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Last active August 16, 2023 12:19
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React Maps
Raster tiles Vector tiles GeoJSON virtual-dom offline map quality React component React Native
google maps + + good 4 unsupported +
leaflet * + + + +/- depends +
d3 * + +/- +/- depends +
MapboxGL + + depends + +
Yandex Maps + depends +
OpenLayers * + + + +/- depends 1, 2

mapbox.js built on top of Lealet. mapbox.js and MapboxGL are different things.

* - requires tile provider or GeoJSON or TopoJSON etc.
project description support popularity
react-google-maps Basically just a simple wrapper around Google Maps Javascript API
google-map-react Can render any React component on the Google Map. It is can be rendered on a server
react-gmaps Lazy Google Maps loading, Easy to use
google-maps-react Companion code to the "How to Write a Google Maps React Component" Tutorial
project description support popularity
react-leaflet React components for Leaflet maps.
react-d3-map interactive map, just like Leaflet!!! But BYE BYE layers!!!!
react-native-maps React Native Map components for iOS + Android
react-map-gl React friendly API wrapper around MapboxGL JS
react-native-mapbox-gl An experimental React Native component for building maps with the Mapbox SDK
react-openlayers A minimal React wrapper of OpenLayer 3+ written in TypeScript
ol-react A thin wrapper for OpenLayers3 in React



name image type file type projection tile scheme
Vector tiles vector protobuf Web Mercator Google tile scheme
GeoJSON vector json
TopoJSON vector json
Keyhole Markup Language, or KML vector, raster xml + png etc.
Web Map Service, or WMS vector, raster svg, png etc. Many options
Tile Map Service, or TMS raster png, jpg etc. Web Mercator, WGS84, EPSG:3005 TMS
MBTiles raster sqlite + png, jpg Web Mercator TMS
OSM Mobile Binary Protocol
OpenGIS Web Map Tile Service, or WMTS






Nearest neighbourhood

Geo coding

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