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Created December 3, 2017 16:25
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enum UIState {
case current
case forecast(page: Int)
enum UIEvent {
case turnCurrent
case turnForecast
case turnLeft
case turnRight
class ViewModel {
class UIStore: Store<UIState, UIEvent> {
fileprivate init() {
super.init(state: .current, reducers: [uistore_reducer])
required init(state: UIState, reducers: [UIStore.Reducer]) {
fatalError("init(state:reducers:) cannot be called on type UIStore. Use `shared` accessor")
private let uiStore = UIStore()
private let appStore = AppStore.shared
private (set) lazy var uiAction: Action<UIEvent, (), NoError> = createUIAction()
private (set) lazy var reloadAction: Action<(), (), NoError> = createReloadAction()
private (set) lazy var locateAction: Action<(), (), NoError> = createLocateAction()
private (set) lazy var weatherFeatures: SignalProducer<[WeatherFeatureCellKind], NoError> = self.weatherFeaturesProducer()
private (set) lazy var title: SignalProducer<String, NoError> =
private (set) lazy var isLoading: SignalProducer<Bool, NoError> =
init() {
func isEnabledControl(for events: Set<UIEvent>) -> SignalProducer<Bool, NoError> {
return uiStore.producer
.combineLatest(with: appStore.producer)
.map { (uiState, appState) -> Bool in
guard case .success(_, let forecast) = else {
return false
var allowedEvents = Set<UIEvent>([.turnCurrent, .turnForecast])
if case .forecast(let page) = uiState {
if page > 0 {
allowedEvents = allowedEvents.union([.turnLeft])
if page < forecast.count - 1 {
allowedEvents = allowedEvents.union([.turnRight])
return allowedEvents.isSuperset(of: events)
extension ViewModel {
fileprivate func createUIAction() -> Action<UIEvent, (), NoError> {
return Action { (event) in
return SignalProducer { [weak self] in
self?.uiStore.consume(event: event)
func createButtonAction(for event: UIEvent) -> Action<(), (), NoError> {
return Action(enabledIf: Property(initial: false, then: isEnabledControl(for: Set([event]))) ) {
return SignalProducer { [weak self] in
self?.uiStore.consume(event: event)
fileprivate func createReloadAction() -> Action<(), (), NoError> {
return Action {
return SignalProducer { [weak self] in
self?.appStore.consume(event: .weatherRequest)
fileprivate func createLocateAction() -> Action<(), (), NoError> {
let enabledProducer = { (appState) in
return !(appState.location.locationRequestState.isUpdating ||
return Action(enabledIf: Property(initial: false, then: enabledProducer)) {
return SignalProducer { [weak self] in
self?.appStore.consume(event: .locationRequest)
fileprivate func weatherFeaturesProducer() -> SignalProducer<[WeatherFeatureCellKind], NoError> {
return uiStore.producer
.combineLatest(with: appStore.producer.filter { $ } )
fileprivate static func toWeatherFeatures(uiState: UIState, appState: AppState) -> [WeatherFeatureCellKind] {
guard case .success(let currentWeather, let forecast) = else {
return []
switch uiState {
case .current: return currentWeather.toWeatherFeatures()
case .forecast(let page): return page < forecast.count ? forecast[page].toWeatherFeatures() : []
fileprivate static func geopositionString(appState: AppState) -> String {
if case .success(let geoposition) = {
return "\(geoposition.englishName), \(geoposition.englishRegion) \("
return "Locating.."
fileprivate static func isLoading(appState: AppState) -> Bool {
return || ||
func uistore_reducer(state: UIState, event: UIEvent) -> UIState {
switch event {
case .turnCurrent: return .current
case .turnForecast: return .forecast(page: 0)
case .turnLeft: if case .forecast(let page) = state { return .forecast(page: page - 1) } else { return state }
case .turnRight: if case .forecast(let page) = state { return .forecast(page: page + 1) } else { return state }
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