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Last active December 28, 2015 11:49
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class Set t where
new :: t a
insert :: Eq a => Ord a => t a -> a -> t a
delete :: Eq a => Ord a => t a -> a -> t a
contains :: Eq a => Ord a => t a -> a -> Bool
items :: t a -> [a]
data ListSet a = ListSet [a] deriving Show
instance Set ListSet where
new = ListSet []
insert (ListSet xs) item = ListSet $ item:xs
contains (ListSet (x:xs)) item = if x == item
then True
else contains (ListSet xs) item
contains (ListSet []) _ = False
delete (ListSet (x:xs)) item = if x == item
then ListSet xs
else delete (ListSet xs) item
delete (ListSet []) _ = ListSet []
items (ListSet xs) = xs
data BinTree a = Leaf | Node (BinTree a) a (BinTree a) deriving Show
takeMax :: Eq a => Ord a => BinTree a -> (BinTree a, Maybe a)
takeMax Leaf = (Leaf, Nothing)
takeMax (Node _ a right) = case takeMax right of
(node, Nothing) -> (node, Just a)
(node, Just b) -> (delete node b, Just b)
items' :: [a] -> BinTree a -> [a]
items' accum Leaf = accum
items' accum (Node left a right) = items' (a : (items' accum right)) left
instance Set BinTree where
new = Leaf
insert Leaf a = Node Leaf a Leaf
insert (Node left a right) val = if a > val
then Node (insert left val) a right
else Node left a (insert right val)
contains Leaf _ = False
contains (Node left a right) val | a == val = True
| a > val = contains left val
| a < val = contains right val
delete Leaf _ = Leaf
delete (Node left a right) val | a == val = case takeMax left of
(left', Nothing) -> right
(left', Just b) -> Node left' b right
| a > val = Node (delete left val) a right
| a < val = Node left a (delete right val)
items = items' []
mylist :: BinTree Integer
mylist = delete (insert (insert (insert (insert ( insert new 1) 17 ) 8 ) 4 ) 9) 8
main = putStr $ show $ items mylist
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