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dbg() {
[[ $DBG == 1 ]] && (1>&2 echo "[DEBUG] : "$1)
info() {
echo "[INFO] : $1"

check what listening on port 80

sudo ss -nltp | grep 80

encrypting compressed folder

tar cz my_folder/ | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -e > encrypted.tar.gz.enc

Installing printer Brother HL2270DW


sudo aa-complain cupsd
sudo mkdir /usr/share/cups/model
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/cups /etc/init.d/lp
sudo mkdir /var/spool/lpd
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
ssledz / Utf8Decoder.scala
Last active August 4, 2020 00:25
Flexible and Economical UTF-8 Decoder
object Utf8Decoder {
private val Utf8Accept: Int = 0
private val Utf8Reject: Int = 1
private val utf8d : Array[Int] = Array(
ssledz /
Created June 13, 2020 08:41
llvm-4.0 alternatives
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Remove all existing alternatives
sudo update-alternatives --remove-all llvm
# exit on first error
set -e
# llvm-4.0
sudo update-alternatives \
ssledz / Setup GCC and CLANG
Created June 13, 2020 08:35 — forked from bhaskarvk/Setup GCC and CLANG
Proper GCC (vers. 5/6/7) & LLVM/CLANG (vers. 4/5) Toolchain Setup on Ubuntu/Linux Mint

This approach uses update-alternatives to manage GCC and LLVM/CLANG C/C++ compiler toolchains. Although tested on Linux Mint 18.3, this approach should work on any Debian based distro or for that matter any Linux distro with update-alternatives support, provided the packages are installed correctly.

There are 3 files

  • installs GCC versions 5/6/7 and sets up alternatives for gcc/g++/cpp/gfortran.
  • installs LLVM and CLANG versions 4/5 and sets up alternatives for various LLVM and CLANG programs including clang and clang++.
  • sets up alternatives for the cc, cxx, and the ld commands. This script can be used to change systemwide default compiler/linker combination to either GCC or CLANG.

Once these scripts are run you can change the system GCC/CLANG versions by running sudo update-alternatives --config gcc|clang. To change the default compiler/linker combo used by t

ssledz /
Created May 25, 2020 13:37
How to convert a DVD to an MP4 File


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases  # to get latest
sudo apt update
sudo apt install handbrake-gtk
sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras     # to install a collection of codecs
sudo apt install libdvd-pkg                   # to install a library that plays DVDs in Ubuntu
sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg              # do reconfigured if needed
ssledz /
Created May 25, 2020 13:31
How to Easily Rip a CD with Abcde


sudo apt-get install abcde

rip cd

abcde -o flac

install pip & venv

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-venv

upgrade pip, setuptools & wheel

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel