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Last active April 4, 2023 14:36
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CelestialBodyGenerator : MonoBehaviour {
public enum PreviewMode { LOD0, LOD1, LOD2, CollisionRes }
public ResolutionSettings resolutionSettings;
public PreviewMode previewMode;
public bool logTimers;
public CelestialBodySettings body;
bool debugDoubleUpdate = true;
int debug_numUpdates;
// Private variables
Mesh previewMesh;
Mesh collisionMesh;
Mesh[] lodMeshes;
ComputeBuffer vertexBuffer;
bool shapeSettingsUpdated;
bool shadingNoiseSettingsUpdated;
Camera cam;
Vector2 heightMinMax;
// Game mode data
int activeLODIndex = -1;
MeshFilter terrainMeshFilter;
Material terrainMatInstance;
static Dictionary<int, SphereMesh> sphereGenerators;
void Start () {
if (InGameMode) {
cam = Camera.main;
HandleGameModeGeneration ();
void Update () {
if (InEditMode) {
HandleEditModeGeneration ();
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.O)) {
//body.shading.atmosphereSettings.useOptimVersion = !body.shading.atmosphereSettings.useOptimVersion;
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.I)) {
// var m = terrainMeshFilter.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ();
//m.enabled = !m.enabled;
// Handles creation of celestial body when entering game mode
// This differs from the edit-mode version in the following ways:
// • creates all LOD meshes and stores them in mesh array (to be picked based on player position)
// • creates its own instances of materials so multiple bodies can exist with their own shading
// • doesn't support updating of shape/shading values once generated
void HandleGameModeGeneration () {
if (CanGenerateMesh ()) {
Dummy ();
// Generate LOD meshes
lodMeshes = new Mesh[ResolutionSettings.numLODLevels];
for (int i = 0; i < lodMeshes.Length; i++) {
Vector2 lodTerrainHeightMinMax = GenerateTerrainMesh (ref lodMeshes[i], resolutionSettings.GetLODResolution (i));
// Use min/max height of first (most detailed) LOD
if (i == 0) {
heightMinMax = lodTerrainHeightMinMax;
// Generate collision mesh
GenerateCollisionMesh (resolutionSettings.collider);
// Create terrain renderer and set shading properties on the instanced material
terrainMatInstance = new Material (body.shading.terrainMaterial);
body.shading.Initialize (body.shape);
body.shading.SetTerrainProperties (terrainMatInstance, heightMinMax, BodyScale);
GameObject terrainHolder = GetOrCreateMeshObject ("Terrain Mesh", null, terrainMatInstance);
terrainMeshFilter = terrainHolder.GetComponent<MeshFilter> ();
// Add collider
MeshCollider collider;
if (!terrainHolder.TryGetComponent<MeshCollider> (out collider)) {
collider = terrainHolder.AddComponent<MeshCollider> ();
var collisionBakeTimer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew ();
MeshBaker.BakeMeshImmediate (collisionMesh);
collider.sharedMesh = collisionMesh;
LogTimer (collisionBakeTimer, "Mesh collider");
} else {
Debug.Log ("Could not generate mesh");
ReleaseAllBuffers ();
// Handles creation of celestial body in the editor
// This allows for updating the shape/shading settings
void HandleEditModeGeneration () {
if (InEditMode) {
ComputeHelper.shouldReleaseEditModeBuffers -= ReleaseAllBuffers;
ComputeHelper.shouldReleaseEditModeBuffers += ReleaseAllBuffers;
if (CanGenerateMesh ()) {
// Update shape settings and shading noise
if (shapeSettingsUpdated) {
shapeSettingsUpdated = false;
shadingNoiseSettingsUpdated = false;
Dummy ();
var terrainMeshTimer = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew ();
heightMinMax = GenerateTerrainMesh (ref previewMesh, PickTerrainRes ());
LogTimer (terrainMeshTimer, "Generate terrain mesh");
DrawEditModeMesh ();
// If only shading noise has changed, update it separately from shape to save time
else if (shadingNoiseSettingsUpdated) {
shadingNoiseSettingsUpdated = false;
ComputeHelper.CreateStructuredBuffer<Vector3> (ref vertexBuffer, previewMesh.vertices);
body.shading.Initialize (body.shape);
Vector4[] shadingData = body.shading.GenerateShadingData (vertexBuffer);
previewMesh.SetUVs (0, shadingData);
// Sometimes when changing a colour property, invalid data is returned from compute shader
// Running the shading a second time fixes it.
