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Created August 19, 2018 23:11
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Sudoku solver clojure
(ns sat.core
(:require [rolling-stones.core :as sat :refer [!]]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(def rows 9)
(def cols 9)
(def values 9)
(defn possible-square-values
"All the possible values in a square"
[r c]
(for [x (map inc (range values))]
{:r r :c c :x x}))
(defn one-number-per-square []
(for [r (range rows)
c (range cols)]
(sat/exactly 1 (possible-square-values r c))))
(defn each-number-once-per-row []
(for [row (range rows)]
(for [x (map inc (range values))]
(for [c (range cols)]
{:r row :c c :x x}))))))
(defn each-number-once-per-column []
(for [col (range cols)]
(for [x (map inc (range values))]
(for [r (range rows)]
{:r r :c col :x x}))))))
(defn box-coords [d-row d-col]
(for [r (range 3)]
(for [c (range 3)]
{:r (+ r d-row) :c (+ c d-col)}))))
(defn each-number-once-per-box []
(for [x (map inc (range values))]
(for [d-row (range 0 8 3)
d-col (range 0 8 3)]
(for [{:keys [r c]} (box-coords d-row d-col)]
{:r r :c c :x x}))))))
(defn render [board]
(let [lookup (zipmap (map (juxt :r :c) board) board)
board (for [r (range rows)
c (range cols)]
{:r r :c c :x (:x (get lookup [r c]))})
rows (for [row (partition-by :r board)]
(->> (map #(or (:x %) ".") row)
(partition 3)
(map (partial str/join " "))
(str/join " | ")))
rows (map (partial str " ") rows)]
(doall (map println (take 3 rows)))
(println "-------+-------+-------")
(doall (map println (->> rows (drop 3) (take 3))))
(println "-------+-------+-------")
(doall (map println (take-last 3 rows)))
(defn solve [known]
(concat (one-number-per-square)
(map vector known)))))
(def puzzle
[{:r 0 :c 1 :x 6}
{:r 2 :c 0 :x 4}
{:r 0 :c 5 :x 7}
{:r 2 :c 5 :x 9}
{:r 1 :c 6 :x 8}
{:r 0 :c 7 :x 3}
{:r 1 :c 8 :x 2}
{:r 5 :c 0 :x 1}
{:r 4 :c 1 :x 3}
{:r 4 :c 2 :x 5}
{:r 3 :c 3 :x 3}
{:r 4 :c 3 :x 4}
{:r 4 :c 5 :x 8}
{:r 5 :c 5 :x 6}
{:r 4 :c 6 :x 7}
{:r 4 :c 7 :x 9}
{:r 3 :c 8 :x 1}
{:r 7 :c 0 :x 8}
{:r 8 :c 1 :x 2}
{:r 7 :c 2 :x 3}
{:r 6 :c 3 :x 2}
{:r 8 :c 3 :x 7}
{:r 6 :c 8 :x 7}
{:r 8 :c 7 :x 6}]))
(render puzzle)
(render (solve puzzle)))
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 . 6 . | . . 7 | . 3 .
 . . . | . . . | 8 . 2
 4 . . | . . 9 | . . .
 . . . | 3 . . | . . 1
 . 3 5 | 4 . 8 | 7 9 .
 1 . . | . . 6 | . . .
 . . . | 2 . . | . . 7
 8 . 3 | . . . | . . .
 . 2 . | 7 . . | . 6 .


 5 6 8 | 1 2 7 | 4 3 9
 3 9 7 | 6 5 4 | 8 1 2
 4 1 2 | 8 3 9 | 6 7 5
 7 8 6 | 3 9 2 | 5 4 1
 2 3 5 | 4 1 8 | 7 9 6
 1 4 9 | 5 7 6 | 3 2 8
 6 5 1 | 2 4 3 | 9 8 7
 8 7 3 | 9 6 1 | 2 5 4
 9 2 4 | 7 8 5 | 1 6 3

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