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Last active January 14, 2022 23:34
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opening multiple wallets with monero-javascript - a chat excerpt from

spirobel: @woodser I was reading this issue: woodser/monero-ts#58 does this also apply to createWalletFull? Can I only open one wallet at a time? Or did I read this part of the test right: seems like many wallets are opened and synced in a for loop and then they run in parallel until close is called. What happens when close doesnt happen and the program crashes? it is just a clean up to prevent memory leaks, right? so it should be no big deal.

woodser: @spirobel you can open more than one full wallet at a time if it's not saved before closing, any data since the last save would be lost

spirobel: thanks! this makes a lot of sense! I saw the wallet.getData() call in the wallet save method. still need to research how I would reopen from this data ... 🙂

woodser: ah, that can be done too, by providing keysData and cacheData to the openWallet() config

woodser: can just call monerojs.openWallet() with the path

spirobel: Great! Thank you so much! 🙂

woodser: np :)

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