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Louis Waweru soyfrien

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soyfrien / Rebase Master to Main in git.txt
Created April 7, 2022 07:41
Update local clone when renaming branch (git cli).
git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a

I just clicked through the on-prem AD DC Connect app the first time around and it failed to match my accounts; this one which is some kind of 365 entity with a huge schema and life of its own, so now I have two.

One is the principal account for a 365 space, and the other can only be synched one way. I tried editing my SID with the attribute editor in AD Users iand Groups , but that field is read only.

How should I resolve this issue? Strangely, MS knows they are the same entity as logging in with either one wilil land in the sasme

soyfrien / BPA
Last active January 18, 2022 04:29


Protect liner

Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter *| Set-ADOrganizationalUnit -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $true

PDC not synchronizing

Try a closer server: w32tm /config / /manualpeerlist: /syncfromflags:manual /update The command completed successfully. w32tm.exe /config /update

soyfrien /
Created January 18, 2022 03:24 — forked from mutin-sa/
List of Top Public Time Servers

Google Public NTP [AS15169]:

soyfrien / fstrim.service
Created November 9, 2021 06:57
How Azure Implements systemd timers to trim SSDs and Kind of Scared to Make Azure Services Now
Description=Discard unused blocks on filesystems from /etc/fstab
ExecStart=/sbin/fstrim --fstab --verbose --quiet
soyfrien / cardano.node.log
Created October 19, 2021 04:31
LM Missed a Mint
Oct 19 06:17:26 XXXX cardano-node[1372]: #033[34m[XXXX:cardano.node.LeadershipCheck:Info:142]#033[0m [2021-10-18 22:17:26.00 UTC] {"kind":"TraceStartLeadershipCheck","chainDensity":4.995604e-2,"slot":43029155,"delegMapSize":906194,"utxoSize":3690134,"credentials":"Cardano"}
Oct 19 06:17:26 XXXX cardano-node[1372]: #033[34m[XXXX:cardano.node.Forge:Info:142]#033[0m [2021-10-18 22:17:26.00 UTC] fromList [("val",Object (fromList [("kind",String "TraceNodeIsLeader"),("slot",Number 4.3029155e7)])),("credentials",String "Cardano")]
Oct 19 06:17:26 XXXX cardano-node[1372]: #033[34m[XXXX:cardano.node.Forge:Info:142]#033[0m [2021-10-18 22:17:26.00 UTC] fromList [("val",Object (fromList [("block",String "2cc4cfcf1fa97e23cd1da2c50ac029634b0ed764786df581b1df79b450477949"),("blockNo",Number 6388412.0),("blockPrev",String "7de0e1ce6838ad4a99eec985e2ced75523340b5be1c35f8a5ae09b6affa6d07a"),("kind",String "TraceForgedBlock"),("slot",Number 4.3029155e7)])),("credentials",String "Cardano")]
Oct 19 06:17:26 XXXX cardano-node[137
soyfrien / 23andMechatAgentRestrictions.txt
Created June 18, 2021 05:00
23andMe Chat Agent Resscritions
BOT: Hey!
BOT: I'm Gene! Welcome to the 23andMe Virtual Assistant.
BOT: Ask me a question or tap a common one below.
BOT: Hi there
BOT: I'm Gene! Welcome to the 23andMe Virtual Assistant.
BOT: Ask me a question or tap a common one below.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am soyfrien on github.
  • I am 1of1 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBOx79Auq8N1Pl7BtWu-S7ZM0gcUSimDnKLJEd4jE-FSgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

soyfrien / DXDIAG.TXT
Created September 27, 2020 10:51
ProtonMail Bridge OpenGL Troubleshooting
System Information
Time of this report: 9/27/2020, 06:43:13
Machine name: WINYX
Machine Id: {C60AC40C-F605-42BD-9FC2-2B8AABC8247E}
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 64-bit (10.0, Build 20211) (20211.rs_prerelease.200904-1619)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Apple Inc.
System Model: MacBookPro16,1