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Created February 23, 2016 16:18
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  • Save spaze/7d89613cc69d61e03eb4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save spaze/7d89613cc69d61e03eb4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Password analysis of dump
Basic Results
Total entries = 118566
Total unique entries = 98397
Top 10 passwords
FuckYou = 864 (0.73%)
123456 = 739 (0.62%)
123456789 = 677 (0.57%)
NULL = 175 (0.15%)
12345 = 105 (0.09%)
000000 = 95 (0.08%)
1234 = 93 (0.08%)
heslo = 90 (0.08%)
sktorrent = 87 (0.07%)
torrent = 83 (0.07%)
Top 10 base words
fuckyou = 873 (0.74%)
heslo = 418 (0.35%)
martin = 283 (0.24%)
michal = 193 (0.16%)
tomas = 190 (0.16%)
sktorrent = 186 (0.16%)
kokot = 180 (0.15%)
null = 175 (0.15%)
torrent = 158 (0.13%)
dominik = 157 (0.13%)
Password length (length ordered)
1 = 6 (0.01%)
2 = 6 (0.01%)
3 = 3 (0.0%)
4 = 1560 (1.32%)
5 = 2973 (2.51%)
6 = 14941 (12.6%)
7 = 13150 (11.09%)
8 = 24376 (20.56%)
9 = 17003 (14.34%)
10 = 23262 (19.62%)
11 = 7389 (6.23%)
12 = 5321 (4.49%)
13 = 3027 (2.55%)
14 = 2022 (1.71%)
15 = 1446 (1.22%)
16 = 824 (0.69%)
17 = 378 (0.32%)
18 = 299 (0.25%)
19 = 160 (0.13%)
20 = 167 (0.14%)
21 = 69 (0.06%)
22 = 40 (0.03%)
23 = 23 (0.02%)
24 = 25 (0.02%)
25 = 21 (0.02%)
26 = 13 (0.01%)
27 = 8 (0.01%)
28 = 6 (0.01%)
29 = 4 (0.0%)
30 = 6 (0.01%)
31 = 1 (0.0%)
32 = 9 (0.01%)
33 = 7 (0.01%)
34 = 2 (0.0%)
35 = 2 (0.0%)
40 = 17 (0.01%)
Password length (count ordered)
8 = 24376 (20.56%)
10 = 23262 (19.62%)
9 = 17003 (14.34%)
6 = 14941 (12.6%)
7 = 13150 (11.09%)
11 = 7389 (6.23%)
12 = 5321 (4.49%)
13 = 3027 (2.55%)
5 = 2973 (2.51%)
14 = 2022 (1.71%)
4 = 1560 (1.32%)
15 = 1446 (1.22%)
16 = 824 (0.69%)
17 = 378 (0.32%)
18 = 299 (0.25%)
20 = 167 (0.14%)
19 = 160 (0.13%)
21 = 69 (0.06%)
22 = 40 (0.03%)
24 = 25 (0.02%)
23 = 23 (0.02%)
25 = 21 (0.02%)
40 = 17 (0.01%)
26 = 13 (0.01%)
32 = 9 (0.01%)
27 = 8 (0.01%)
33 = 7 (0.01%)
1 = 6 (0.01%)
2 = 6 (0.01%)
28 = 6 (0.01%)
30 = 6 (0.01%)
29 = 4 (0.0%)
3 = 3 (0.0%)
34 = 2 (0.0%)
35 = 2 (0.0%)
31 = 1 (0.0%)
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| |||
One to six characters = 19489 (16.44%)
One to eight characters = 57015 (48.09'%)
More than eight characters = 61551 (51.91%)
Only lowercase alpha = 34752 (29.31%)
Only uppercase alpha = 839 (0.71%)
Only alpha = 35591 (30.02%)
Only numeric = 15761 (13.29%)
First capital last symbol = 331 (0.28%)
First capital last number = 9880 (8.33%)
Single digit on the end = 8695 (7.33%)
Two digits on the end = 12129 (10.23%)
Three digits on the end = 11244 (9.48%)
Last number
0 = 5361 (4.52%)
1 = 10465 (8.83%)
2 = 6139 (5.18%)
3 = 9718 (8.2%)
4 = 4797 (4.05%)
5 = 5333 (4.5%)
6 = 5908 (4.98%)
7 = 4976 (4.2%)
8 = 4540 (3.83%)
9 = 5491 (4.63%)
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|||| || |
|||||||| |
Last digit
1 = 10465 (8.83%)
3 = 9718 (8.2%)
2 = 6139 (5.18%)
6 = 5908 (4.98%)
9 = 5491 (4.63%)
0 = 5361 (4.52%)
5 = 5333 (4.5%)
7 = 4976 (4.2%)
4 = 4797 (4.05%)
8 = 4540 (3.83%)
Last 2 digits (Top 10)
23 = 5380 (4.54%)
11 = 1894 (1.6%)
89 = 1685 (1.42%)
56 = 1676 (1.41%)
12 = 1560 (1.32%)
00 = 1345 (1.13%)
21 = 1061 (0.89%)
01 = 1049 (0.88%)
10 = 999 (0.84%)
88 = 994 (0.84%)
Last 3 digits (Top 10)
123 = 4686 (3.95%)
456 = 1425 (1.2%)
789 = 1127 (0.95%)
234 = 682 (0.58%)
000 = 625 (0.53%)
111 = 549 (0.46%)
666 = 514 (0.43%)
321 = 491 (0.41%)
007 = 456 (0.38%)
345 = 420 (0.35%)
Last 4 digits (Top 10)
3456 = 1151 (0.97%)
6789 = 925 (0.78%)
1234 = 657 (0.55%)
2345 = 396 (0.33%)
1991 = 305 (0.26%)
1992 = 281 (0.24%)
1994 = 279 (0.24%)
1993 = 279 (0.24%)
1997 = 277 (0.23%)
0000 = 266 (0.22%)
Last 5 digits (Top 10)
23456 = 1140 (0.96%)
56789 = 916 (0.77%)
12345 = 387 (0.33%)
00000 = 159 (0.13%)
11111 = 139 (0.12%)
54321 = 117 (0.1%)
23123 = 85 (0.07%)
59753 = 83 (0.07%)
66666 = 75 (0.06%)
34567 = 67 (0.06%)
Character sets
loweralphanum: 39250 (33.1%)
loweralpha: 34752 (29.31%)
mixedalphanum: 18351 (15.48%)
numeric: 15761 (13.29%)
mixedalpha: 4670 (3.94%)
upperalphanum: 1419 (1.2%)
mixedalphaspecialnum: 1022 (0.86%)
loweralphaspecialnum: 901 (0.76%)
upperalpha: 839 (0.71%)
loweralphaspecial: 360 (0.3%)
specialnum: 145 (0.12%)
mixedalphaspecial: 90 (0.08%)
upperalphaspecialnum: 38 (0.03%)
upperalphaspecial: 11 (0.01%)
special: 7 (0.01%)
Character set ordering
stringdigit: 41459 (34.97%)
allstring: 40261 (33.96%)
alldigit: 15761 (13.29%)
othermask: 9463 (7.98%)
stringdigitstring: 5798 (4.89%)
digitstring: 3391 (2.86%)
digitstringdigit: 1482 (1.25%)
stringspecialdigit: 560 (0.47%)
stringspecialstring: 246 (0.21%)
stringspecial: 115 (0.1%)
specialstringspecial: 18 (0.02%)
allspecial: 7 (0.01%)
specialstring: 5 (0.0%)
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