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Forked from axefrog/0.suffixtree.cs
Created October 12, 2013 05:29
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace SuffixTreeAlgorithm
public class SuffixTree
public char? CanonizationChar { get; set; }
public string Word { get; private set; }
private int CurrentSuffixStartIndex { get; set; }
private int CurrentSuffixEndIndex { get; set; }
private Node LastCreatedNodeInCurrentIteration { get; set; }
private int UnresolvedSuffixes { get; set; }
public Node RootNode { get; private set; }
private Node ActiveNode { get; set; }
private Edge ActiveEdge { get; set; }
private int DistanceIntoActiveEdge { get; set; }
private char LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix { get; set; }
private int NextNodeNumber { get; set; }
private int NextEdgeNumber { get; set; }
public SuffixTree(string word)
Word = word;
RootNode = new Node(this);
ActiveNode = RootNode;
public event Action<SuffixTree> Changed;
private void TriggerChanged()
var handler = Changed;
if(handler != null)
public event Action<string, object[]> Message;
private void SendMessage(string format, params object[] args)
var handler = Message;
if(handler != null)
handler(format, args);
public static SuffixTree Create(string word, char canonizationChar = '$')
var tree = new SuffixTree(word);
return tree;
public void Build(char canonizationChar)
var n = Word.IndexOf(Word[Word.Length - 1]);
var mustCanonize = n < Word.Length - 1;
CanonizationChar = canonizationChar;
Word = string.Concat(Word, canonizationChar);
for(CurrentSuffixEndIndex = 0; CurrentSuffixEndIndex < Word.Length; CurrentSuffixEndIndex++)
SendMessage("=== ITERATION {0} ===", CurrentSuffixEndIndex);
LastCreatedNodeInCurrentIteration = null;
LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix = Word[CurrentSuffixEndIndex];
for(CurrentSuffixStartIndex = CurrentSuffixEndIndex - UnresolvedSuffixes; CurrentSuffixStartIndex <= CurrentSuffixEndIndex; CurrentSuffixStartIndex++)
var wasImplicitlyAdded = !AddNextSuffix();
if(UnresolvedSuffixes > 0)
private bool AddNextSuffix()
var suffix = string.Concat(Word.Substring(CurrentSuffixStartIndex, CurrentSuffixEndIndex - CurrentSuffixStartIndex), "{", Word[CurrentSuffixEndIndex], "}");
SendMessage("The next suffix of '{0}' to add is '{1}' at indices {2},{3}", Word, suffix, CurrentSuffixStartIndex, CurrentSuffixEndIndex);
SendMessage(" => ActiveNode: {0}", ActiveNode);
SendMessage(" => ActiveEdge: {0}", ActiveEdge == null ? "none" : ActiveEdge.ToString());
SendMessage(" => DistanceIntoActiveEdge: {0}", DistanceIntoActiveEdge);
SendMessage(" => UnresolvedSuffixes: {0}", UnresolvedSuffixes);
if(ActiveEdge != null && DistanceIntoActiveEdge >= ActiveEdge.Length)
throw new Exception("BOUNDARY EXCEEDED");
if(ActiveEdge != null)
return AddCurrentSuffixToActiveEdge();
return false;
return true;
private bool GetExistingEdgeAndSetAsActive()
Edge edge;
if(ActiveNode.Edges.TryGetValue(LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix, out edge))
SendMessage("Existing edge for {0} starting with '{1}' found. Values adjusted to:", ActiveNode, LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix);
ActiveEdge = edge;
DistanceIntoActiveEdge = 1;
SendMessage(" => ActiveEdge is now: {0}", ActiveEdge);
SendMessage(" => DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: {0}", DistanceIntoActiveEdge);
SendMessage(" => UnresolvedSuffixes is now: {0}", UnresolvedSuffixes);
return true;
SendMessage("Existing edge for {0} starting with '{1}' not found", ActiveNode, LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix);
return false;
private bool AddCurrentSuffixToActiveEdge()
var nextCharacterOnEdge = Word[ActiveEdge.StartIndex + DistanceIntoActiveEdge];
if(nextCharacterOnEdge == LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix)
SendMessage("The next character on the current edge is '{0}' (suffix added implicitly)", LastCharacterOfCurrentSuffix);
SendMessage(" => DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: {0}", DistanceIntoActiveEdge);
return false;
return true;
private void UpdateActivePointAfterAddingNewEdge()
if(ReferenceEquals(ActiveNode, RootNode))
if(DistanceIntoActiveEdge > 0)
SendMessage("New edge has been added and the active node is root. The active edge will now be updated.");
SendMessage(" => DistanceIntoActiveEdge decremented to: {0}", DistanceIntoActiveEdge);
ActiveEdge = DistanceIntoActiveEdge == 0 ? null : ActiveNode.Edges[Word[CurrentSuffixStartIndex + 1]];
SendMessage(" => ActiveEdge is now: {0}", ActiveEdge);
NormalizeActivePointIfNowAtOrBeyondEdgeBoundary(CurrentSuffixStartIndex + 1);
private void NormalizeActivePointIfNowAtOrBeyondEdgeBoundary(int firstIndexOfOriginalActiveEdge)
var walkDistance = 0;
while(ActiveEdge != null && DistanceIntoActiveEdge >= ActiveEdge.Length)
SendMessage("Active point is at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary");
DistanceIntoActiveEdge -= ActiveEdge.Length;
ActiveNode = ActiveEdge.Tail ?? RootNode;
if(DistanceIntoActiveEdge == 0)
ActiveEdge = null;
walkDistance += ActiveEdge.Length;
var c = Word[firstIndexOfOriginalActiveEdge + walkDistance];
ActiveEdge = ActiveNode.Edges[c];
private void SplitActiveEdge()
ActiveEdge = ActiveEdge.SplitAtIndex(ActiveEdge.StartIndex + DistanceIntoActiveEdge);
SendMessage(" => ActiveEdge is now: {0}", ActiveEdge);
if(LastCreatedNodeInCurrentIteration != null)
LastCreatedNodeInCurrentIteration.LinkedNode = ActiveEdge.Tail;
SendMessage(" => Connected {0} to {1}", LastCreatedNodeInCurrentIteration, ActiveEdge.Tail);
LastCreatedNodeInCurrentIteration = ActiveEdge.Tail;
private void UpdateActivePointToLinkedNodeOrRoot()
SendMessage("The linked node for active node {0} is {1}", ActiveNode, ActiveNode.LinkedNode == null ? "[null]" : ActiveNode.LinkedNode.ToString());
if(ActiveNode.LinkedNode != null)
ActiveNode = ActiveNode.LinkedNode;
SendMessage(" => ActiveNode is now: {0}", ActiveNode);
ActiveNode = RootNode;
SendMessage(" => ActiveNode is now ROOT", ActiveNode);
if(ActiveEdge != null)
var firstIndexOfOriginalActiveEdge = ActiveEdge.StartIndex;
ActiveEdge = ActiveNode.Edges[Word[ActiveEdge.StartIndex]];
public string RenderTree()
var writer = new StringWriter();
RootNode.RenderTree(writer, "");
return writer.ToString();
public string WriteDotGraph()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("digraph {");
sb.AppendLine("rankdir = LR;");
sb.AppendLine("edge [arrowsize=0.5,fontsize=11];");
for(var i = 0; i < NextNodeNumber; i++)
sb.AppendFormat("node{0} [label=\"{0}\",style=filled,fillcolor={1},shape=circle,width=.1,height=.1,fontsize=11,margin=0.01];",
i, ActiveNode.NodeNumber == i ? "cyan" : "lightgrey").AppendLine();
return sb.ToString();
public HashSet<string> ExtractAllSubstrings()
var set = new HashSet<string>();
ExtractAllSubstrings("", set, RootNode);
return set;
private void ExtractAllSubstrings(string str, HashSet<string> set, Node node)
foreach(var edge in node.Edges.Values)
var edgeStr = edge.StringWithoutCanonizationChar;
var edgeLength = !edge.EndIndex.HasValue && CanonizationChar.HasValue ? edge.Length - 1 : edge.Length; // assume tailing canonization char
