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Last active April 9, 2020 10:28
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Test task

Test assignment description


You're proposed to create simple grocery shopping cart application with two screens:

  • Shop catalog screen
  • Shopping cart screen

Application communicates with API server located at and performs few operations (described below in API section). Prelimiary application designs can be found here:

  • PNG screens:
Shopping Cart
one two

Application will enable user to interact with following user stories:

  • "As a user I want to browse through list of products"
  • "As a user I want to add product to cart by clicking on it"
  • "As a user I want to see my cart"
  • "As a user I want to modify quantity of items in my cart"


Get products list



limit(query): Int

offset(query): Int

Example request:

curl -X GET ''

Example response:


Get cart



id(query): string

Example request:

curl -X GET ''

Example response:


Update cart


Example request:

curl -X POST -d'{"id":"hello", "products":[{"quantity":2, "product":{"id":726194184824496100}}]}' -H'Content-Type: application/json'

Example response:


It is recommended that you generate UUID and use it for get/update cart

Hints and constraints on quality

  1. You may choose any reasonable libs for this assignment. We're not limiting your choice here, just will give you suggestion to use solutions you're confident with.
  2. If needed, you may choose any dependency management (CocoaPods, SwiftPM, Carthage). Just make sure to include working on how to build and run an app. It might be good idea to do clean checkout of the repo and try to build an app from scratch before submission.
  3. You are free to choose any UI creation approach (storyboard, xib, code). We're not limiting your choice here, however, keeping in mind the simplicity of design, creation of UI in code will be a plus.
  4. You are encouraged to make any reasonable UX improvements on top of what's given in this assignment. We'd love to learn your ideas here.
  5. You are free to choose any architecture pattern of your preference (MVx, Flux, Redux, VIPER etc.) During architecture assessment we would focus on:
  • Appropriateness of selected architecture (Remember, this is a simple app. 6 levels of mapping of 5 levels of nothing won't bring you additional bonus points)
  • Implementation cleaniness (How good you own the pattern you're employing in the app and how clean it's usage is)
  1. If you struggle with something for too long, please remember: "better done than perfect". We'd love to see your submissions and discuss results.
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