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Last active September 2, 2022 15:09
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Create menu in mac Catalyst via UIMenuBuilder (beta 4) - (void)buildMenuWithBuilder:(id<UIMenuBuilder>)builder;
// AppDelegate.swift:
// macCatalyst: Create menu
override func buildMenu(with builder: UIMenuBuilder) {
guard builder.system == .main else { return }
// The format menu doesn't make sense
builder.remove(menu: .format)
// Add Open command
let openKeyCommand = PSVMenuBuilder.keyCommand(withTitle: "Open...", image:nil, action: #selector(openFile), input: "o", modifierFlags: [UIKeyModifierFlags.command], propertyList: nil)
// This results in an infinite loop inside init
// FB6790921: Catalyst: Creating UIKeyCommand in Swift results in an endless loop
//let openKeyCommand = UIKeyCommand(title: "Open...", image:nil, action: #selector(openFile), input: "o", modifierFlags: [UIKeyModifierFlags.command], propertyList: nil)
let identifier = UIMenu.Identifier("open_file")
let menu = UIMenu.init(title: "Open", image: nil, identifier: identifier, options: [.displayInline], children: [openKeyCommand]);
builder.insertSibling(menu, afterMenu: .newScene)
// Put that into a separate file and add to your bridging headers. (ObjC)
#import "PSVMenuBuilder.h"
@implementation PSVMenuBuilder
// This is a simple wrapper to work around a bug:
// // FB6790921: Catalyst: Creating UIKeyCommand in Swift results in an endless loop
+ (UIKeyCommand *)keyCommandWithTitle:(NSString *)title
image:(nullable UIImage *)image
input:(NSString *)input
propertyList:(nullable id)propertyList {
return [UIKeyCommand commandWithTitle:title image:image action:action input:input modifierFlags:modifierFlags propertyList:propertyList];
// This is a simple wrapper to work around a bug:
// // FB6790921: Catalyst: Creating UIKeyCommand in Swift results in an endless loop
+ (UICommand *)commandWithTitle:(NSString *)title
image:(nullable UIImage *)image
propertyList:(nullable id)propertyList {
return [UICommand commandWithTitle: title image:image action:action propertyList:propertyList];
@implementation PSVMenuBuilder
+ (UIKeyCommand *)keyCommandWithTitle:(NSString *)title
image:(nullable UIImage *)image
input:(NSString *)input
propertyList:(nullable id)propertyList {
return [UIKeyCommand commandWithTitle:title image:image action:action input:input modifierFlags:modifierFlags propertyList:propertyList];
+ (UICommand *)commandWithTitle:(NSString *)title
image:(nullable UIImage *)image
propertyList:(nullable id)propertyList {
return [UICommand commandWithTitle: title image:image action:action propertyList:propertyList];
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steipete commented Jul 31, 2019 via email

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bmueller commented Aug 2, 2019

Have you figured out how to add separators yet?

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steipete commented Aug 2, 2019

This has been fixed in b5. Haven't needed separators yet.

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bmueller commented Aug 2, 2019

Figured it out in case anyone is curious: you have to make the UIKeyCommands you want to put in a section children of a UIMenu, and use the UIMenuOptionsDisplayInline option for the menu.

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@bmueller first I was like "I already did that and it didn't work" but then I was like, "this must be right, try harder" and the answer was... you're right. Some confusing things are that the IDs have to be unique otherwise the menus collapse, you must use insertSibling at some point, and... not sure.

THANKS for the comment here, it worked great for me to get separators in menus.

THANKS @steipete for the code, it's nice. I'm doing it all in Swift now (2022) so I think that's all sorted.

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