// Not sure if this is my bug, or Unity's (TODO: investigate)
if (debugDoubleUpdate && debug_numUpdates < 2) {
shadingNoiseSettingsUpdated = true;
HandleEditModeGeneration ();
if (debug_numUpdates == 2) {
debug_numUpdates = 0;
// Update shading
if (body.shading) {
// Set material properties
body.shading.Initialize (body.shape);
body.shading.SetTerrainProperties (body.shading.terrainMaterial, heightMinMax, BodyScale);
ReleaseAllBuffers (); //
public void SetLOD (int lodIndex) {
if (lodIndex != activeLODIndex && terrainMeshFilter) {
activeLODIndex = lodIndex;
terrainMeshFilter.sharedMesh = lodMeshes[lodIndex];
public void OnShapeSettingChanged () {
shapeSettingsUpdated = true;
public void OnShadingNoiseSettingChanged () {
shadingNoiseSettingsUpdated = true;
void OnValidate () {
if (body) {
if (body.shape) {
body.shape.OnSettingChanged -= OnShapeSettingChanged;
body.shape.OnSettingChanged += OnShapeSettingChanged;
if (body.shading) {
body.shading.OnSettingChanged -= OnShadingNoiseSettingChanged;
body.shading.OnSettingChanged += OnShadingNoiseSettingChanged;
if (resolutionSettings != null) {
resolutionSettings.ClampResolutions ();
OnShapeSettingChanged ();
void Dummy () {
// Crude fix for a problem I was having where the values in the vertex buffer were *occasionally* all zero at start of game
// This function runs the compute shader once with single dummy input, after which it seems the problem doesn't occur
// (Waiting until Time.frameCount > 3 before generating is another gross hack that seems to fix the problem)
// I don't know why...
Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[] { };
ComputeHelper.CreateStructuredBuffer<Vector3> (ref vertexBuffer, vertices);
body.shape.CalculateHeights (vertexBuffer);
// Generates terrain mesh based on heights generated by the Shape object
// Shading data from the Shading object is stored in the mesh uvs
// Returns the min/max height of the terrain
Vector2 GenerateTerrainMesh (ref Mesh mesh, int resolution) {
var (vertices, triangles) = CreateSphereVertsAndTris (resolution);
ComputeHelper.CreateStructuredBuffer<Vector3> (ref vertexBuffer, vertices);
float edgeLength = (vertices[triangles[0]] - vertices[triangles[1]]).magnitude;
// Set heights
float[] heights = body.shape.CalculateHeights (vertexBuffer);
// Perturb vertices to give terrain a less perfectly smooth appearance
if (body.shape.perturbVertices && body.shape.perturbCompute) {
ComputeShader perturbShader = body.shape.perturbCompute;
float maxperturbStrength = body.shape.perturbStrength * edgeLength / 2;
perturbShader.SetBuffer (0, "points", vertexBuffer);
perturbShader.SetInt ("numPoints", vertices.Length);
perturbShader.SetFloat ("maxStrength", maxperturbStrength);
ComputeHelper.Run (perturbShader, vertices.Length);
Vector3[] pertData = new Vector3[vertices.Length];
vertexBuffer.GetData (vertices);
// Calculate terrain min/max height and set heights of vertices
float minHeight = float.PositiveInfinity;
float maxHeight = float.NegativeInfinity;
for (int i = 0; i < heights.Length; i++) {
float height = heights[i];
vertices[i] *= height;
minHeight = Mathf.Min (minHeight, height);
maxHeight = Mathf.Max (maxHeight, height);
// Create mesh
CreateMesh (ref mesh, vertices.Length);
mesh.SetVertices (vertices);
mesh.SetTriangles (triangles, 0, true);
mesh.RecalculateNormals (); //
// Shading noise data
body.shading.Initialize (body.shape);
Vector4[] shadingData = body.shading.GenerateShadingData (vertexBuffer);
mesh.SetUVs (0, shadingData);
// Create crude tangents (vectors perpendicular to surface normal)
// This is needed (even though normal mapping is being done with triplanar)
// because surfaceshader wants normals in tangent space
var normals = mesh.normals;
