7020 | 2210858
commandline | CommandLine | 7351 | 8605
dnsruby | Dnsruby | 7391 | 649041
Ron | ron | 7669 | 5598
ec2ssh | EC2ssh | 7705 | 23908
VimMate | vimmate | 7846 | 9771
Urbanesia | urbanesia | 8014 | 38815
Apfel | apfel | 8059 | 2209
rmeetup | rMeetup | 8327 | 2446
Devops | devops | 8425 | 7059
abundance | Abundance | 8455 | 192312
Cyrillizer | cyrillizer | 8487 | 2652
Hebruby | hebruby | 8882 | 4487
classiccms | classicCMS | 9158 | 73614
CollegiateLink | collegiatelink | 9353 | 59264
jBootstrap | jbootstrap | 10340 | 1574
Saikuro | saikuro | 10719 | 218695
Fboauth2 | fboauth2 | 11426 | 60312
MP4Info | mp4info | 11947 | 13821
Krakken | krakken | 12308 | 22333
FarsiFu | farsifu | 12346 | 2463
jsRender-rails | jsrender-rails | 12349 | 5765
AutoNZB | autonzb | 13003 | 29417
JalaliDate | jalalidate | 13168 | 2330
GraDA | grada | 13232 | 3556
Soroban | soroban | 13292 | 46928
DTAUS | dtaus | 13497 | 15742
PD_x12 | pd_x12 | 13603 | 6328
LanGrove | langrove | 15234 | 54836
funit | fUnit | 15279 | 25182
Flashatron | flashatron | 17083 | 2427
Xooie | xooie | 17235 | 614
puke | Puke | 18816 | 22122
Gemfiler | gemfiler | 19707 | 23784
RubySH | rubysh | 21314 | 1581
Etch | etch | 21386 | 6047
ASS | ass | 21478 | 3317
SI | si | 21867 | 2026
Labrador | labrador | 21990 | 19068
ProtonCouch | protoncouch | 22170 | 18159
Oasis | oasis | 22571 | 56592
Q | q | 23165 | 22742
SweetTea | sweettea | 23249 | 2932
eric | Eric | 24699 | 37983
ActionPool | actionpool | 25842 | 99175
pulse | Pulse | 26951 | 3581
NoDevent | nodevent | 27112 | 1701
Appjob | appjob | 28508 | 2605
ActionTimer | actiontimer | 29895 | 85370
Recalls | recalls | 31133 | 26846
Cartesian | cartesian | 31778 | 15129
Letter | letter | 31977 | 25607
babelfish | Babelfish | 32388 | 8211
LeDelay | leDelay | 32721 | 25107
banana | Banana | 33283 | 12037
hello | Hello | 33325 | 46941
Kanocc | kanocc | 34059 | 5474
jruby-openssl | JRuby-OpenSSL | 34993 | 2116927
Onlooker | onlooker | 35038 | 26535
Relata | relata | 35351 | 25310
tictactoe | TicTacToe | 38121 | 5173
activesambaldap | ActiveSambaLdap | 38314 | 68003
valuable | Valuable | 40202 | 334273
stencil | Stencil | 45069 | 11369
savage | SAVAGE | 45589 | 26863
ProMotion | promotion | 46137 | 152157
spy-vs-spy | Spy-Vs-Spy | 46348 | 13202
rangehash | RangeHash | 48912 | 10968
ruby-hl7 | Ruby-HL7 | 51849 | 41123
firstgem | firstGem | 52097 | 2152
locksmith | Locksmith | 54738 | 7789
stream | Stream | 54992 | 97982
rsruby | RSRuby | 55653 | 37005
O_o | O_O | 57936 | 193572
SiteMap | sitemap | 59951 | 1906
RSpec-Steps | rspec-steps | 60958 | 1877
Dynamoid | dynamoid | 67890 | 2099
rtask | RTask | 69507 | 17026
GeoRuby | georuby | 96667 | 190943
Zliby | zliby | 96721 | 21678
XMLCanonicalizer | xmlcanonicalizer | 103840 | 131002
Selenium | selenium | 109990 | 131949
Opal | opal | 115420 | 2192
rack | Rack | 125066 | 100955906
GData | gdata | 197584 | 35714
Linguistics | linguistics | 207343 | 7412
fakeweb | FakeWeb | 247486 | 1996516
rubyapp | RubyApp | 282285 | 3703
zurb-foundation | ZURB-foundation | 326485 | 863405
Flipper | flipper | 334384 | 4725
POpen4 | popen4 | 403380 | 1569890
Text | text | 1054032 | 51460
BlueCloth | bluecloth | 1609536 | 119241
rVM | rvm | 4973685 | 629798
(183 rows)
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