for(var length = 1; length <= edgeLength; length++)
set.Add(string.Concat(str, edgeStr.Substring(0, length)));
if(edge.Tail != null)
ExtractAllSubstrings(string.Concat(str, edge.StringWithoutCanonizationChar), set, edge.Tail);
public List<string> ExtractSubstringsForIndexing(int? maxLength = null)
var list = new List<string>();
ExtractSubstringsForIndexing("", list, maxLength ?? Word.Length, RootNode);
return list;
private void ExtractSubstringsForIndexing(string str, List<string> list, int len, Node node)
foreach(var edge in node.Edges.Values)
var newstr = string.Concat(str, Word.Substring(edge.StartIndex, Math.Min(len, edge.Length)));
if(len > edge.Length && edge.Tail != null)
ExtractSubstringsForIndexing(newstr, list, len - edge.Length, edge.Tail);
public class Edge
private readonly SuffixTree _tree;
public Edge(SuffixTree tree, Node head)
_tree = tree;
Head = head;
StartIndex = tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex;
EdgeNumber = _tree.NextEdgeNumber++;
public Node Head { get; private set; }
public Node Tail { get; private set; }
public int StartIndex { get; private set; }
public int? EndIndex { get; set; }
public int EdgeNumber { get; private set; }
public int Length { get { return (EndIndex ?? _tree.Word.Length - 1) - StartIndex + 1; } }
public Edge SplitAtIndex(int index)
_tree.SendMessage("Splitting edge {0} at index {1} ('{2}')", this, index, _tree.Word[index]);
var newEdge = new Edge(_tree, Head);
var newNode = new Node(_tree);
newEdge.Tail = newNode;
newEdge.StartIndex = StartIndex;
newEdge.EndIndex = index - 1;
Head = newNode;
StartIndex = index;
newNode.Edges.Add(_tree.Word[StartIndex], this);
newEdge.Head.Edges[_tree.Word[newEdge.StartIndex]] = newEdge;
_tree.SendMessage(" => Hierarchy is now: {0} --> {1} --> {2} --> {3}", newEdge.Head, newEdge, newNode, this);
return newEdge;
public override string ToString()
return string.Concat(_tree.Word.Substring(StartIndex, (EndIndex ?? _tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex) - StartIndex + 1), "(",
StartIndex, ",", EndIndex.HasValue ? EndIndex.ToString() : "#", ")");
public string StringWithoutCanonizationChar
get { return _tree.Word.Substring(StartIndex, (EndIndex ?? _tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex - (_tree.CanonizationChar.HasValue ? 1 : 0)) - StartIndex + 1); }
public string String
get { return _tree.Word.Substring(StartIndex, (EndIndex ?? _tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex) - StartIndex + 1); }
public void RenderTree(TextWriter writer, string prefix, int maxEdgeLength)
var strEdge = _tree.Word.Substring(StartIndex, (EndIndex ?? _tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex) - StartIndex + 1);
if(Tail == null)
var line = new string(RenderChars.HorizontalLine, maxEdgeLength - strEdge.Length + 1);
Tail.RenderTree(writer, string.Concat(prefix, new string(' ', strEdge.Length + line.Length)));
public void WriteDotGraph(StringBuilder sb)
if(Tail == null)
sb.AppendFormat("leaf{0} [label=\"\",shape=point]", EdgeNumber).AppendLine();
string label, weight, color;
if(_tree.ActiveEdge != null && ReferenceEquals(this, _tree.ActiveEdge))
if(_tree.ActiveEdge.Length == 0)
label = "";
else if(_tree.DistanceIntoActiveEdge > Length)
label = "<<FONT COLOR=\"red\" SIZE=\"11\"><B>" + String + "</B> (" + _tree.DistanceIntoActiveEdge + ")</FONT>>";
else if(_tree.DistanceIntoActiveEdge == Length)
label = "<<FONT COLOR=\"red\" SIZE=\"11\">" + String + "</FONT>>";
else if(_tree.DistanceIntoActiveEdge > 0)
label = "<<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLPADDING=\"0\" CELLSPACING=\"0\"><TR><TD><FONT COLOR=\"blue\"><B>" + String.Substring(0, _tree.DistanceIntoActiveEdge) + "</B></FONT></TD><TD COLOR=\"black\">" + String.Substring(_tree.DistanceIntoActiveEdge) + "</TD></TR></TABLE>>";
label = "\"" + String + "\"";
color = "blue";
weight = "5";
label = "\"" + String + "\"";
color = "black";
weight = "3";
var tail = Tail == null ? "leaf" + EdgeNumber : "node" + Tail.NodeNumber;
sb.AppendFormat("node{0} -> {1} [label={2},weight={3},color={4},size=11]", Head.NodeNumber, tail, label, weight, color).AppendLine();
if(Tail != null)
public class Node
private readonly SuffixTree _tree;
public Node(SuffixTree tree)
_tree = tree;
Edges = new Dictionary<char, Edge>();
NodeNumber = _tree.NextNodeNumber++;
public Dictionary<char, Edge> Edges { get; private set; }
public Node LinkedNode { get; set; }
public int NodeNumber { get; private set; }
public void AddNewEdge()
_tree.SendMessage("Adding new edge to {0}", this);
var edge = new Edge(_tree, this);
Edges.Add(_tree.Word[_tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex], edge);
_tree.SendMessage(" => {0} --> {1}", this, edge);
public void RenderTree(TextWriter writer, string prefix)
var strNode = string.Concat("(", NodeNumber.ToString(new string('0', _tree.NextNodeNumber.ToString().Length)), ")");
var edges = Edges.Select(kvp => kvp.Value).OrderBy(e => _tree.Word[e.StartIndex]).ToArray();
var prefixWithNodePadding = prefix + new string(' ', strNode.Length);
var maxEdgeLength = edges.Max(e => (e.EndIndex ?? _tree.CurrentSuffixEndIndex) - e.StartIndex + 1);
for(var i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++)
char connector, extender = ' ';
if(i == 0)
if(edges.Length > 1)
connector = RenderChars.TJunctionDown;
extender = RenderChars.VerticalLine;
connector = RenderChars.HorizontalLine;
if(i == edges.Length - 1)
connector = RenderChars.CornerRight;
connector = RenderChars.TJunctionRight;
extender = RenderChars.VerticalLine;
writer.Write(string.Concat(connector, RenderChars.HorizontalLine));
var newPrefix = string.Concat(prefixWithNodePadding, extender, ' ');
edges[i].RenderTree(writer, newPrefix, maxEdgeLength);
public override string ToString()
return string.Concat("node #", NodeNumber);
public void WriteDotGraph(StringBuilder sb)
if(LinkedNode != null)
sb.AppendFormat("node{0} -> node{1} [label=\"\",weight=.01,style=dotted]", NodeNumber, LinkedNode.NodeNumber).AppendLine();
foreach(var edge in Edges.Values)
public static class RenderChars
public const char TJunctionDown = '┬';
public const char HorizontalLine = '─';
public const char VerticalLine = '│';
public const char TJunctionRight = '├';
public const char CornerRight = '└';
static void Main()
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{a}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> a(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{b}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'b' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> b(1,#)
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{c}' at indices 2,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'c' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> c(2,#)
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{a}' at indices 3,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: abca(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'a{b}' at indices 3,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: abcab(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'b' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'ab{x}' at indices 3,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: abcabx(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge abcabx(0,#) at index 2 ('c')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> ab(0,1) --> node #1 --> cabx(2,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: ab(0,1)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> x(5,#)
│ └─x
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'b{x}' at indices 4,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: bcabx(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge bcabx(1,#) at index 2 ('c')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> b(1,1) --> node #2 --> cabx(2,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: b(1,1)
=> Connected node #1 to node #2
Adding new edge to node #2
=> node #2 --> x(5,#)
│ └─x
│ └─x
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{x}' at indices 5,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'x' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> x(5,#)
│ └─x
│ └─x
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{a}' at indices 6,6
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: ab(0,1)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─xa
│ └─xa
=== ITERATION 7 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'a{b}' at indices 6,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ab(0,1)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'b' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ └─xab
│ └─xab
=== ITERATION 8 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'ab{c}' at indices 6,8
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'c' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: cabxabc(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 2
│ └─xabc
│ └─xabc
=== ITERATION 9 ===
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'abc{d}' at indices 6,9
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: cabxabcd(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge cabxabcd(2,#) at index 3 ('a')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #1 --> c(2,2) --> node #3 --> abxabcd(3,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: c(2,2)
Adding new edge to node #3
=> node #3 --> d(9,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is node #2
=> ActiveNode is now: node #2
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
│ └─xabcd
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'bc{d}' at indices 7,9
=> ActiveNode: node #2
=> ActiveEdge: cabxabcd(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge cabxabcd(2,#) at index 3 ('a')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #2 --> c(2,2) --> node #4 --> abxabcd(3,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: c(2,2)
=> Connected node #3 to node #4
Adding new edge to node #4
=> node #4 --> d(9,#)
The linked node for active node node #2 is [null]
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is 'c{d}' at indices 8,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: cabxabcd(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge cabxabcd(2,#) at index 3 ('a')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> c(2,2) --> node #5 --> abxabcd(3,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: c(2,2)
=> Connected node #4 to node #5
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> d(9,#)
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
│ └─d
The next suffix of 'abcabxabcd' to add is '{d}' at indices 9,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'd' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> d(9,#)
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
│ │ └─d
│ └─xabcd
│ └─d
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{a}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> a(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{b}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'b' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> b(1,#)
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{c}' at indices 2,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'c' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> c(2,#)
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{d}' at indices 3,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'd' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> d(3,#)
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{e}' at indices 4,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'e' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> e(4,#)
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{f}' at indices 5,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'f' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> f(5,#)
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{a}' at indices 6,6
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: abcdefa(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 7 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'a{b}' at indices 6,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: abcdefab(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'b' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
=== ITERATION 8 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'ab{x}' at indices 6,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: abcdefabx(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge abcdefabx(0,#) at index 2 ('c')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> ab(0,1) --> node #1 --> cdefabx(2,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: ab(0,1)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> x(8,#)
│ └─x
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'b{x}' at indices 7,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: bcdefabx(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge bcdefabx(1,#) at index 2 ('c')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> b(1,1) --> node #2 --> cdefabx(2,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: b(1,1)
=> Connected node #1 to node #2
Adding new edge to node #2
=> node #2 --> x(8,#)
│ └─x
│ └─x
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{x}' at indices 8,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'x' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> x(8,#)
│ └─x
│ └─x
=== ITERATION 9 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{y}' at indices 9,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'y' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> y(9,#)
│ └─xy
│ └─xy
=== ITERATION 10 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{b}' at indices 10,10
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'b' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─xyb
│ └─xyb
=== ITERATION 11 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'b{c}' at indices 10,11
=> ActiveNode: node #2
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #2 starting with 'c' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: cdefabxybc(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 1
