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Last active December 9, 2024 04:40
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Install Android SDK CLI Ubuntu 20.04 WSL2 (Work in Progress)

Install Java 8

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless

Android SDK

mkdir -p Android/Sdk
unzip -d Android/Sdk

export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android/Sdk
# Make sure emulator path comes before tools. Had trouble on Ubuntu with emulator from /tools being loaded
# instead of the one from /emulator
export PATH="$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH"

sdkmanager --sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME} "tools"

sdkmanager --update
sdkmanager --list
sdkmanager "build-tools;28.0.3" "platform-tools" "platforms;android-28" "tools"
sdkmanager --licenses

sudo apt install gradle

Note: you can get an updated Android SDK link from

Used a combinaton of these gists:

Background on the update to command line tools from android sdk

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PowerMogli commented Oct 12, 2020

thank you so much! so much lost time before

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thank you so much! so much lost time before

Glad it helped. I haven't figured out how to connect to emulator or physical device yet. Feel free to fork and share your config if you get that part working.

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To connect to a physical device. Connect the device to a USB Port, in your windows cmd run adb tcpip 5555. Then in your WSL cmd run adb connect IP_ADDRESS_OF_PHONE:5555. You can find the IP_ADDRESS_OF_PHONE aprt, by going into your phone's wifi settings, clicking on the wifi you are connected to click on Advanced and then you see an IP address field. That's it

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Oh and btw. really great tutorial. Saved me a ton of time

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Super helpful thanks!

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Great work Steve, this works like a charm and saved a lot of time.

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Great, super helpful, TQ

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I`ve struggled a little bit with the step after unzipping and placing the paths into $PATH variable. This thread helped me to figure out the issues:

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asafeca commented May 23, 2021

many thanks!

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jason-s-yu commented Jun 5, 2021

The latest version of cmdline tools (7302050_latest) seems to have a different directory structure. The folder is now called cmdline-tools instead of tools so when you extract the folder it won't work as expected. sdkmanager also seems to expect to want to be in ${ANDROID_HOME}/cmdline-tools/latest/bin but extracting it in ANDROID_HOME will just give you ${ANDROID_HOME}/cmdline-tools/bin...

So it looks like unzipping the newest version to ${ANDROID_HOME}/cmdline-tools/cmdline-tools will fix this, and remove the need to run sdkmanager --sdk_root.... Easiest way might just be to mkdir -p Android/cmdline-tools and unzip to there & rename the second cmdline-tools to latest

Not sure how this whole forking gists thing is supposed to work but here are the changes I used:

mkdir -p Android/cmdline-tools
unzip -d Android/cmdline-tools
mv Android/cmdline-tools/cmdline-tools Android/cmdline-tools/latest

export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android
# Make sure emulator path comes before tools. Had trouble on Ubuntu with emulator from /tools being loaded
# instead of the one from /emulator
export PATH="$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest:$ANDROID_HOME/cmdline-tools/latest/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH"

# don't need this anymore
# sdkmanager --sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME} "tools"

sdkmanager --update
sdkmanager --list
# find current version
sdkmanager --list | grep build-tools
sdkmanager "build-tools;30.0.3" "platform-tools" "platforms;android-30" "tools"
sdkmanager --licenses

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mnirm commented Oct 24, 2021

Thank you very much. Very easy to use ❤

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joaop221 commented Nov 2, 2021

I recommend to add the update command and the unzip installation in this steps:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless unzip

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Thankyou , it helps me a lot.

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@jason-s-yu thanks
it works

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That works great @jason-s-yu, thank you very much!

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I've found myself into trouble. I'm getting this from Android Studio:

Build-tool 33.0.0 is missing AAPT at \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\arnyminerz\Android\build-tools\33.0.0\aapt.exe
Build-tool 33.0.0 is missing AAPT at \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\arnyminerz\Android\build-tools\33.0.0\aapt.exe

Any clue why this is happenning? I've tried creating symbolic links from aapt.exe to aapt but it fixes nothing 😢

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This worked to install the Android SDK. Thanks. Now I'm facing a different issue.

I can't make adb find my devices in WSL2. I have the same version of adb in both windows and wsl (33.0.3-8952118).

The trick of adb tcpip 5555 only worked on WSL1 but it doesn't on WSL2.

I've also tried usbip-win to share the USB port like follows

usbipd wsl attach --busid <BUSID>

But it always fails saying that the device is busy when adb is ON in the device.

Is there any other alternative or step that is required to make adb work in WSL2?

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mirao commented Mar 11, 2023

Just in case you want to install Android Studio with functional GUI from snap in Ubuntu 22.04 in WSL2 (Windows 11), follow these steps:

  1. Enable systemd
  2. Run this
sudo snap install android-studio --classic
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless libxrender1 libxtst6 libxi6

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bswck commented Aug 15, 2023

sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk for the latest release.

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