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spirobel /
Created May 27, 2023 12:07
Rust blog post explained in rust
fn main() {
println!("I Am No Longer Speaking at RustConf 2023");
println!("Author's talk about Compile-Time Programming got downgraded from a keynote to a regular talk.");
println!("The author feels that the decision was strange and not justified.");
println!("The author clarifies that their talk was based on their own ideas and not endorsed by the Rust Project.");
println!("The author is disappointed by the lack of communication and transparency from the Rust Project.");
println!("They feel insulted and decide not to participate in RustConf anymore.");
println!("They express their frustration with the situation and express their disapproval.");
println!("The author concludes that they will not participate in the game and will not accept the decision.");
spirobel / ziglang_learning.txt
Created June 7, 2022 19:06
ziglang learning recommendations
and reading the stdlib as documentation is still not a priority for it. is also a good resource and there's the
A forum for programmers of the Zig Programming Language
whenever you see syntax you're unsure of, check the language reference
spirobel / the_meaning_of_wallet2_chat.txt
Last active February 5, 2022 02:18
Chat about the meaning of wallet2 - the monero codebase should be split into multiple repos, to speed up development
1/26/2022, 11:09:24 AM - spirobel: I just wanted to mention that it might be a good idea to watch this talk when diving into the monero codebase: wallet2 is the most important spot to look at it.
1/26/2022, 8:28:23 PM - afungible: I saw the presentation in full. I have some questions about architecture/ codebase. Must I take it to #Monero dev IRC?
1/26/2022, 10:12:07 PM - Rucknium: I and a few others have been sounding the alarm on this for a while. It is too easy to pitch into a downward spiral at this point in terms of dev resources. We don't have enough devs who want to help onboard new devs, leading to few new devs. Then some existing devs become less active, making it even harder to onboard new devs...and repeat.
1/26/2022, 10:15:49 PM - Rucknium: The number of researchers is even further into the "red line", but in a sense there is ready-made documentation in the form of research papers, so the onboarding issue arguably isn't as severe.
1/26/2022, 10:21:04 PM
spirobel / gist:4067786d142a5f08540e530e585610d8
Created January 26, 2022 23:40
two scripts to create and open monero wallets via the wallet rpc (using curl)
curl \
-u username:password --digest \
http://$IP:$PORT/json_rpc \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"'$METHOD'","params":'"$PARAMS"'}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
spirobel / gist:82efcbd68465bb919c874a581d2cb4b7
Created January 26, 2022 15:40
how to get the wallet rpc to respond instantly without waiting for daemon to sync
start the wallet rpc like this without setting a daemon
./monero-wallet-rpc --rpc-bind-port 18082 --wallet-dir . --disable-rpc-login --log-level 4 --non-interactive
so it will respond instantly to requests.
afterwards you can set the daemon connection like so:
spirobel /
Last active January 14, 2022 23:34
opening multiple wallets with monero-javascript - a chat excerpt from

spirobel: @woodser I was reading this issue: woodser/monero-ts#58 does this also apply to createWalletFull? Can I only open one wallet at a time? Or did I read this part of the test right: seems like many wallets are opened and synced in a for loop and then they run in parallel until close is called. What happens when close doesnt happen and the program crashes? it is just a clean up to prevent memory leaks, right? so it should be no big deal.

woodser: @spirobel you can open more than one full wallet at a time if it's not saved before closing, any data since the last save would be lost

spirobel: thanks! this makes a lot of sense! I saw the wallet.getData() call in the wallet save method. ht