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Created January 18, 2022 02:59
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Rails Popper Stimulus Controller
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus";
import { createPopper } from "@popperjs/core";
// Connects to data-controller="popper"
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ["element", "tooltip"];
static values = {
placement: { type: String, default: "top" },
offset: { type: Array, default: [0, 8] },
connect() {
// Create a new Popper instance
this.popperInstance = createPopper(this.elementTarget, this.tooltipTarget, {
placement: this.placementValue,
modifiers: [
name: "offset",
options: {
offset: this.offsetValue,
show(event) {
this.tooltipTarget.setAttribute("data-show", "");
// We need to tell Popper to update the tooltip position
// after we show the tooltip, otherwise it will be incorrect
hide(event) {
// Destroy the Popper instance
disconnect() {
if (this.popperInstance) {
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