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Last active August 26, 2022 09:00
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Simple solution that allows to block the parent layoutSubview-triggering, see In short, changing a frame of a subview outside of layoutSubviews will trigger the parent's layoutSubviews. Sometimes this is not what we want, especially when you consider performance. In my case ( this was…
@interface UIView (PSPDFKitAdditions)
// Allows to change frame/bounds without triggering `layoutSubviews` on the parent.
// Not needed for changes that are performed within `layoutSubviews`.
- (void)pspdf_performWithoutTriggeringSetNeedsLayout:(dispatch_block_t)block;
#import "UIView+PSPDFKitAdditions.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
static NSString *const PSPDFSuppressLayoutKey = @"pspdf_suppressSetNeedsLayout";
@interface PSPDFSuppressLayoutTriggerLayer : CALayer @end
@implementation PSPDFSuppressLayoutTriggerLayer
- (void)setNeedsLayout {
if (![[self valueForKey:PSPDFSuppressLayoutKey] boolValue]) {
[super setNeedsLayout];
@implementation UIView (PSPDFKitAdditions)
- (void)pspdf_performWithoutTriggeringSetNeedsLayout:(dispatch_block_t)block {
CALayer *layer = self.layer;
// Change layer to be our custom subclass.
if (![layer isKindOfClass:PSPDFSuppressLayoutTriggerLayer.class]) {
// Check both classes to see and break if KVO is used here.
if ([layer.class isEqual:CALayer.class] && [layer.class isEqual:object_getClass(layer)]) {
object_setClass(self.layer, PSPDFSuppressLayoutTriggerLayer.class);
}else {
// While we could use dynamic subclassing, that amount of complexity isn't needed in our case.
// If we're a different layer type, the generic KVC store value is simply ignored, so no need to quit.
NSLog(@"View has a custom layer - not changing.");
if (![[layer valueForKey:PSPDFSuppressLayoutKey] boolValue]) {
[layer setValue:@YES forKey:PSPDFSuppressLayoutKey];
[layer setValue:@NO forKey:PSPDFSuppressLayoutKey];
}else {
// No need to set flag again. Allows to be called this multiple times.
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