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Created January 29, 2016 11:09
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Example Gradle build script for Minecraft modpacks
apply from: 'modpack.gradle'
ext.archivesBaseName = "ModPackName"
version = "1.0.0"
ext.modPack = [
name: "Example",
author: "Author Name",
description: "An example modpack built with Gradle",
mcVersion: "1.8.9",
forgeVersion: "forge-"
modpackFiles += fileTree(projectDir) {
include "scripts/**/*.zs"
include "config/**"
repositories.maven { name "squeek502"; url "" }
addMod "applecore:AppleCore:1.8.9-1.3.0"
// filename, fileID, projectID
// projectID is optional, and is only used when generating the Curse-specific manifest.json
addCurseMod "WailaHarvestability-mc1.8.x-1.1.6.jar", "2270924", "79287"
addCurseMod "Waila-1.6.0-B3_1.8.8.jar", "2270821", "73488"
repositories.ivy { name "Curse"; artifactPattern "[organisation].[ext]" }
ext.addMod = { modDef ->
dependencies.add(MODS_CONFIGURATION, modDef)
ext.addCurseMod = { String fileName, String curseForgeFileID, String projectID=null ->
if (projectID != null)
setCurseMetadata projectID, curseForgeFileID
// curse splits the file id into two parts, where the first part is 4 chars long
def curseID = [curseForgeFileID.take(4), curseForgeFileID.drop(4)]
def splitFileName = fileName.lastIndexOf('.').with {it != -1 ? [fileName[0..<it], fileName.substring(it+1)] : [fileName]}
def baseFileName = splitFileName[0]
def extension = splitFileName.size() == 2 ? splitFileName[1] : "jar"
// split the base name by '-' so it will be named the same after being resolved, as Gradle will rename
// the artifact to $name-$version.jar no matter what the values of either of those variables are
def splitBaseName = baseFileName.split("-", 2);
assert splitBaseName.size() >= 2, "Could not add Curse mod '$baseFileName'; the filename must have a '-' character or it will be misnamed by Gradle"
def modName = splitBaseName[0]
def modVersion = splitBaseName[1]
dependencies.add(CURSE_MODS_CONFIGURATION, "${curseID.join('/')}/$baseFileName:$modName:$modVersion@$extension")
ext.setCurseMetadata = { String projectID, String fileID ->
curseMetadata[projectID] = fileID
ext.curseMetadata = [:] as Map<String, ?>
ext.modpackFiles = files()
task syncMods(type: Sync, group: "modpack tools", description: "Syncs all of the modpack's mod files to ./mods") {
from configurations.getByName(MODS_CONFIGURATION)
from configurations.getByName(CURSE_MODS_CONFIGURATION)
into "mods"
// use an intermediate task to defer the task configuration until after the project is evaluated
// this allows variables to be populated during project evaluation
task configureModpackTasks << {
packageModpack {
from modpackFiles
into("mods") { from configurations.getByName(MODS_CONFIGURATION) }
into("mods") { from configurations.getByName(CURSE_MODS_CONFIGURATION) }
destinationDir = new File("$buildDir/distributions")
baseName = project.archivesBaseName
version = project.version
packageCurseModpack {
into("overrides") {
from modpackFiles
into("mods") { from configurations.getByName(MODS_CONFIGURATION) }
from generateCurseManifest.outputs
destinationDir = new File("$buildDir/distributions")
baseName = project.archivesBaseName
version = project.version
classifier = "curse"
generateCurseManifest {
def manifest = new File(buildDir, "manifest.json")
outputs.file manifest "curseMeta", curseMetadata "modpackMeta", modPack "modpackVersion", version
doLast {
def content = [
"manifestType": "minecraftModpack",
"manifestVersion": 1,
"version": version,
"description": modPack.description,
"overrides": "overrides",
"minecraft": [
"version": modPack.mcVersion,
"libraries": "libraries",
"modLoaders": [
"id": modPack.forgeVersion,
"primary": true
"files": curseMetadata.collect { key, val ->
return ["projectID": key, "fileID": val]
manifest.write(new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(content).toPrettyString())
task generateCurseManifest(dependsOn: configureModpackTasks, group: "modpack tools", description: "Creates a manifest.json useable by the Curse launcher")
task packageModpack(type: Zip, dependsOn: configureModpackTasks, group: "modpack tools", description: "Packages all modpack files into a .zip")
task packageCurseModpack(type: Zip, dependsOn: [configureModpackTasks, generateCurseManifest], group: "modpack tools", description: "Packages the modpack as a .zip that can be imported into the Curse launcher")
task build(dependsOn: [packageModpack, packageCurseModpack], group: "build") {
task clean(type: Delete) {
delete buildDir
group "build"
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