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Created February 9, 2011 06:23
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A script to analyse your vodafone bill (if you download the bill as csv)
if ARGV.length != 1
p "Provide a vodafone csv file you donkey!"
exit 666
file = open(ARGV[0], 'r').read
# isolate the csv part of the vodafone data file... multiline regex match FTW!!!
BEGIN_MARKER="Call details for.*?\n"
regex = /#{BEGIN_MARKER}(.*?)#{END_MARKER}/m
csv_lines = regex.match(file)[1].lines.to_a
records = {|line| line.chop!.split ','}
headers = records.shift
# turn each array of comma separated values into a hash using the headers. weeeee!!!! do |record|
record_hash = {} { |heading, value| record_hash[heading]=value }
# analyse away!!
call_charge_total = records.inject(0) { |sum, record| sum += record["Call Charge"].to_f }
p call_charge_total
# the bill is correct. :(
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