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sozysozbot / random_gismu.htm
Created September 3, 2016 14:39
outputs gismu randomly (duplication allowed)
var n = prompt("how many gismu?",10);
var gismu = ["bacru","badna","badri","bajra","bakfu","bakni","bakri","baktu","balji","balni","balre","balvi","bambu","bancu","bandu","banfi","bangu","banli","banro","banxa","banzu","bapli","barda","bargu","barja","barna","bartu","basfa","basna","basti","batci","batke","bavmi","baxso","bebna","bekpi","bemro","bende","bengo","benji","bersa","berti","besna","betfu","betka","betri","bevri","bidju","bifce","bikla","bilga","bilma","bilni","bindo","binra","binxo","birje","birka","birti","bisli","bitmu","blabi","blaci","blanu","bliku","bloti","bluji","bolci","bongu","botpi","boxfo","boxna","bradi","bratu","brazo","bredi","bridi","brife","briju","brito","broda","brode","brodi","brodo","brodu","bruna","budjo","bukpu","bumru","bunda","bunre","burcu","burna","cabna","cabra","cacra","cadzu","cafne","cagna","cakla","calku","canci","cando","cange","canja","canko","canlu","canpa","canre","canti","carce","carmi","carna","cartu","carvi","casnu","catke","catlu","catni","catra","cax
sozysozbot / random_2letter_cmavo.htm
Created September 3, 2016 14:53
outputs 2-letter cmavo randomly (duplicate allowed)
var n = prompt("#",9);
var conso = ".bcdfgjklmnprstvxz";
var single_vowel = "aeiou";
function choose_one(arr)
return arr[Math.random()*arr.length|0];
for(var i=0; i<n;i++){
document.write(choose_one(conso)+choose_one(single_vowel)+" ");
function c(a){return a[Math.random()*a.length|0]}s="";for(i=prompt();i;i--,s+=c(".bcdfgjklmnprstvxz")+c("aeiou")+" ");alert(s)
co = ".bcdfgjklmnprstvxz"
vo = "aeiou"
vovo = ["ai","ei","oi","au"]
cv = do
c <- co
v <- vo
return [c,v]
cv'v = do
sozysozbot / official_gismu_list_english.tsv
Created February 27, 2017 13:46
official gismu list in english
bacru x_{1} utters verbally/says/phonates/speaks [vocally makes sound] x_{2}. - utter
badna x_{1} is a banana/plantain [fruit/plant] of species/breed x_{2}. - plantain; banana<br>- banana; fruit or plant
badri x_{1} is sad/depressed/dejected/[unhappy/feels sorrow/grief] about x_{2} (abstraction). - dejected<br>- sad<br>- depressed; sad
bajra x_{1} runs on surface x_{2} using limbs x_{3} with gait x_{4}. - run
bakfu x_{1} is a bundle/package/cluster/clump/pack [shape/form] containing x_{2}, held together by x_{3}. - bundle
bakni x_{1} is a cow/cattle/kine/ox/[bull/steer/calf] [beef-producer/bovine] of species/breed x_{2}. - bovine
bakri x_{1} is a quantity of/contains/is made of chalk from source x_{2} in form x_{3}. - chalk
baktu x_{1} is a bucket/pail/can/deep, solid, wide-topped container of contents x_{2}, made of material x_{3}. - bucket
balji x_{1} is a bulb [body-part] of plant/species x_{2}; [metaphor: rounded, bulgy]. - bulb
balni x_{1} is a balcony/overhang/ledge/shelf of building/structure x_{2}. -
bacru x<sub>1</sub> utters verbally/says/phonates/speaks [vocally makes sound] x<sub>2</sub>. - utter x<sub>1</sub> は x<sub>2</sub> (声/音)を発する 発声 <口走る>, utter
badna x<sub>1</sub> is a banana/plantain [fruit/plant] of species/breed x<sub>2</sub>. - plantain; banana<br>- banana; fruit or plant x<sub>1</sub> は x<sub>2</sub> (種類)のバショウ科植物(バナナ等) - バナナ, バナナ <場で怒鳴る>, banana
badri x<sub>1</sub> is sad/depressed/dejected/[unhappy/feels sorrow/grief] about x<sub>2</sub> (abstraction). - dejected<br>- sad<br>- depressed; sad x<sub>1</sub> は x<sub>2</sub> (事)について悲しい/落胆している; x<sub>2</sub> は x<sub>1</sub> を悲しませる 悲しい
bajra x<sub>1</sub> runs on surface x<sub>2</sub> using limbs x<sub>3</sub> with gait x<sub>4</sub>. - run x<sub>1</sub> は x<sub>2</sub> (表面)を x<sub>3</sub> (肢)・ x<sub>4</sub> (調子)で走る 走る <場をじらす>, run
bakfu x<sub>1</sub> is a bundle/package/cluster/clump/pack [shape/form] containing x<sub>2</sub>, held together by x<sub>3</sub>. - bundle x<sub>1</sub> は x<sub>2</sub> (内容)を x<sub>3</sub> で結んだ束/パッケージ/まとまり <バック太
sozysozbot / newex_lipa2.txt
Created June 18, 2017 14:45
[18/06/2017 16:37:41] sashimi FAFS:
[18/06/2017 16:38:11] sashimi FAFS: 構成できたぞよ。なんか短い(ニューエクは20課)気がするからもっと引き伸ばしたり、意見を聞きたい。
[18/06/2017 16:55:15] la 99 botpi: おっ
[18/06/2017 16:55:19] la 99 botpi: 読みます読みます
[18/06/2017 16:56:33] la 99 botpi: 「私に働かせてください!」「机戦で勝負しろ!」
[18/06/2017 16:56:38] S.Y: リパライン語
ban missen tonir l'es birleen alefis io
sozysozbot / ファイクレオネと現世の間の単位の対応
Last active July 14, 2017 14:54
0.005323{6} = 1203/46656 <= a <= 1204/46656 = 0.005324{6} なるaで、 [裏事情:この値は、ダイスを振って0,0,5,3,2,3が出たことによる]
1 stususn = (5/4)^(2a-1) 秒という等式が成り立つ。
数値計算すると、0.809259秒 <= 1 stususn <= 0.809267秒である。
0.25111{6} = 3715/7776 <= b <= 3716/7776 = 0.25112{6} なるbで、 [裏事情:この値は、ダイスを振って2,5,1,1,1が出たことによる]
このずらし方でA440をずらした時の周波数をxとすると、数値計算すると452.311Hz <= x <= 452.315Hzである。
366.037 stu^(-1) <= x <= 366.043 stu^(-1)である。
座標系は、現世と逆の「左手系」とする。 [裏事情:奇数が出たら右手系、偶数が出たら左手系と決めて、ダイスを振ったら4が出た]
磁場ベクトルの向きは、現世と逆とする。 [裏事情:奇数が出たら右手系、偶数が出たら左手系と決めて、ダイスを振ったら2が出た]