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Created May 10, 2023 02:00
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An implementation example of multilayer perceptron (MLP) in pure ES6 JavaScript without third-party libraries
* A program to create, train, and use a simple MLP
* Below is an implementation example of multilayer perceptron (MLP) in pure ES6
* JavaScript without third party libraries.
* @author srifqi
* @license MIT License
/** ======= MAIN COMPONENTS' FUNCTIONS ======= **/
* @typedef MLP
* @type {object}
* @property {number[][]} layers Interlayer weight matrix
* @property {number[][]} bias Bias weight matrix for each layer (after input layer)
* @property {function[]} activations List of activation functions of each layer (after input layer)
* @property {function[]} derActivations List of activation functions' (first) derivation of each layer (after input layer)
* Main function to create an MLP
* @param {number[]} sizes List of sizes for each layer (including input layer)
* @param {number[]} activations List of activation functions for each layer (after input layer)
* @returns {MLP} An MLP model with the given parameters
function createMLP(sizes, activations) {
const model = {
layers: [],
bias: [],
activations: [],
derActivations: []
for (let i = 1; i < sizes.length; i ++) {
const sA = sizes[i - 1];
const sB = sizes[i];
model.layers.push(createRandom2DMatrix(sB, sA));
model.bias.push(createRandom2DMatrix(sB, 1));
for (let i = 0; i < activations.length; i ++) {
const ai = activations[i];
return model;
* Main function to train an MLP
* The training is done stochastically, i.e. the parameter update is done for
* each entry and not using its average error.
* @param {MLP} model Model to be trained
* @param {number[][]} X List of inputs from the training dataset
* @param {number[][]} Y List of outputs (results/targets) from the training dataset
* @param {Function} learningRateFunction Function to calculate learning rate constant
* @param {number} maxIter Amount of maximum iteration
* @returns {MLP} Trained model
function train(model, X, Y, learningRateFunction, maxIter) {
if (X.length != Y.length) {
throw new Error(`The size of X and Y doesn't match: ${X.length} with ${Y.length}.`);
let lastLearningRate = 0;
// each iteration
for (let iter = 1; iter <= maxIter; iter ++) {
const learningRate = learningRateFunction(iter - 1);
if (lastLearningRate != learningRate) {
console.log(`Learning rate is set to ${learningRate}.`);
lastLearningRate = learningRate;
let correct = 0;
let totalError = 0;
// each entry
for (let k = 0; k < X.length; k ++) {
// feed-forward
const inputs = transpose([X[k]]);
const listOfValues = feedForward(model, inputs);
const outputs = listOfValues[listOfValues.length - 1];
// to calculate accuracy
if (argMax(transpose(outputs)[0]) == argMax(Y[k])) {
correct ++;
// back-propagation
let error = substract(outputs, transpose([Y[k]]));
totalError += transpose(error)[0].reduce((a, v) => a + v);
// no multiplication with output layer's activation function's derivation
for (let i = model.layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i --) {
const layerError = multiply(
const layerBiasError = multiply(
model.layers[i] = substract(model.layers[i], layerError);
model.bias[i] = substract(model.bias[i], layerBiasError);
if (i > 0) {
error = multiply(transpose(model.layers[i]), model.derActivations[i - 1](error));
const accuracy = correct / X.length;
const avgError = totalError / X.length;
console.log(`Iteration ${iter}/${maxIter} | Error: ${avgError} | Accuracy: ${correct}/${X.length} / ${accuracy}`);
return model;
* Main function to predict using given MLP
* @param {MLP} model Model that will predict
* @param {number[][]} X List of inputs
* @returns {Object.<string,*>}
function predict(model, X) {
const result = {
outputs: [],
selected: []
for (let k = 0; k < X.length; k ++) {
const inputs = transpose([X[k]]);
const listOfValues = feedForward(model, inputs);
const outputs = listOfValues[listOfValues.length - 1];
const selected = argMax(transpose(outputs)[0]);
return result;
/** ======= MATHEMATICS HELPER FUNCTIONS ======= **/
* Helper function to create a 2 dimensional matrix with a uniform fill
* @param {number} rows Amount of rows
* @param {number} columns Amount columns
* @param {number} [values=0] Value for each matrix's element
* @returns {number} New matrix using given parameters
function create2DMatrix(rows, columns, values) {
if (values == undefined) {
values = 0;
return Array.from(Array(rows), () => Array.from(Array(columns), () => values));
* Helper function to create a 2 dimensional matrix with a random fill
* @param {number} rows Amount of rows
* @param {number} columns Amount columns
* @returns {number} New matrix using given parameters
function createRandom2DMatrix(rows, columns) {
return Array.from(Array(rows), () => Array.from(Array(columns), () => Math.random()));
* Helper function to transpose a matrix
* @param {number[][]} matrix Matrix to be transposed
* @returns Transposed matrix
function transpose(matrix) {
let result = create2DMatrix(matrix[0].length, matrix.length);
for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i ++) {
for (let j = 0; j < matrix[0].length; j ++) {
result[j][i] = matrix[i][j];
return result;
* Helper function to multiply many values
* Given values can be a matrix or a scalar.
