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Last active April 20, 2023 16:32
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This is a basic example of using InstancedBufferGeometry in react-three-fiber as of 8.12.1. Uses the pack-spheres npm module to generate the shapes.
import React, {useMemo} from "react";
import pack from "pack-spheres"
import {SphereGeometry, GLSL3, InstancedBufferAttribute} from "three"
export default function (props) {
const {
numInstances = 1000,
dimensions = 3,
packAttempts = 500,
minRadius = 0.05,
maxRadius = 0.5,
padding = 0.0025,
widthSegments = 32,
heightSegments = 16
} = props
// Builds instanced data for the packing
const objdata = useMemo(() => {
let sphere = new SphereGeometry(1, widthSegments, heightSegments);
const settings = {
maxCount: numInstances,
// generate scale/radius + positions
const circles = pack(settings)
// setup arrays
let positions = new Float32Array(numInstances * 3)
let scales = new Float32Array(numInstances)
// Build per-instance attributes.
let count = 0
circles.forEach((circle, i) => {
positions[count] = circle.position[0]
positions[count + 1] = circle.position[1]
positions[count + 2] = circle.position[2]
scales[i] = circle.radius
count += 3
let ipositions = new InstancedBufferAttribute(positions, 3)
let iscales = new InstancedBufferAttribute(scales, 1)
return {
index: sphere.index,
attribs: {
iPosition: ipositions,
iScale: iscales,
}, [])
const vertex = `
in vec3 position;
in vec2 uv;
in vec3 iPosition;
in float iScale;
out float vScale;
out vec3 vPos;
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 viewMatrix;
void main(){
vec3 p = position;
p.x *= iScale;
p.y *= iScale;
p.z *= iScale;
vec4 pos = vec4(p + iPosition,1.);
vPos = iPosition;
vScale = iScale;
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * viewMatrix * pos;
const fragment = `
precision highp float;
in float vScale;
in vec3 vPos;
out vec4 glFragColor;
void main(){
glFragColor = vec4(1.0,vScale,0.0,1.);
return (
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