var crudeTangents = new Vector4[mesh.vertices.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) {
Vector3 normal = normals[i];
crudeTangents[i] = new Vector4 (-normal.z, 0, normal.x, 1);
mesh.SetTangents (crudeTangents);
return new Vector2 (minHeight, maxHeight);
void GenerateCollisionMesh (int resolution) {
var (vertices, triangles) = CreateSphereVertsAndTris (resolution);
ComputeHelper.CreateStructuredBuffer<Vector3> (ref vertexBuffer, vertices);
// Set heights
float[] heights = body.shape.CalculateHeights (vertexBuffer);
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++) {
float height = heights[i];
vertices[i] *= height;
// Create mesh
CreateMesh (ref collisionMesh, vertices.Length);
collisionMesh.vertices = vertices;
collisionMesh.triangles = triangles;
void CreateMesh (ref Mesh mesh, int numVertices) {
const int vertexLimit16Bit = 1 << 16 - 1; // 65535
if (mesh == null) {
mesh = new Mesh ();
} else {
mesh.Clear ();
mesh.indexFormat = (numVertices < vertexLimit16Bit) ? UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt16 : UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32;
void DrawEditModeMesh () {
GameObject terrainHolder = GetOrCreateMeshObject ("Terrain Mesh", previewMesh, body.shading.terrainMaterial);
// Gets child object with specified name.
// If it doesn't exist, then creates object with that name, adds mesh renderer/filter and attaches mesh and material
GameObject GetOrCreateMeshObject (string name, Mesh mesh, Material material) {
// Find/create object
var child = transform.Find (name);
if (!child) {
child = new GameObject (name).transform;
child.parent = transform;
child.localPosition =;
child.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
child.localScale =;
child.gameObject.layer = gameObject.layer;
// Add mesh components
MeshFilter filter;
if (!child.TryGetComponent<MeshFilter> (out filter)) {
filter = child.gameObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter> ();
filter.sharedMesh = mesh;
MeshRenderer renderer;
if (!child.TryGetComponent<MeshRenderer> (out renderer)) {
renderer = child.gameObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer> ();
renderer.sharedMaterial = material;
return child.gameObject;
public int PickTerrainRes () {
if (!Application.isPlaying) {
switch (previewMode) {
case PreviewMode.LOD0:
return resolutionSettings.lod0;
case PreviewMode.LOD1:
return resolutionSettings.lod1;
case PreviewMode.LOD2:
return resolutionSettings.lod2;
case PreviewMode.CollisionRes:
return resolutionSettings.collider;
return 0;
// Radius of the ocean (0 if no ocean exists)
public float GetOceanRadius () {
if (!body.shading.hasOcean) {
return 0;
return UnscaledOceanRadius * BodyScale;
float UnscaledOceanRadius {
get {
return Mathf.Lerp (heightMinMax.x, 1, body.shading.oceanLevel);
public float BodyScale {
get {
// Body radius is determined by the celestial body class,
// which sets the local scale of the generator object (this object)
return transform.localScale.x;
// Generate sphere (or reuse if already generated) and return a copy of the vertices and triangles
(Vector3[] vertices, int[] triangles) CreateSphereVertsAndTris (int resolution) {
if (sphereGenerators == null) {
sphereGenerators = new Dictionary<int, SphereMesh> ();
if (!sphereGenerators.ContainsKey (resolution)) {
sphereGenerators.Add (resolution, new SphereMesh (resolution));
var generator = sphereGenerators[resolution];
var vertices = new Vector3[generator.Vertices.Length];
var triangles = new int[generator.Triangles.Length];
System.Array.Copy (generator.Vertices, vertices, vertices.Length);
System.Array.Copy (generator.Triangles, triangles, triangles.Length);
return (vertices, triangles);
void ReleaseAllBuffers () {
ComputeHelper.Release (vertexBuffer);
