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Last active December 21, 2018 02:42
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I have been contributing code to Minetest for months, not just sitting on code.
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man, sorcerykid really manages to piss me off
22:34 "this is bad" "that is inefficient" "that change only made things worse"
22:34 combines with the constant rambling about "crticial bug" "fatal flaw"
22:35 oh and don't forget the "look how performant my own code is!!!!" sections in benchmarks
22:35 nerzhul sfan5, maybe he is a friend of Dirk :p
22:35 sfan5 actual contributions? fucking nothing
22:35 posts an issue with a link to some garbage .zip file you're supposed to take apart yourself
22:36 he's not wrong but his attitude is completely ass
22:39 sofar scroll back a few months and I said the exact same thing, almost verbatim
22:41 paramat (me too)
22:50 sofar I don't get mad if people just don't have time
22:51 proller joined #minetest-dev
22:51 sofar I get mad because sorcerykid continues to make terrible decisions on how to open source contributions
22:52 sfan5 clearly you should be happy that mr. god programmer has graced you with his presence at all
22:53 sofar​iewtopic.php?f=9&t=19303 is the evidence
22:54 I'm fairly sure that "Leslie" and the github emo image are completely creepy as well
22:55 ... scary
22:55 I'm not helping your , sorry :o
23:03 backs away from the keyboard and decides it's time to turn off the internet
23:09 Fixer but maybe his code is good, sorcerykid server has very little lag, I can confirm that
23:10 even with huge auth file

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tenplus1 ehehe
17:07 anyone ever tested this yet :​iewtopic.php?f=9&t=20393
17:10 Krock OP did
17:11 tenplus1 seems, complicated...
17:25 red-001 if someone doesn't find a way to make it turning complete I will be disappointed
17:25 tenplus1 ?? huh
17:30 red-001 oh he just removed last-login
17:30 tenplus1 who, what ?
17:30 red-001 I guess not having last login by definition fixes issues with it
17:30 nerzhul "on high-traffic Minetest servers" lol i hope 40 connections per second are handled without any significant for any mod
17:31 and SRP is one of the most secure protocols
17:31 also when the auth to sqlite is merged, this thing will become useless
17:32 tenplus1 so 0.5 will have this anyhoo ? or parts of it
17:32 red-001 no
17:32 nerzhul parts of this PR ? no
17:33 i will make the auth PR a blocker as it's mandatory to have a consistent thing between player db & auth db
17:33 Krock everything or nothing
17:33 red-001 we already have a real database linked
17:33 nerzhul and when it's merged, postgresql support
17:33 bye bye any pr, postgresql permits to share auth between same "galaxy" servers
17:33 Krock also leveldb, redis and whatever there still is
17:33 red-001 how is the PR for that doing?
17:34 nerzhul never push auth to redis
17:34 minetest/minetest#7279
17:34 i don't rember what is missing on it but it's nearly complete
17:34 and generic
17:35 and it has unittests <3
17:35 red-001 tenplus1, I hope the author did a lot of testing on this
17:36 nerzhul at least bendeutsch pr has nice unittests haha
17:36 sfan5 looks like someone NIH'd sqlite
17:36 Krock my comment about the legacy account is still not addressed
17:36 sfan5 also a scripting language
17:36 red-001 NIH?
17:36 sfan5 way to go overboard
17:36 red-001 not invented here?
17:36 nerzhul and the lua minetest post is quite ugly, he implemented transactional in lua, lol
17:36 sfan5 red-001: yes
17:36 nerzhul all transactional backends like sqlite or pg has it directly
17:37 * red-001 wonders why the "opcodes" aren't strings
17:37 nerzhul​/minetest/jobs/398654074#L1471
17:37 nice
17:38 red-001 surely that has a smaller chances to go horribly wrong
17:38 nerzhul the feature coverage is sufficient to me
17:38 Krock can you remember which change ? so many comments on the pr
17:38 tenplus1 faster than current auth setup ?
17:38 nerzhul without doubt, it's a sqlite db
17:39 if you migrate to it
17:39 and no corruption problem
17:39 tenplus1 +100 we need 'dis
17:39 nerzhul if you have a big server and already a postgresql db, i suggest to migrate to pg when i code it
17:39 tenplus1 what about sql?
17:39 red-001 the filter thing would be kinda nice as a Lua thing
17:39 nerzhul sqlite is good for tiny servers
17:39 Krock nerzhul, it's still shown in /files.​test/pull/7279/files#r186809850
17:40 red-001 empty sandbox with just table and string utils
17:40 tenplus1 I mean if I ran it on Xanadu would it work ok ?
17:40 migrate current auth.txt over etc ?
17:41 nerzhul ty Jricj
17:41 migrate a pseudo csv file to a db is very easy
17:43 sfan5 the db_commit method is not atomic, it might fail to find the file if it aborts between .remove() and .rename()
17:44 red-001 sfan5, but it's a bit faster so it must be right
17:46 IhrFussel sqlite is fine with 20+ players too it depends on the server would have a max_lag of 0.2 secs if only mapgen ran
17:46 nerzhul slqite is file with thousands of entries
17:46 red-001, storage rule, never trust storage
17:47 file/fine
17:47 IhrFussel My server only uses sqlite and everyone say "it's smoother than almost every other server"
17:47 red-001 I was joking
17:48 IhrFussel That is quite an achievement to get such comments with 185 mods and 10-20 players regularly
17:49 tenplus1 :)
17:49 sofar there is no strong direct correlation between players and sqlite performance. If all players are close together, it's just like there is one very active player
17:49 tenplus1 !server xanadu
17:49 MinetestBot tenplus1: Xanadu | | Clients: 13/40, 6/16 | Version: 0.4.16 / minetest | Ping: 108ms
17:49 red-001 auth is a lot more like what DBs are meant to handle than map blocks
17:50 I doubt any real DB couldn't handle minetest auth
17:51 jluc joined #minetest-hub
17:51 IhrFussel I use sauth but that one is actually one of the heavier mods regarding execution time... the prejoin callback takes 50-100ms mostly
17:51 Not sure why
17:52 My server got a little over 100,000 accounts so that could be the culprit
17:53 But deleting old auth means that these names can be re-used and players then suddenly have access to all their locked objects and projects
17:54 It's legal griefing
17:54 tenplus1 heh
17:55 red-001 legal griefing sounds like a mine(craft/test) punk rock band
17:56 IhrFussel Haha^^ No but really... don't wanna start from scratch as new player? Just find abandoned projects, writre down the owner name and try to join as them...and voila! You may be rich
17:56 Darcidride joined #minetest-hub
17:56 Krock deleting old auth means you should also delete the player from the player database, so only the map has leftovers from them
17:56 nerzhul IhrFussel, sauth + 50ms + 100k records ? logical for any non indexes dataset
17:56 Krock finding these can be quite difficult
17:57 red-001 50 ms doesn't seem too bad
17:57 tenplus1 what exactly does auth contain for each player taht cannot be included in separate player files
17:57 red-001 tenplus1, password information
17:57 and privs
17:58 tenplus1 isnt it hashed anyhow ?
17:58 red-001 privs should really be in player files