│ └─xybc
│ └─xybc
=== ITERATION 12 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'bc{d}' at indices 10,12
=> ActiveNode: node #2
=> ActiveEdge: cdefabxybcd(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
The next character on the current edge is 'd' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
│ └─xybcd
│ └─xybcd
=== ITERATION 13 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'bcd{m}' at indices 10,13
=> ActiveNode: node #2
=> ActiveEdge: cdefabxybcdm(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge cdefabxybcdm(2,#) at index 4 ('e')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #2 --> cd(2,3) --> node #3 --> efabxybcdm(4,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: cd(2,3)
Adding new edge to node #3
=> node #3 --> m(13,#)
The linked node for active node node #2 is [null]
│ └─xybcdm
│ │ └─m
│ └─xybcdm
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'cd{m}' at indices 11,13
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: cdefabxybcdm(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge cdefabxybcdm(2,#) at index 4 ('e')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> cd(2,3) --> node #4 --> efabxybcdm(4,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: cd(2,3)
=> Connected node #3 to node #4
Adding new edge to node #4
=> node #4 --> m(13,#)
│ └─xybcdm
│ │ └─m
│ └─xybcdm
│ └─m
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'd{m}' at indices 12,13
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: defabxybcdm(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge defabxybcdm(3,#) at index 4 ('e')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> d(3,3) --> node #5 --> efabxybcdm(4,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: d(3,3)
=> Connected node #4 to node #5
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> m(13,#)
│ └─xybcdm
│ │ └─m
│ └─xybcdm
│ └─m
│ └─m
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{m}' at indices 13,13
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'm' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> m(13,#)
│ └─xybcdm
│ │ └─m
│ └─xybcdm
│ └─m
│ └─m
=== ITERATION 14 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{n}' at indices 14,14
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'n' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> n(14,#)
│ └─xybcdmn
│ │ └─mn
│ └─xybcdmn
│ └─mn
│ └─mn
=== ITERATION 15 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{a}' at indices 15,15
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: ab(0,1)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─xybcdmna
│ │ └─mna
│ └─xybcdmna
│ └─mna
│ └─mna
=== ITERATION 16 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'a{b}' at indices 15,16
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ab(0,1)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'b' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ └─xybcdmnab
│ │ └─mnab
│ └─xybcdmnab
│ └─mnab
│ └─mnab
=== ITERATION 17 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'ab{c}' at indices 15,17
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'c' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: cdefabxybcdmnabc(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 2
│ └─xybcdmnabc
│ │ └─mnabc
│ └─xybcdmnabc
│ └─mnabc
│ └─mnabc
=== ITERATION 18 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'abc{d}' at indices 15,18
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: cdefabxybcdmnabcd(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
The next character on the current edge is 'd' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
│ └─xybcdmnabcd
│ │ └─mnabcd
│ └─xybcdmnabcd
│ └─mnabcd
│ └─mnabcd
=== ITERATION 19 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'abcd{e}' at indices 15,19
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: cdefabxybcdmnabcde(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 4
The next character on the current edge is 'e' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 3
│ └─xybcdmnabcde
│ │ └─mnabcde
│ └─xybcdmnabcde
│ └─mnabcde
│ └─mnabcde
=== ITERATION 20 ===
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'abcde{x}' at indices 15,20
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: cdefabxybcdmnabcdex(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 3
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 5
Splitting edge cdefabxybcdmnabcdex(2,#) at index 5 ('f')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #1 --> cde(2,4) --> node #6 --> fabxybcdmnabcdex(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: cde(2,4)
Adding new edge to node #6
=> node #6 --> x(20,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is node #2
=> ActiveNode is now: node #2
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ │ └─x
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ └─mnabcdex
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ └─mnabcdex
│ └─mnabcdex
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'bcde{x}' at indices 16,20
=> ActiveNode: node #3
=> ActiveEdge: efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 4
Splitting edge efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#) at index 5 ('f')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #3 --> e(4,4) --> node #7 --> fabxybcdmnabcdex(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: e(4,4)
=> Connected node #6 to node #7
Adding new edge to node #7
=> node #7 --> x(20,#)
The linked node for active node node #3 is node #4
=> ActiveNode is now: node #4
│ │ └─x
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ │ └─x
│ │ └─mnabcdex
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ └─mnabcdex
│ └─mnabcdex
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'cde{x}' at indices 17,20
=> ActiveNode: node #4
=> ActiveEdge: efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#) at index 5 ('f')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #4 --> e(4,4) --> node #8 --> fabxybcdmnabcdex(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: e(4,4)
=> Connected node #7 to node #8
Adding new edge to node #8
=> node #8 --> x(20,#)
The linked node for active node node #4 is node #5
=> ActiveNode is now: node #5
│ │ └─x
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ │ └─x
│ │ └─mnabcdex
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
│ └─mnabcdex
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'de{x}' at indices 18,20
=> ActiveNode: node #5
=> ActiveEdge: efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#) at index 5 ('f')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #5 --> e(4,4) --> node #9 --> fabxybcdmnabcdex(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: e(4,4)
=> Connected node #8 to node #9
Adding new edge to node #9
=> node #9 --> x(20,#)
The linked node for active node node #5 is [null]
│ │ └─x
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ │ └─x
│ │ └─mnabcdex
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is 'e{x}' at indices 19,20
