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squareiguana / gist:9254736
Created February 27, 2014 17:23
Example (Menu System) Using Functions - Using Coding 101 - Episode 05
using System;
namespace SquareIguana.Coding101.Example.E05
/* Example on what was learned on Coding 101 - Episode 05 - Functions
* I made the example trying not to use "advanced" concepts, and only what the episode was trying to teach.
* When I think of a Menu, I think of a GUI that you can select with your keyboard or mouse, not a series of
* commands, so I decided to make a Real Menu. I didn't have the time or energy to create something more complete,
* but I did create a page for each Menu Item, even if just a simple message.
squareiguana / gist:9254716
Created February 27, 2014 17:22
Example (Paint App) Using For Loops, If Statements and Functions - Using Coding 101 - Episode 04
using System;
namespace SquareIguana.Coding101.Example.E04
/* Example on what was learned on Coding 101 - Episode 04 - For Loops, If Statements and Functions
* I made the example trying not to use "advanced" concepts, and only what the episode was trying to teach.
* I originally was just going to move a character around, but creating the code let me to a bug in my code,
* that was interesting, the character lead a trail behind him, so I thought this is something that I can do
* something different, and that is how this simple Paint Application got started
squareiguana / gist:9254664
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Example (Text to Morse Code) Using For Loops - Using Coding 101 - Episode 03
using System;
namespace SquareIguana.Coding101.Example.E03
/* Example on what was learned on Coding 101 - Episode 03 - For Loops
* I made the example trying not to use "advanced" concepts, and only what the episode was trying to teach.
* I couldn't think of something interesting using only for loops, I could have use the animations of my last
* example and use for loops instead of while loops, but that is not interesting, so I did a basic animation
* of text like we see in some movies that the computer writes text, like a human, like in the Matrix, with
squareiguana / gist:9115655
Created February 20, 2014 15:03
Example Using While Loops - Using Coding 101 - Episode 02
using System;
namespace SquareIguana.Coding101.Example.E02
class Program
/* Example on what was learned on Coding 101 - Episode 02 - While Loops
* I made the example trying not to use "advanced" concepts, and only what the episode was trying to teach.
* The first thing I think when talking about while loops is animations and games. And for games we need
squareiguana / gist:9113733
Created February 20, 2014 13:38
Example Using Variables and the Console Object - Using Coding 101 - Episode 01
using System;
namespace SquareIguana.Coding101.Example.E01
class Program
/* Example on what was learned on Coding 101 - Episode 01 - Using Variables and the Console Object
* I made the example trying not to use "advanced" concepts, and only what the episode was trying to teach.
* The most useful thing in the example, I think is the use of the Console object, because in the episode and