* @param {...number|number[][]} elements List of values to be multiplied
* @returns {number|number[][]} Result of multiplication
function multiply(...elements) {
if (elements.length == undefined || elements.length <= 1) {
throw new Error("There is only one value that will be multiplied.");
let result = elements[0];
for (let q = 1; q < elements.length; q ++) {
let ki = result;
let ka = elements[q];
// both are scalars
if (ki.length == undefined && ka.length == undefined) {
result = ki * ka;
// both are matrices
} else if (ki.length >= 1 && ka.length >= 1) {
if (ki[0].length != ka.length) {
let kiy = ki.length;
let kix = ki[0].length;
let kay = ka.length;
let kax = ka[0].length;
throw new Error(`Matrices' size doesn't match: ${kiy}x${kix} with ${kay}x${kax}.`);
result = create2DMatrix(ki.length, ka[0].length);
for (let i = 0; i < ki.length; i ++) {
for (let j = 0; j < ka[0].length; j ++) {
let total = 0;
for (let k = 0; k < ka.length; k ++) {
total += ki[i][k] * ka[k][j];
result[i][j] = total;
// one of those is a matrix
} else {
let scalar = ki;
let matrix = ka;
if (ka.length == undefined) { // only check one of those
scalar = ka;
matrix = ki;
for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i ++) {
for (let j = 0; j < matrix[0].length; j ++) {
matrix[i][j] *= scalar;
result = matrix;
return result;
* Helper function to add two matrices
* Both matrices need to have the same size.
* @param {number[][]} A Matrix A
* @param {number[][]} B Matrix B
* @returns {number[][]} Result of addition between two matrices: A + B.
function addition(A, B) {
if (A.length != B.length || A[0].length != B[0].length) {
let Ay = A.length;
let Ax = A[0].length;
let By = B.length;
let Bx = B[0].length;
throw new Error(`Matrices' size are not the same: ${Ay}x${Ax} with ${By}x${Bx}.`);
for (let i = 0; i < A.length; i ++) {
for (let j = 0; j < A[0].length; j ++) {
A[i][j] += B[i][j];
return A;
* Helper function to substract two matrices
* Both matrices need to have the same size.
* @param {number[][]} A Matrix A
* @param {number[][]} B Matrix B
* @returns {number[][]} Result of substraction from matrix A by matrix B: A - B.
function substract(A, B) {
if (A.length != B.length || A[0].length != B[0].length) {
let Ay = A.length;
let Ax = A[0].length;
let By = B.length;
let Bx = B[0].length;
throw new Error(`Matrices' size are not the same: ${Ay}x${Ax} with ${By}x${Bx}.`);
for (let i = 0; i < A.length; i ++) {
for (let j = 0; j < A[0].length; j ++) {
A[i][j] -= B[i][j];
return A;
* Helper function to find an index which has the maximum value
* If there are many maximum values, the lowest index is chosen.
* @param {number[]} list List that will be searched
* @returns {number} Index which has the maximum value
function argMax(list) {
if (list.length == undefined) {
throw new Error("Input is not a list.");
if (list.length == 0) {
throw new Error("Given list is empty.");
let maxIndex = 0;
for (let q = 1; q < list.length; q ++) {
if (list[q] > list[maxIndex]) {
maxIndex = q;
return maxIndex;
* Helper function to do feed-forward
* @param {MLP} model Model which will be used
* @param {number[][]} X List of inputs
* @returns {number[][]} List of outputs for each layer (after input layer)
function feedForward(model, X) {
let values = X;
let listOfResults = [values];
for (let i = 0; i < model.layers.length; i ++) {
values = multiply(model.layers[i], values);
values = addition(values, model.bias[i]);
values = model.activations[i](values);
return listOfResults;
* List of activation functions
* @type {Object<string,Function>}
let listGenActivations = {};
* List of activation functions' derivation
* @type {Object<string,Function>}
let listDerActivations = {};
* Helper function to apply ReLU for each element in a matrix
* @param {number[][]} x Input matrix
* @returns {number[][]} Resulting matrix after ReLU mapping
function genReLU(x) {
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i ++) {
for (let j = 0; j < x[i].length; j ++) {
x[i][j] = Math.max(x[i][j], 0);
return x;
listGenActivations["relu"] = genReLU;
* Helper function to apply ReLU's derivation for each element in a matrix
* @param {number[][]} x Input matrix
* @returns {number[][]} Resulting matrix after ReLU's derivation mapping
function derReLU(x) {
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i ++) {
for (let j = 0; j < x[i].length; j ++) {
x[i][j] = x[i][j] >= 0 ? 1 : 0;
return x;
listDerActivations["relu"] = derReLU;
/** ======= MAIN PROGRAM ======= **/
* Main function that will be run first (see last section)
function main() {
const sizes = [4, 5, 3];
const activations = ["relu", "relu"]; // only ReLU
const model = createMLP(sizes, activations);
const constantLearningRate = () => 0.001;
train(model, X, Y, constantLearningRate, 4);
console.log(predict(model, [X[0]])); // prediction example
/** ======= PROGRAM EXECUTION ======= **/
// Example of Iris dataset (see below)
const X = [ // list of inputs (n, w, h)
[5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2]
// ...
]; // list of inputs (n, w, h)
const Y = [ // list of label, one-hot encoding (n, j)
[1, 0, 0]
// ...
]; // list of label, one-hot encoding (n, j)
const X = [ // list of inputs (n, w, h)
]; // list of inputs (n, w, h)
const Y = [ // list of label, one-hot encoding (n, j)
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
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]; // list of label, one-hot encoding (n, j)
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