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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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// computes and steps along the gradient of the SVM objective function: Sum_i HingeLoss(1.0 - normal^Tx_i y_i) + ||w||_2^2
public static double[] SupportVectorStep(PINQueryable<Example> input, double[] normal, double epsilon)
// select the examples that are currently mis-labeled by the normal vector. also add some negative normal for our regularizer
var errors = input.Where(x => x.label * x.vector.Select((v, i) => v * normal[i]).Sum() < 1.0)
.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(new Example(normal, -1.0), 10).AsQueryable());
// fold the average error into the normal
var newnormal = new double[normal.Length];
foreach (var coordinate in Enumerable.Range(0, normal.Length))
newnormal[coordinate] = normal[coordinate] + errors.NoisyAverage(epsilon, x => x.label * x.vector[coordinate]);
return newnormal;
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