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Created February 2, 2024 17:14
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UIKit proxy for visionOS 3D transforms and effects
// V3DViewContainer.swift
// Vision3DUIKit
// Created by Steven Troughton-Smith on 02/02/2024.
import UIKit
import SwiftUI
struct _V3DViewWrapper: UIViewRepresentable {
var view:UIView
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> some UIView {
return view
func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIViewType, context: Context) {
struct V3DViewInternal: View {
var view:UIView
@ObservedObject var parent:V3DViewContainer
var body: some View {
if parent.realityGlassEnabled {
_V3DViewWrapper(view: view)
.glassBackgroundEffect(in: .rect(cornerRadius: parent.realityGlassCornerRadius))
.frame(depth: parent.realityDepth)
else {
_V3DViewWrapper(view: view)
.frame(depth: parent.realityDepth)
class V3DViewContainer: UIView, ObservableObject {
@Published var realityRotation:Rotation3D = .identity
@Published var realityTransform:AffineTransform3D = .identity
@Published var realityDepth = 0.0
@Published var realityGlassEnabled = false
@Published var realityGlassCornerRadius =
let contentView:UIView
var hostingController:UIHostingController<V3DViewInternal>? = nil
init(contentView:UIView) {
self.contentView = contentView
super.init(frame: .zero)
hostingController = UIHostingController(rootView: V3DViewInternal(view: contentView, parent:self))
if let hostingController {
hostingController.view.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
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