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sorcerykid commented Jul 16, 2018

It's okay if Shara complains about Minetest. nobody tells her to stop bitching. rubenwardy even says sure. Of course oddly Shara is also the reason the auth issue was reopened and put on high priority.

13:55 Shara I guess an explanation of how it's meant to be used in the readme was too much to expect as well.
2 more elements. Show/hide.
14:07 rubenwardy Minetest.conf
14:07 .example
14:07 :P
14:09 Shara rubenwardy: still nice to have things in the readme for the actual mod
14:09 johnnyjoy joined #minetest
14:10 Shara It's kind of silly that we don't do this
14:12 rubenwardy Sure

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rubenwardy: well, socerykid does a nice job. perhaps try to catch as a core dev?
17:18 rubenwardy yeah, no
17:18 she's never helped review
17:18 or actually contributed
17:19 just thrown posted some random patches (which could cause data loss due to reduce save interval) on the forums
17:19 I'd welcome that to start now however :)
17:19 Sokomine perhaps it just takes a bit more talking with each other? most of socerykids work seems to be more of intrest for the engine and server owners than for individual players
17:19 that'd be nice, yes :-)
17:20 it's not as if core devs grow on trees .-)
17:20 plants a
17:20 rubenwardy unfortunately not :(
17:20 we do need more core devs, and for that you need more contributors
17:21 the path usually goes:
17:21 Krock joined #minetest-hub
17:21 rubenwardy casual contributor -> contributor who also looks at other peoples PRs -> contributor who actively finds bugs and issues with other prs -> core devs

Apparently i posted multiple patches that can result in data loss, ignoring the fact that sfan5 contributed a PR that not only threatens data loss, but can actually take down a server. apparently these core devs don't understand the concept of a hotfix. my patch wasn't intended to be a "contribution", it was simply an interim fix for server operators to regain control of their server.

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Thanks for your contribution. The mod works, but it's somewhat slow. You could use the Lua VoxelManipulator to speed up the node replacement a bit. If that's a bit complicated, then consider replacing set_node with swap_node, which also improves the performance a bit by skipping the Lua callbacks.

Apparently Krock even admits that "contributions" can include mods.

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