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge efabxybcdmnabcdex(4,#) at index 5 ('f')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> e(4,4) --> node #10 --> fabxybcdmnabcdex(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: e(4,4)
=> Connected node #9 to node #10
Adding new edge to node #10
=> node #10 --> x(20,#)
│ │ └─x
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ │ └─x
│ │ └─mnabcdex
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
│ └─x
The next suffix of 'abcdefabxybcdmnabcdex' to add is '{x}' at indices 20,20
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'x' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: xybcdmnabcdex(8,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ │ └─x
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ │ └─x
│ │ └─mnabcdex
│ └─xybcdmnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
│ │ └─x
│ └─mnabcdex
│ └─x
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{a}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> a(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{b}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'b' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> b(1,#)
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{c}' at indices 2,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'c' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> c(2,#)
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{a}' at indices 3,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: abca(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is 'a{d}' at indices 3,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: abcad(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge abcad(0,#) at index 1 ('b')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> a(0,0) --> node #1 --> bcad(1,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: a(0,0)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> d(4,#)
│ └─d
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{d}' at indices 4,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'd' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> d(4,#)
│ └─d
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{a}' at indices 5,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─da
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is 'a{k}' at indices 5,6
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'k' not found
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> k(6,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
│ ├─dak
│ └─k
The next suffix of 'abcadak' to add is '{k}' at indices 6,6
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'k' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> k(6,#)
│ ├─dak
│ └─k
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{d}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'd' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> d(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{e}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'e' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> e(1,#)
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{d}' at indices 2,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'd' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: ded(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'd{o}' at indices 2,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: dedo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge dedo(0,#) at index 1 ('e')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> d(0,0) --> node #1 --> edo(1,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: d(0,0)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> o(3,#)
│ └─o
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{o}' at indices 3,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'o' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> o(3,#)
│ └─o
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{d}' at indices 4,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'd' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─od
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'd{o}' at indices 4,5
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'o' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: odo(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 1
│ └─odo
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'do{d}' at indices 4,6
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: odod(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
The next character on the current edge is 'd' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
│ └─odod
=== ITERATION 7 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'dod{e}' at indices 4,7
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: odode(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge odode(3,#) at index 5 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #1 --> od(3,4) --> node #2 --> ode(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: od(3,4)
Adding new edge to node #2
=> node #2 --> e(7,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
│ └─od──────(2)┬─e
│ └─ode
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'od{e}' at indices 5,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: odode(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge odode(3,#) at index 5 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> od(3,4) --> node #3 --> ode(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: od(3,4)
=> Connected node #2 to node #3
Adding new edge to node #3
=> node #3 --> e(7,#)
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ └─od──────(2)┬─e
│ └─ode
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'd{e}' at indices 6,7
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'e' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: edodode(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 1
│ └─od──────(2)┬─e
│ └─ode
=== ITERATION 8 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'de{e}' at indices 6,8
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: edododee(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge edododee(1,#) at index 2 ('d')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #1 --> e(1,1) --> node #4 --> dododee(2,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: e(1,1)
Adding new edge to node #4
=> node #4 --> e(8,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
│ │ └─e
│ └─od─(2)┬─ee
│ └─odee
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'e{e}' at indices 7,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: edododee(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge edododee(1,#) at index 2 ('d')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> e(1,1) --> node #5 --> dododee(2,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: e(1,1)
=> Connected node #4 to node #5
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> e(8,#)
│ │ └─e
│ └─od─(2)┬─ee
│ └─odee
│ └─e
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{e}' at indices 8,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'e' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ │ └─e
