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Last active May 16, 2023 18:57
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Vue.js filter to extract YouTube, Vimeo or Dailymotion thumbnail using the video URL

Vue.js filter to extract thumbnail from a YouTube, Vimeo or Dailymotion video

Add the following code to your template videos.vue
    <label for="videourl">
      Vimeo or YouTube URL
    <input type="text" v-model="videoURL" placeholder="Enter URL" id="videourl">

    <div v-if="videoURL != ''">
      Extracted Thumbnail: <br/>
      <img :src="videoURL | extractThumbnail" />

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      videoURL: ""
  filters: {
    extractThumbnail: function (image) {
      if (!image) return "";
      // regex to check the URL
      const regex = /^(http(s)??\:\/\/)?(www\.)?((youtube\.com\/watch\?v=)|(\/)|(vimeo\.com\/)|(youtube\.com\/shorts\/)|(dailymotion\.com\/))?/i;
      let vimeoURL = "";
      let dailymotionURL = "";
      let path = "";

      if (image.includes(vimeoURL)) {
        path = "https://" + image.replace(regex, "");
        return path + ".jpg";
      } else if (image.includes(dailymotionURL)) {
        path = image.replace(regex, "");
        return path;
      } else {
        path = "https://" + image.replace(regex, "");
        return path + "/hqdefault.jpg"; // for high quality videos, you can use maxresdefault.jpg

Note: This is for Vue 2. For Vue 3, check this out

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