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Samuel Polo Peña spolo96

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spolo96 /
Created May 26, 2022 21:20 — forked from ESWZY/
An example Python code for compressing video file to target size.
import os
import ffmpeg
def compress_video(video_full_path, size_upper_bound, two_pass=True, filename_suffix='1'):
Compress video file to max-supported size.
:param video_full_path: the video you want to compress.
:param size_upper_bound: Max video size in KB.
:param two_pass: Set to True to enable two-pass calculation.
:param filename_suffix: Add a suffix for new video.
spolo96 /
Created March 29, 2021 03:48 — forked from Zulko/
A python script to automatically summarize soccer videos based on the crowd's reactions
# This Python script makes a summary of a football game by cutting
# the video around the 10 % loudest moments, which generally
# include the goals and other important events.
# For more details, see this blog post:
# LICENCE: Creative Commons 0 - Public Domain
# I, the author of this script, wave any rights and place this work in the public domain.