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Last active December 16, 2015 17:00
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  • Save steipete/5467684 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save steipete/5467684 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. do |s| = 'PSPDFKit'
s.version = '3.0.8'
s.license = 'Commercial'
s.summary = 'PSPDFKit - The definitive framework for displaying and annotating PDFs in your iOS apps.'
s.homepage = '' = { 'PSPDFKit GmbH' => '' }
s.platform = :ios, '5.0'
s.source = { :git => '' }
s.preserve_path = ''
s.resource = 'PSPDFKit/PSPDFKit.bundle'
s.source_files = 'PSPDFKit/**/*.{h,c,m}'
s.exclude_files = 'PSPDFKit/Categories/UIViewController+PSPDFKitAdditions.{h,m}', 'PSPDFKit/Helper/PSPDFPatches.{h,m}', 'PSPDFKit/Helper/PSPDFDebugHelper.{h,m}', 'PSPDFKit/Vendor/PSTCollectionView'
s.requires_arc = true
s.library = 'z', 'sqlite3', 'xml2'
s.xcconfig = { 'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '$(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2' }
s.frameworks = 'QuartzCore', 'CoreText', 'CoreMedia', 'MediaPlayer', 'AVFoundation', 'ImageIO', 'MessageUI',
'CoreGraphics', 'Foundation', 'CFNetwork', 'MobileCoreServices', 'SystemConfiguration',
'AssetsLibrary', 'Security', 'UIKit', 'AudioToolbox', 'QuickLook', 'CoreData'
s.dependency 'PSTCollectionView', '>= 1.1.0'
s.subspec 'no-arc' do |sp|
sp.source_files = 'PSPDFKit/Categories/UIViewController+PSPDFKitAdditions.{h,m}', 'PSPDFKit/Helper/PSPDFPatches.{h,m}', 'PSPDFKit/Helper/PSPDFDebugHelper.{h,m}'
sp.requires_arc = false
s.prepare_command = "echo '#define GIT_VERSION @\"#{s.version}\"\n#define GIT_COMMIT_COUNT 0' > PSPDFKit/InfoPlist.h"
# Thanks to Eloy Durán (@alloy) both for creating CocoaPods and helping out with creating this podspec.
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This is now on Cocoapods, starting with 3.1.4:

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cyupa commented Mar 26, 2014

To use the unicode61 tokenizer with PSPDFLibrary we should remove sqlite3 and add the sqlite3 library shipped with the dmg file. Should that library link to our project or to the Pods project? Or it doesn't matter?

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