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Last active December 17, 2015 15:42
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* data-alert属性
window.addEventListener('click', function(e){
var target =;
if (target.dataset.hasOwnProperty('alert')) {
}, false);
* Add dataset support to elements
* No globals, no overriding prototype with non-standard methods,
* handles CamelCase properly, attempts to use standard
* Object.defineProperty() (and Function bind()) methods,
* falls back to native implementation when existing
* Inspired by
* (via )
* Depends on Function.bind and Object.defineProperty/Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor (polyfills below)
* All code below is Licensed under the X11/MIT License
* @see
// Inspired by
if (!Function.prototype.bind) {
Function.prototype.bind = function (oThis) {
'use strict';
if (typeof this !== "function") {
// closest thing possible to the ECMAScript 5 internal IsCallable function
throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable");
var aArgs =, 1),
fToBind = this,
FNOP = function () {},
fBound = function () {
return fToBind.apply(
this instanceof FNOP && oThis ? this : oThis,
FNOP.prototype = this.prototype;
fBound.prototype = new FNOP();
return fBound;
* Xccessors Standard: Cross-browser ECMAScript 5 accessors
* 2010-06-21
* By Eli Grey,
* A shim that partially implements Object.defineProperty,
* Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, and Object.defineProperties in browsers that have
* legacy __(define|lookup)[GS]etter__ support.
* Licensed under the X11/MIT License
* See
// Removed a few JSLint options as Notepad++ JSLint validator complaining and
// made comply with JSLint; also moved 'use strict' inside function
/*jslint white: true, undef: true, plusplus: true,
bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, maxlen: 90 */
/*! @source*/
(function () {
'use strict';
var ObjectProto = Object.prototype,
defineGetter = ObjectProto.__defineGetter__,
defineSetter = ObjectProto.__defineSetter__,
lookupGetter = ObjectProto.__lookupGetter__,
lookupSetter = ObjectProto.__lookupSetter__,
hasOwnProp = ObjectProto.hasOwnProperty;
if (defineGetter && defineSetter && lookupGetter && lookupSetter) {
if (!Object.defineProperty) {
Object.defineProperty = function (obj, prop, descriptor) {
if (arguments.length < 3) { // all arguments required
throw new TypeError("Arguments not optional");
prop += ""; // convert prop to string
if (, "value")) {
if (!, prop) && !, prop)) {
// data property defined and no pre-existing accessors
obj[prop] = descriptor.value;
if ((, "get") ||, "set")))
// descriptor has a value prop but accessor already exists
throw new TypeError("Cannot specify an accessor and a value");
// can't switch off these features in ECMAScript 3
// so throw a TypeError if any are false
if (!(descriptor.writable && descriptor.enumerable &&
throw new TypeError(
"This implementation of Object.defineProperty does not support" +
" false for configurable, enumerable, or writable."
if (descriptor.get) {, prop, descriptor.get);
if (descriptor.set) {, prop, descriptor.set);
return obj;
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) {
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function (obj, prop) {
if (arguments.length < 2) { // all arguments required
throw new TypeError("Arguments not optional.");
prop += ""; // convert prop to string
var descriptor = {
configurable: true,
enumerable : true,
writable : true
getter =, prop),
setter =, prop);
if (!, prop)) {
// property doesn't exist or is inherited
return descriptor;
if (!getter && !setter) { // not an accessor so return prop
descriptor.value = obj[prop];
return descriptor;
// there is an accessor, remove descriptor.writable;
// populate descriptor.get and descriptor.set (IE's behavior)
delete descriptor.writable;
descriptor.get = descriptor.set = undefined;
if (getter) {
descriptor.get = getter;
if (setter) {
descriptor.set = setter;
return descriptor;
if (!Object.defineProperties) {
Object.defineProperties = function (obj, props) {
var prop;
for (prop in props) {
if (, prop)) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, props[prop]);
// Begin dataset code
if (!document.documentElement.dataset &&
// FF is empty while IE gives empty object
(!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, 'dataset') ||
!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, 'dataset').get)
) {
var propDescriptor = {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
'use strict';
var i,
that = this,
attrVal, attrName, propName,
attributes = this.attributes,
attsLength = attributes.length,
toUpperCase = function (n0) {
return n0.charAt(1).toUpperCase();
getter = function () {
return this;
setter = function (attrName, value) {
return (typeof value !== 'undefined') ?
this.setAttribute(attrName, value) :
try { // Simulate DOMStringMap w/accessor support
// Test setting accessor on normal object
({}).__defineGetter__('test', function () {});
HTML5_DOMStringMap = {};
catch (e1) { // Use a DOM object for IE8
HTML5_DOMStringMap = document.createElement('div');
for (i = 0; i < attsLength; i++) {
attribute = attributes[i];
// Fix: This test really should allow any XML Name without
// colons (and non-uppercase for XHTML)
if (attribute && &&
(/^data-\w[\w\-]*$/).test( {
attrVal = attribute.value;
attrName =;
// Change to CamelCase
propName = attrName.substr(5).replace(/-./g, toUpperCase);
try {
Object.defineProperty(HTML5_DOMStringMap, propName, {
enumerable: this.enumerable,
get: getter.bind(attrVal || ''),
set: setter.bind(that, attrName)
catch (e2) { // if accessors are not working
HTML5_DOMStringMap[propName] = attrVal;
return HTML5_DOMStringMap;
try {
// FF enumerates over element's dataset, but not
// Element.prototype.dataset; IE9 iterates over both
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, 'dataset', propDescriptor);
} catch (e) {
propDescriptor.enumerable = false; // IE8 does not allow setting to true
Object.defineProperty(Element.prototype, 'dataset', propDescriptor);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="">
<button data-alert="hello">click</button>
<button data-alert="world">click</button>
<h2>参考 / 原案</h2>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">JavaScript - DOMに依存しない理想のイベント処理を考察 - Qiita</a></p>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="html5-dataset.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
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