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Created September 6, 2012 18:30
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{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Main where
import Language.UHC.JS.Assorted ( alert )
import Language.UHC.JS.Primitives ( JSPtr, mkAnonObj, setAttr )
import Language.UHC.JS.ECMA.String as JSString ( JSString, stringToJSString )
import UHC.Generics
data Book = Book { title :: String
, author :: String
, jsauthor :: JSString
, pages :: Int}
deriving (Show)
-- instance Representable0 Book Maybe where
data ObjResult a b = Obj (JSPtr b)
| Val a
-- | Generic ToObj derived from the example |GShow| in the paper.
class ToObj a c where
toobjs :: a -> ObjResult c b -> IO (ObjResult c b)
toobj :: a -> IO (ObjResult c b)
toobj a = do
obj <- mkAnonObj
toobjs a (Obj obj)
instance ToObj Int Int where
toobj = return . (Val :: Int -> ObjResult Int x)
instance ToObj String JSString where
toobj str = return $ Val $ (stringToJSString str)
instance ToObj JSString JSString where
toobj = return . (Val :: JSString -> ObjResult JSString x)
class ToObj1 t where
toobjs1 :: t x -> ObjResult y a -> IO (ObjResult y a)
instance (ToObj1 t) => ToObj1 (D1 g t) where
toobjs1 (M1 a) obj = toobjs1 a obj
instance (ToObj1 l, ToObj1 r) => ToObj1 (l :+: r) where
toobjs1 (L1 x) obj = toobjs1 x obj
toobjs1 (R1 x) obj = error "Multiple constructors not yet supported"
instance ToObj1 U1 where
toobjs1 U1 = return
instance (ToObj1 f, Constructor g) => ToObj1 (M1 C g f) where
toobjs1 c@(M1 a) obj | conIsRecord c = toobjs1 a obj
| otherwise = error "Only record fields supported"
instance (ToObj a a, Selector g) => ToObj1 (M1 S g (K1 i a)) where
toobjs1 s@(M1 (K1 a)) (Obj obj) | null (selName s) = error "Only record fields supported"
| otherwise = fmap Obj $ setAttr (selName s) a obj
instance (ToObj1 l, ToObj1 r) => ToObj1 (l :*: r) where
toobjs1 (l :*: r) obj = toobjs1 l obj >>= toobjs1 r
instance ToObj Book Book
toobjsdefault :: (Representable0 a t, ToObj1 t)
=> t x -> a -> ObjResult a b -> IO (ObjResult a b)
toobjsdefault rep x = toobjs1 (from0 x `asTypeOf` rep)
main = do
putStrLn "hi"
test :: IO (JSPtr a)
test = do
let book = Book "HString" "HString" (stringToJSString "jsstring") 400
(Obj obj) <- toobj book :: IO (ObjResult Book a)
return obj
foreign export js "test"
test :: IO (JSPtr a)
foreign import js "tester"
tester :: JSPtr a -> IO ()
# COMPILER = ${UHC} --import-path=${UHC_JSCRIPT} --import-path=${UHC_NANOPROLOG} --import-path=${UHC_UU_TC} -tjs --no-recomp --no-hi-check -O,2 # --dump-core-stages=1
#COMPILER = ${UHC} --import-path=/Users/alessandro/Documents/Uni/uhcgtoobj/lib/uhc-js/uhc-js/src #-tjs -O,2 # --no-recomp --no-hi-check --dump-core-stages=1
COMPILER = /Users/alessandro/sources/uhc/EHC/install/101/bin/ehc --import-path=/Users/alessandro/Documents/Uni/uhcgtoobj/lib/uhc-js/uhc-js/src -tjs -O,2
all: build
${COMPILER} main.hs
.PHONY clean:
rm `find . -d -name "*.core*"`
rm `find . -d -name "*.hi*"`
# rm `find ${LANGUAGE_DIR} -d -name "*.core*"`
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Main</title>
<p>To be used with -O,2, otherwise copy the code below to your own generated HTML file.</p>
<script type="text/javascript" >
function tester(inp) {
<script type="text/javascript" >
primThrowException = function(x) {
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>
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