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Last active May 1, 2016 00:30
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Plot GitHub API rate limit usage with gnuplot.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# gem install httparty
require "httparty"
trap "SIGINT" do
STDERR.write "\nBye!"
exit 1
while true
r = HTTParty.get("", format: :json)
if r.success?
data = r.parsed_response
remaining = data["remaining"] || "5000"
puts "#{} #{remaining}"
sleep 10
rescue => e
STDERR.puts "Error: #{e}."
sleep 10
# empty line to indicate a break in the data
echo "" >> github.dat
./github.rb >> github.dat
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set terminal png size 900, 300
set output "github.png"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%s"
set grid
set xtics 3600
plot [:][:] "github.dat" using 1:2 title "GitHub API Limit" with lines
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