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Created September 9, 2020 09:21
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Example of a tiny menu system using read-line in Clojure
;; Usage:
(menu {:prompt "Which database"
:options ["Localhost" "Remote" {:id "o" :text "Other"}]})
;; Implementation
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(defn menu [{:keys [prompt options]}]
(let [options (map (fn [o idx]
(if (string? o)
{:id (str (inc idx)) :text o}
o)) options (range))
valid-options (set (map :id options))]
(loop []
(when prompt
(println prompt)
(doseq [{:keys [id text]} options]
(println (str " [" id "]") text))
(println "or press <enter> to cancel")
(let [in (str/trim (read-line))]
(cond (= in "")
(not (valid-options in))
(println (format "\n-- Invalid option '%s'!" in))
(first (filter #(= in (:id %)) options)))))))
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