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Created May 14, 2010 14:05
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import collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, LinkedList}
import io.Source
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
* Date: Apr 16, 2010
* Time: 10:44:22 PM
object Parser
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val attributes = List("company", "url", "country", "rate", "field")
//val all_fields = List("Software", "Telecommunications/Networking", "Media/Entertainment", "Internet", "Biotech/Pharmaceutical/ Medical Equipment", "Other", "Greentech", "internet", "Semiconductor, Components and Electronics", "Computers/Peripherals")
//val all_countries = List("Turkey", "United Kingdom", "Belgium", "Germany", "Netherlands", "Republic of Ireland", "Poland", "France", "Norway", "Israel", "Northern Ireland", "Sweden", "Russia", "Romania", "Finland", "Bulgaria", "Hungary", "Greece", "Serbia", "Slovakia", "Denmark", "Austria", "Czech Republic", "Portugal", "Croatia", "Estonia")
import scala.collection.immutable.Set
val my_fields = Set("Software", "Internet")
val my_countries = Set("United Kingdom")
val all_attributes = List("position") ::: attributes
val heading = "|_. %s |".format(" |_. "))
// val all_companies = List[Int]()
val dir = new"/Users/xan/IdeaProjects/ScalaTest/data")
val company_entry = """(\d+)\s(.*)""".r
val all_companies = ListBuffer[HashMap[String, String]]()
for{file <- dir}
val lines = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().buffered
val companies = ListBuffer[HashMap[String, String]]()
while (lines.head.matches(company_entry.pattern.toString)) {
val company = HashMap[String, String]()
val company_entry(position, name) =
company(all_attributes(0)) = position
company(all_attributes(1)) = name
for (attribute <- attributes.tail; company <- companies) {
company(attribute) =
// println(companies.size)
(m) => print("%s\n".format(
(i) => "%s\n".format(i.toString)))))
println("SIZE: %s".format(all_companies.size))
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