│ └─od─(2)┬─ee
│ └─odee
│ └─e
=== ITERATION 9 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'e{o}' at indices 8,9
=> ActiveNode: node #5
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #5 starting with 'o' not found
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> o(9,#)
The linked node for active node node #5 is [null]
│ │ └─eo
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeo
│ └─odeeo
│ ├─eo
│ └─o
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{o}' at indices 9,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'o' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: od(3,4)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ │ └─eo
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeo
│ └─odeeo
│ ├─eo
│ └─o
=== ITERATION 10 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'o{d}' at indices 9,10
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: od(3,4)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'd' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ │ └─eod
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeod
│ └─odeeod
│ ├─eod
│ └─od
=== ITERATION 11 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'od{o}' at indices 9,11
=> ActiveNode: node #3
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Existing edge for node #3 starting with 'o' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: odeeodo(5,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 2
│ │ └─eodo
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeodo
│ └─odeeodo
│ ├─eodo
│ └─odo
=== ITERATION 12 ===
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'odo{$}' at indices 9,12
=> ActiveNode: node #3
=> ActiveEdge: odeeodo$(5,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge odeeodo$(5,#) at index 6 ('d')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #3 --> o(5,5) --> node #6 --> deeodo$(6,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: o(5,5)
Adding new edge to node #6
=> node #6 --> $(12,#)
The linked node for active node node #3 is [null]
│ │ └─eodo$
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeodo$
│ └─odeeodo$
│ ├─eodo$
│ └─odo$
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'do{$}' at indices 10,12
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: od(3,4)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge od(3,4) at index 4 ('d')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> o(3,3) --> node #7 --> d(4,4)
=> ActiveEdge is now: o(3,3)
=> Connected node #6 to node #7
Adding new edge to node #7
=> node #7 --> $(12,#)
│ │ └─eodo$
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeodo$
│ └─odeeodo$
│ ├─eodo$
│ └─odo$
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is 'o{$}' at indices 11,12
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #0 starting with '$' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> $(12,#)
│ │ └─eodo$
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeodo$
│ └─odeeodo$
│ ├─eodo$
│ └─odo$
The next suffix of 'dedododeeodo$' to add is '{$}' at indices 12,12
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with '$' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ │ └─eodo$
│ └─od─(2)┬─eeodo$
│ └─odeeodo$
│ ├─eodo$
│ └─odo$
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is '{o}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'o' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> o(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is '{o}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'o' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: oo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'o{o}' at indices 1,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oo{o}' at indices 1,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 3
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'ooo{o}' at indices 1,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 3
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 4
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oooo{o}' at indices 1,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oooooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 4
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 4
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 5
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'ooooo{o}' at indices 1,6
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooooooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 5
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 5
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 6
=== ITERATION 7 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oooooo{o}' at indices 1,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oooooooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 6
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 6
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 7
=== ITERATION 8 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'ooooooo{o}' at indices 1,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooooooooo(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 7
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 7
The next character on the current edge is 'o' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 8
=== ITERATION 9 ===
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oooooooo{$}' at indices 1,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooooooooo$(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 8
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 8
Splitting edge ooooooooo$(0,#) at index 8 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> oooooooo(0,7) --> node #1 --> o$(8,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: oooooooo(0,7)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'ooooooo{$}' at indices 2,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oooooooo(0,7)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 7
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 7
Splitting edge oooooooo(0,7) at index 7 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> ooooooo(0,6) --> node #2 --> o(7,7)
=> ActiveEdge is now: ooooooo(0,6)
=> Connected node #1 to node #2
Adding new edge to node #2
=> node #2 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oooooo{$}' at indices 3,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooooooo(0,6)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 6
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 6
Splitting edge ooooooo(0,6) at index 6 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> oooooo(0,5) --> node #3 --> o(6,6)
=> ActiveEdge is now: oooooo(0,5)
=> Connected node #2 to node #3
Adding new edge to node #3
=> node #3 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'ooooo{$}' at indices 4,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oooooo(0,5)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 5
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 5
Splitting edge oooooo(0,5) at index 5 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> ooooo(0,4) --> node #4 --> o(5,5)