if (body.shape) {
body.shape.ReleaseBuffers ();
if (body.shading) {
body.shading.ReleaseBuffers ();
void OnDestroy () {
ReleaseAllBuffers ();
bool CanGenerateMesh () {
return ComputeHelper.CanRunEditModeCompute && body.shape && body.shape.heightMapCompute;
void LogTimer (System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw, string text) {
if (logTimers) {
Debug.Log (text + " " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms.");
bool InGameMode {
get {
return Application.isPlaying;
bool InEditMode {
get {
return !Application.isPlaying;
public class TerrainData {
public float[] heights;
public Vector4[] uvs;
public class ResolutionSettings {
public const int numLODLevels = 3;
const int maxAllowedResolution = 500;
public int lod0 = 300;
public int lod1 = 100;
public int lod2 = 50;
public int collider = 100;
public int GetLODResolution (int lodLevel) {
switch (lodLevel) {
case 0:
return lod0;
case 1:
return lod1;
case 2:
return lod2;
return lod2;
public void ClampResolutions () {
lod0 = Mathf.Min (maxAllowedResolution, lod0);
lod1 = Mathf.Min (maxAllowedResolution, lod1);
lod2 = Mathf.Min (maxAllowedResolution, lod2);
collider = Mathf.Min (maxAllowedResolution, collider);
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Celestial Body/Vegetation")]
public class CelestialBodyVegetation : ScriptableObject
public int numVegetationInstances;
public bool randomize;
public int seed;
public GameObject vegetationPrefab;
// Reference to shader that determines flatness of terrain
public Shader flatnessShader;
// Cached radius of celestial body
private float celestialBodyRadius;
// Called when the vegetation settings are changed
public event System.Action OnSettingChanged;
// Create a vegetation instance randomly on the surface of the celestial body
// The vegetation instance is a child of the celestial body
// The vegetation instance is positioned at a random point on the surface of the celestial body ussing the provided seed
// The vegetation instance is rotated to face the surface normal at its position
public void CreateVegetationInstance (CelestialBody celestialBody) {
// Create the vegetation instance
GameObject vegetationInstance = Instantiate (vegetationPrefab, celestialBody.transform);
Vector3 randomPointOnSurface = GetRandomPointOnSurface(celestialBody);
vegetationInstance.transform.position = randomPointOnSurface;
// Orient the vegetation instance to the surface normal at its position
vegetationInstance.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (vegetationInstance.transform.position - celestialBody.transform.position);
// Randomly call CreateVegetationInstance across the surface of the celestial body
public void CreateVegetationInstances (CelestialBody celestialBody) {
// Cache the radius of the celestial body for faster access
celestialBodyRadius = 800;
// Set the seed for the random number generator
// Create the vegetation instances
for (int i = 0; i < numVegetationInstances; i++) {
CreateVegetationInstance (celestialBody);
// Called when the vegetation settings are changed
public void SettingChanged () {
if (OnSettingChanged != null) {
OnSettingChanged ();
// Get a random point on the surface of the celestial body
public Vector3 GetRandomPointOnSurface(CelestialBody celestialBody) {
Vector3 randomPointInside = Random.insideUnitSphere * celestialBodyRadius;
// Cast a ray from the center of the celestial body to the random point
RaycastHit hitInfo;
if (Physics.Raycast(celestialBody.transform.position, randomPointInside.normalized, out hitInfo, celestialBodyRadius)) {
return hitInfo.point;
} else {
// The raycast failed to hit the surface, so just return the random point
return randomPointInside;
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