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yelouafi /
Last active April 19, 2023 08:20
Capturing continuations with Generators

Algebraic Effects in JavaScript part 2 - Capturing continuations with Generators

This is the second part of a series about Algebraic Effects and Handlers.

Note: initially I planned a 3-part series, but since the current post on undelimited continuations ended up taking

// This is a bit of demo code posted to illustrate a principle. It is unaudited,
// probably full of bugs, and definintely not production ready.
contract DumbWallet {
mapping(address=>bool) public authorised;
event Authorised(address indexed target, bool value);
event Call(address indexed target, uint value);
yelouafi /
Last active February 24, 2024 16:03
Operational Introduction to Algebraic Effects and Continuations

Algebraic Effects in JavaScript part 1 - continuations and control transfer

This is the first post of a series about Algebraic Effects and Handlers.

There are 2 ways to approach this topic:

  • Denotational: explain Algebraic Effects in terms of their meaning in mathematics/Category theory
  • Operational: explain the mechanic of Algebraic Effects by showing how they operate under a chosen runtime environment

Both approaches are valuables and give different insights on the topic. However, not everyone (including me), has the prerequisites to grasp the concepts of Category theory and Abstract Algebra. On the other hand, the operational approach is accessible to a much wider audience of programmers even if it doesn't provide the full picture.

dadhi / main.cs
Last active September 28, 2022 15:04
Discriminated Union (sum-type, co-product) from Algebraic Data Types (ADT) for C# which is memory efficient, supports one-line sub-typing
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Console;
namespace Union
class Program
public static void Main()
markofu / Security_Tools_for_AWS.MD
Last active October 2, 2023 15:30
Security Tools for AWS

Security Tools for AWS

I often get asked which tools are good to use for securing your AWS infrastructure so I figured I'd write a short listof some useful Security Tools for the AWS Cloud Infrastructure.

This list is not intended be something completely exhaustive, more so provide a good launching pad for someone as they dig into AWS and want to make it secure from the start.

Open Source

This section focuses on tools and services provided by the community and released as open-source.

gaearon /
Last active May 3, 2024 12:56
A Gentle Introduction to Prepack, Part 1


When this guide is more complete, the plan is to move it into Prepack documentation.
For now I put it out as a gist to gather initial feedback.

A Gentle Introduction to Prepack (Part 1)

If you're building JavaScript apps, you might already be familiar with some tools that compile JavaScript code to equivalent JavaScript code:

  • Babel lets you use newer JavaScript language features, and outputs equivalent code that targets older JavaScript engines.

In this tutorial we're going to build a set of parser combinators.

What is a parser combinator?

We'll answer the above question in 2 steps.

  1. What is a parser?
  2. and, what is a parser combinator?

So first question: What is parser?

sebmarkbage / Infrastructure.js
Last active June 2, 2024 08:51
let cache = new Map();
let pending = new Map();
function fetchTextSync(url) {
if (cache.has(url)) {
return cache.get(url);
if (pending.has(url)) {
throw pending.get(url);

Answers to Deep Questions about Solidity

The following list of questions was taken from

An updated summary on the different ways one could have two contracts interact (DELEGATECALL, STATICCALL, libraries, all that stuff) with clear pros/cons for each (gas cost, whether it requires EVM assembly directives, etc)

Question by /u/drcode

I won't talk about low-level opcodes here because of the brevity of the answer. In general, there are four ways functions can be called in Solidity:

import React from 'react'
import revalidation from 'revalidation'
import gql from 'graphql-tag.macro'
import { filter } from 'graphql-anywhere'
import { curry } from 'ramda'
import { compose, withProps, withHandlers } from 'recompose'
import { graphql } from 'react-apollo'
import { Button } from '../common/styled'
import { getValue } from '../form/utils'
import { isRequired } from '../../utils/validation'