=> ActiveEdge is now: ooooo(0,4)
=> Connected node #3 to node #4
Adding new edge to node #4
=> node #4 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oooo{$}' at indices 5,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooooo(0,4)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 4
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 4
Splitting edge ooooo(0,4) at index 4 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> oooo(0,3) --> node #5 --> o(4,4)
=> ActiveEdge is now: oooo(0,3)
=> Connected node #4 to node #5
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'ooo{$}' at indices 6,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oooo(0,3)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 3
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge oooo(0,3) at index 3 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> ooo(0,2) --> node #6 --> o(3,3)
=> ActiveEdge is now: ooo(0,2)
=> Connected node #5 to node #6
Adding new edge to node #6
=> node #6 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'oo{$}' at indices 7,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ooo(0,2)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge ooo(0,2) at index 2 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> oo(0,1) --> node #7 --> o(2,2)
=> ActiveEdge is now: oo(0,1)
=> Connected node #6 to node #7
Adding new edge to node #7
=> node #7 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is 'o{$}' at indices 8,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: oo(0,1)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge oo(0,1) at index 1 ('o')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> o(0,0) --> node #8 --> o(1,1)
=> ActiveEdge is now: o(0,0)
=> Connected node #7 to node #8
Adding new edge to node #8
=> node #8 --> $(9,#)
The next suffix of 'ooooooooo$' to add is '{$}' at indices 9,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with '$' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> $(9,#)
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{m}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'm' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> m(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{i}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'i' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> i(1,#)
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{s}' at indices 2,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 's' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> s(2,#)
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{s}' at indices 3,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 's' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: ss(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 's{i}' at indices 3,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ssi(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge ssi(2,#) at index 3 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> s(2,2) --> node #1 --> si(3,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: s(2,2)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> i(4,#)
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{i}' at indices 4,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'i' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: issi(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'i{s}' at indices 4,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: issis(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 's' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'is{s}' at indices 4,6
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ississ(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
The next character on the current edge is 's' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 3
=== ITERATION 7 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'iss{i}' at indices 4,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ississi(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 3
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
The next character on the current edge is 'i' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 4
=== ITERATION 8 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'issi{p}' at indices 4,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ississip(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 4
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 4
Splitting edge ississip(1,#) at index 5 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> issi(1,4) --> node #2 --> ssip(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: issi(1,4)
Adding new edge to node #2
=> node #2 --> p(8,#)
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ └─ssip
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'ssi{p}' at indices 5,8
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: sissip(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge sissip(3,#) at index 5 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #1 --> si(3,4) --> node #3 --> ssip(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: si(3,4)
=> Connected node #2 to node #3
Adding new edge to node #3
=> node #3 --> p(8,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ └─ssip
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'si{p}' at indices 6,8
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: issip(4,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge issip(4,#) at index 5 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #1 --> i(4,4) --> node #4 --> ssip(5,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: i(4,4)
=> Connected node #3 to node #4
Adding new edge to node #4
=> node #4 --> p(8,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
│ └─ssip
│ └─ssip
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'i{p}' at indices 7,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: issi(1,4)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge issi(1,4) at index 2 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> i(1,1) --> node #5 --> ssi(2,4)
=> ActiveEdge is now: i(1,1)
=> Connected node #4 to node #5
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> p(8,#)
│ └─ssi─(2)┬─p
│ └─ssip
│ └─ssip
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{p}' at indices 8,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'p' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> p(8,#)
│ └─ssi─(2)┬─p
│ └─ssip
│ └─ssip
=== ITERATION 9 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{p}' at indices 9,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'p' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: pp(8,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─ssi─(2)┬─pp
│ └─ssipp
│ └─ssipp
=== ITERATION 10 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'p{i}' at indices 9,10
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: ppi(8,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge ppi(8,#) at index 9 ('p')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> p(8,8) --> node #6 --> pi(9,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: p(8,8)
Adding new edge to node #6
=> node #6 --> i(10,#)
│ └─ssi─(2)┬─ppi
│ └─ssippi
│ └─pi
│ └─ssippi
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{i}' at indices 10,10
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'i' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─ssi─(2)┬─ppi
│ └─ssippi
│ └─pi
│ └─ssippi
=== ITERATION 11 ===
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is 'i{$}' at indices 10,11
=> ActiveNode: node #5
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #5 starting with '$' not found
Adding new edge to node #5
=> node #5 --> $(11,#)
The linked node for active node node #5 is [null]
│ ├─ppi$
│ └─ssi──(2)┬─ppi$
│ └─ssippi$
│ └─pi$
│ └─ssippi$
The next suffix of 'mississippi$' to add is '{$}' at indices 11,11
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with '$' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> $(11,#)
│ ├─ppi$
│ └─ssi──(2)┬─ppi$
│ └─ssippi$
│ └─pi$
│ └─ssippi$
=== ITERATION 0 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{a}' at indices 0,0
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> a(0,#)
=== ITERATION 1 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{l}' at indices 1,1
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'l' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> l(1,#)
=== ITERATION 2 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{m}' at indices 2,2
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'm' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> m(2,#)
=== ITERATION 3 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{a}' at indices 3,3
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: alma(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
=== ITERATION 4 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'a{s}' at indices 3,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: almas(0,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge almas(0,#) at index 1 ('l')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> a(0,0) --> node #1 --> lmas(1,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: a(0,0)
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> s(4,#)
│ └─s
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{s}' at indices 4,4
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 's' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> s(4,#)
│ └─s
=== ITERATION 5 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{a}' at indices 5,5
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'a' found. Values adjusted to:
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
=> ActiveEdge is now:
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ └─sa
=== ITERATION 6 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'a{m}' at indices 5,6
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'm' not found
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> m(6,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
│ ├─m
│ └─sam
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{m}' at indices 6,6
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'm' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: masam(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ ├─m
│ └─sam
=== ITERATION 7 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'm{o}' at indices 6,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: masamo(2,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Splitting edge masamo(2,#) at index 3 ('a')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> m(2,2) --> node #2 --> asamo(3,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: m(2,2)
Adding new edge to node #2
=> node #2 --> o(7,#)
│ ├─mo
│ └─samo
│ └─o
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{o}' at indices 7,7
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'o' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> o(7,#)
│ ├─mo
│ └─samo
│ └─o
=== ITERATION 8 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{l}' at indices 8,8
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'l' found. Values adjusted to:
=> ActiveEdge is now: lmasamol(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes is now: 0
│ ├─mol
│ └─samol
│ └─ol
=== ITERATION 9 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'l{m}' at indices 8,9
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: lmasamolm(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
The next character on the current edge is 'm' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 2
│ ├─molm
│ └─samolm
│ └─olm
=== ITERATION 10 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'lm{a}' at indices 8,10
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: lmasamolma(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 2
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
The next character on the current edge is 'a' (suffix added implicitly)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge is now: 3
│ ├─molma
│ └─samolma
│ └─olma
=== ITERATION 11 ===
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'lma{z}' at indices 8,11
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: lmasamolmaz(1,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 3
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 3
Splitting edge lmasamolmaz(1,#) at index 4 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #0 --> lma(1,3) --> node #3 --> samolmaz(4,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: lma(1,3)
Adding new edge to node #3
=> node #3 --> z(11,#)
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ ├─molmaz
│ └─samolmaz
│ └─z
│ └─olmaz
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'ma{z}' at indices 9,11
=> ActiveNode: node #2
=> ActiveEdge: asamolmaz(3,#)
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 1
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 2
Splitting edge asamolmaz(3,#) at index 4 ('s')
=> Hierarchy is now: node #2 --> a(3,3) --> node #4 --> samolmaz(4,#)
=> ActiveEdge is now: a(3,3)
=> Connected node #3 to node #4
Adding new edge to node #4
=> node #4 --> z(11,#)
The linked node for active node node #2 is [null]
Active point is now at or beyond edge boundary and will be moved until it falls inside an edge boundary
│ ├─molmaz
│ └─samolmaz
│ └─z
│ │ └─z
│ └─olmaz
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is 'a{z}' at indices 10,11
=> ActiveNode: node #1
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 1
Existing edge for node #1 starting with 'z' not found
Adding new edge to node #1
=> node #1 --> z(11,#)
The linked node for active node node #1 is [null]
│ ├─molmaz
│ ├─samolmaz
│ └─z
│ └─z
│ │ └─z
│ └─olmaz
The next suffix of 'almasamolmaz' to add is '{z}' at indices 11,11
=> ActiveNode: node #0
=> ActiveEdge: none
=> DistanceIntoActiveEdge: 0
=> UnresolvedSuffixes: 0
Existing edge for node #0 starting with 'z' not found
Adding new edge to node #0
=> node #0 --> z(11,#)
│ ├─molmaz
│ ├─samolmaz
│ └─z
│ └─z
│ │ └─z
│ └─olmaz
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